550 / 560 Considering A 560

Discussion in 'Camp-Inn Options & Accessories' started by Ninjamini, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Ninjamini

    Ninjamini Novice

    I am in the market for a teardrop trailer...camping is in my future!

    I am looking at the 560 ($23000), the T@b(has a local distributed) ($18000), the Vistabule ($14,000)and The treker Adam version(the trekker is locally made) ($9000) The 560 or vestibule has delivery costs of about $1500.

    I also have a 1500 pound limit on my small suv.

    I am looking at advice. I really want to see them all and compare. I am 6'4" and a big guy (fat). If you can chime in on the following:

    Build quality
    Is the 560 really worth 2x the price of a "normal" teardrop.

    What I like about he 560 is the couch/bunk beads for the kids
    Built in ac - nice design
    Quality - from what I can tell from pics and videos

    I really like the galley. How it expands with the two tables, large storage, silverware drawer, how the holster and cooler integrates......but it's like $25,000 wow!!! Far cry from the $5000-7000 when I started to shop for a teardrop.

    If anyone is in Florida and owns one of these and wants to show it off I would love to see it.

    So I am looking for advice from those who have shopped and currently own.
  2. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Quite a few tall guys will use the couch to extend the length of the bed. You can do this and still have room for a child in the top bunk. The quality of the 560 is well worth the money! We towed our 560 for two years with our CR-V that had a 1500# limit. It towed great, but I do recommend the brakes.
  3. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Ninjamini we have a 550 not a 560 but you will not find better quality no matter where you look. No one has what Camp Inn has as options. :)
  4. ajs777

    ajs777 Novice

    Contact Cary, he'll set you up with a 560 owner in your area. Once you see it up close and personal you'll see why we all think they are worth the price. Keep in mind while shopping around...you get what you pay for! And I can almost guarantee you won't get the personal attention and service after you take delivery from anyone else like we get from the crew at CampInn.
  5. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    Regarding your reference to claustrophobia, Betsey is mildly claustrophobic, and the design of the camp-inns alleviate that for most people. Of course, only you can be the judge of that for your own personal comfort level--but there's at least one example.

    In the search window above, search on claustrophobia for threads discussing that.

    Delivery costs of $1500? wouldn't it be less cost (and MUCH more fun) to drive up to the factory to pick it up and road trip back? :)

    On a personal note, I considered the T@b as well, and was intrigued by the Vestibule. I ended up with the 550.
  6. Ninjamini

    Ninjamini Novice

    It's a 3 day drive each way from here. Might do a half ship half drive... Or mabey not time permitting.

    I will search on claustrophobia. The answer for me is to go in and close the door for 10minutes. I need to find someone local with one.
  7. I am quite claustrophobic so this was a big concern for me. What really helps are the windows above and the fact that you can get screens for the doors so it is more like a tent. The 560 is huge so I don't think I would be claustrophobic in that but I was pleasantly surprised that I felt fine in the 550 also.
    As for quality - we had been looking at all kinds of options but after seesaw the Camp Inn we had no question we would go that route. We are sailors so when we looked at the Camp Inn the thing we noticed most is the marine quality parts and the well fitting way everything goes together. The way the Camp-Inn holds its resale value tells you a lot. Have fun checking it out!! We cannot wait for ours to be finished!
  8. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    Ninjamini; to find someone local as AJ & Michelle mentioned, just call up Camp-Inn; they'll give you a name or two of people close to you -- those people may not frequent the forum; but will be happy to give a tour.
  9. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    We got our 560 with the sun roof too. That might also be a good option to help with the claustrophobia.
  10. Bunni

    Bunni Novice

    If you look at the comments on other Tear drop boards you will find that the CI is considered Top of the line in the tear drop world. Also you will find the folks at Camp Inn are always there to answer question help out when you have a problem and totally stand behind their product. We had a couple of minor issues with our trailer all it took was a phone call and problem solved. Oh yeah when you call most times the phone is answered by Cary.

    If you do buy one...... if there is anyway to swing it pick it up at the nest. It's well worth the trip.

  11. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member


    I would like to address a couple of your concerns.

    Build quality
    Is the 560 really worth 2x the price of a "normal" teardrop.

    First off, a Camp Inn has a higher price point then the other brands you have searched. The plus side is resale also holds a higher price point.

    Spend time touring all makes and models of campers, all price points to educate yourself on quality. To make a blanket statement, you get what you pay for in RV's.

    Where are you going to keep a teardrop/small RV?
    Teardrops fit in garages.

    If you area considering a TAB, also look at these quality made tiny travel trailers and teardrops by prohandyman. He is a skilled craftsman.


    The Trekker appears to be small, anticipate it will be very warm in the summer because of the uninsulated ceiling. Has very little space to store kitchen items. Appears to be light weight.
    Bed will not be as comfortable as Camp Inn.

    TAB's are darn cute, a small standie. Quality has been an issue in the past few years. I do not know if their quality has improved lately. Be aware of quality. Standie is nice,drag will affect towing with your vehicle. Camp Inn bed will be much larger for your body frame.

    Vestabule: interesting design. No other comments.

    Useability: all teardrops and Tiny Travel trailers have pro's and con's. Teardrop lifestyle keeps you outside, where as travel trailers have a tendancy to keep campers inside.

    Build Quality: Camp Inn's are top quality. Use marine and aviation materials. Traditional RV's use, well, RV disposable materials. Like comparing a Pinto to a Cadillac.

    There are two 560's in Florida that I am aware of, Florida Carol and Mike located at The Villages.

    Delivery fee: come to Wisconsin, tour the Camp Inn factory. A trip well worth the time. There is a lot of beautiful country north of Florida.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  12. Mr Ed

    Mr Ed Novice

    Don't own one yet....
    But been in the search for some time...

    A Problem with RV's is most are not made for people over 6 foot. Unless your getting a fith wheeler with a king sized bed!!
    On the T@B site they List there - •Bed Size: Q/U Shape: 70” x 72”; L Shape: 70”x 58” If my math is correct 6 X 12 = 72"
    I am 6'3" and found many campers sleep the Width of the vehicle which I would have to sleep on a diagonal and the wife would not be happy!

    I visited Camp Inn and can confirm the 560 has Plenty of Length for us Tall Drinks of water.

    Good Luck in Your search.

  13. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    We have the SMALLEST teardrop Camp Inn makes...that is, only one door and 2 windows. We love it. I am sure the BIG 560 is a great choice over the other brands on the market in this "more manageable size category", that is storing, towing, maneuvering into small camp sites and Camp Inn has a queen size sleeping area. Most of the other campers (Little Guy, Scamp, Casita, T@B, etc.) have only a double bed. Good luck and make the best choice!!

    Plus everything Jean W. said!
  14. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Jenn, where'd you lose a foot??!?
  15. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    We love our 560 and the quality is what sold us. As everyone has said, the factory is awesome--they are very supportive.

    We live in the Villages and will be here until May 18th. We are on our way to Alaska with our 560 for three months. You are more than welcome to come by and see it. Mike is 6'2" and there is plenty of room for him.
  16. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    I know where Jenn lost a foot....when she was at St. Joseph's State Park in her foot bath removing sand! Heh, heh, heh.
  17. Ninjamini

    Ninjamini Novice

    Ya know I am figuring out CI is the best. In fact a friend who had built his TD wants to meet me at pickup for a tour and some camping.
  18. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    To push you 'over the edge' you just need a tour. If you haven't contacted CampInn yet, call them up to give you a local owner w/a 560 you can visit. Besides, you need to answer the claustrophobia question for yourself.
  19. Ninjamini

    Ninjamini Novice

    We have a dog. My wife said no more dogs. I took her to see a huskey puppy. She loves Huskeys. Now we have two.

    Saturday we are going to go see a 560. A 5 houd drive from home but it's by the mother in law. Weekend with mom...show wife a good trailer....Steve gets a trailer..I hope.

    Only question is how to pay for it. I started at $7-9k for a teardrop now im at $23-4k. I O, I O... Who gives loans on these things.,
  20. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    I O, I O, it's off to work
    (Part time, so I can go camping)
    but I have the camper of my dreams!!

    You know the melody...Munchkins
    Follow the Teardrop Road

    If you are coming up to the Villages to see Mike and Carol, we would be more than happy to show you our 500 Special . Then you can really see the size difference in Camp-Inn trailers!

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