Dehumidifier Drain

Discussion in 'Custom Additions' started by Maxwell, Jul 17, 2021.


Should I put electrical tape over the vents to prevent moist air coming in with this dehumidifier?

Poll closed Aug 16, 2021.
  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

    1 vote(s)
  1. Maxwell

    Maxwell Newbie

    Good morning,

    I have added a dehumidifier to our 560. I tapped into the drain line for the air conditioner so I never have to drain it manually. I also sealed it with rubber cement. I would have used silicone but didn't have any on hand. The hole is angled too so no water should exit through the pvc pipe.

    The wood damage was from a previous owner as I have just purchased this one a month ago. What do you think?

    Also, I want to keep the moisture down but the air vents are always, well, venting bringing in more moisture. With this dehumidifier installed, could I put electrical tape over the vents to prevent wet air coming in? Would that cause me any unforeseen issues?


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  2. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    I’m sorry, what vents are you referring to? If you mean those tiny ones in the doors above the windows, my understanding is that those aren’t necessarily for air…(at least not what you are thinking), It’s because the camper is so well built that without them, closing the doors was difficult due to air pressure differences as you tried to close the door. So if those are the ones you mean, then no, don’t tape them shut.
  3. Lipster

    Lipster Junior Ranger

    Don't think it would make much difference in a space that small.
  4. Maxwell

    Maxwell Newbie

    I should clarify the vents. Yes I am talking about the vents from above the windows on the doors. Roger that, skissinger, thanks for your input.
  5. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    interesting idea. I'd love to know how it works. The AC unit itself is a dehumidifier as well, this might be nice while in storage...

    I'm curious how much moisture this thing removes and is it significant...I assume it is a peltier type cooler?

    I doubt you'll have any trouble with leaking but water finds a way. I'd think rubber cement would work as well as anything else, maybe sillycone (sic) - this isn't pressurized....

    The deed is done, so its a bit late for suggestions....but, if I were doing this I might try "drilling downward" -- if you drilled at a 90 degree angle gravity won't help you, where as if you angled the bit downward the natural tendcy would be to flow down hill....

    Alternatively I would "tap" a hole --- put threads in it -- with a hydraulic/pneumatic fitting on i - some thing you can cap.

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