Coffee Packs

Discussion in 'Tips & Tricks' started by fpoole, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    So I had been Grinding coffee up and putting in little tins for the short weekend trips, 2-3, days.


    I'd keep forgetting to do it and resulted in those little "Sampler" packs in foil, but my market stopped carring them. I believe Safeway still does, but not going to make a special trip there for that.

    I kept seeing these little cups used for the newer coffee machines, look like those little "Creamers" cups given out at fast foods etc. They looked like they had a potential so got a box.

    They work, perfectly.
    One cup for my French press comes out just fine. I just cut the foil off the top, dump the grounds in, you're good for 2 cups...
    No Fuss, No Muss... kewl... and I can just keep them in the cabinet
  2. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Frank, you're using a Keurig coffee maker sized cup, is that right?
  3. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Heheh, a What???

    Boy, no idea, I never got that far... I thought they were all the same? Obviously not though, unfortunately the coffee box is in the trailer and the trailer is on the space... "that Jack built"... or however that rhyme goes... so Don't know...

    Note to self, next time I take any pics of stuff, show all the stuff...

    Me thinks/thought, the cups were all the same??? Sorry Ken... I didn't even think they would work at all..

    Next time out, I'll check it..
    Sorry... but it's probably what you are thinking it is...
  4. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    .. also, just a thought here...

    I suspect anything container like that would probably work... you're not using the container just the contents... so I would think?? (and yes, that is a dangerous thing) that if it's for 1-2 servings it would work as compared to 5-7 servings...

    You just cut them open... not using the container, and just dump coffee into your favorite coffee maker... grind might be a little different, so adjust amounts accordingly... or get a hammer to make'em the granules smaller... heheh..

    Hammering before "Coffee" might not be so bad as hammering AFTER coffee...

    Just a thought...
  5. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Why not just buy a pound of beans already ground and just take that along?

    just about anything you buy will be better than the Keurig stuff, even if it's made by Paul freakin NEWMAN!!


    but if your approach works for you, I say go for it!!
  6. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, I have been doing that, but on a 3-7 day trip, don't don't use a lot of it and then have to use the rest when I get home where I could grid fresh...

    so the Packs are great in that I only use what I need and the rest are still good for next trip.

    There are many more beside Keurig that have or will be having those coffee packets... and anyway, camping coffee is always better... so if I use a lesser quality it evens out... IMNSHO that is.. heheh..
    choices eh??
  7. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Frank, am I guessing right, that 1 of those containers doesn't make a full press of coffee?
  8. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Nope, guessing wrong, heheh...
    (Sorry, couldn't resist that one, you set me up, LOL..)

    One little cup allows for "My Press" to fill to top and for me that's 2 coffee serving mugs/cups... so for me, one little sized cup = 2 servings... and it's on the stronger side if I remember correctly...

    If you get one and measure out what you "Normally" put in the press, it should be close. If it's a little under for 2 servings then put less water in... or figure on 2 packets... I guess..
  9. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    That sounds about perfect then.
    I must be remembering wrong about how much water our press holds - I thought it was right around 32 ounces, which sounds like too much water for a single Keurig-type coffee holder/cup/thingy.
  10. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I thinkj there is a little confustion.

    There are TWO "form-factors" - the Keurig form and the Nespresso form

    but there are many companies that make "packs" that fit the Keurig form (i.e, Green Moutnain, Paul Newman, etc. etc.)

    That's what the other poster meant, I believe.

  11. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    I didn't know about the Nepresso. Is it much larger than the Keurig? That would explain how you might get a strong enough coffee in that press. Or maybe Frank is just not filling his press? Either way, I like the idea ;)
  12. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Boy?, dunno on the amount of water... and all, but here's the
    french press I use


    It's listing 34oz,

    I fill it up almost to the top lip, so it's probably about 33oz... that gives me apx 2 full servings into the blue mugs worth and a tad extra if I need it, but usually I use the excess to help "swirl out" the grounds when dumping it. Hey, we're camping here, remember, heheh, not in a lab...

    It might be that as I use it I'll need more, dunno, but right now, first weekend using it?, it seemed to just work fine.

    Take the plunge, buy a small pack or use whatever packs you have at home.
    If it turns out to be 1.5 of whatever you're using then get a little holding container for the grounds and add it to the next days run...

    Hope that help.. I just like finding new ways to conqueror Camping, a never ending battle between rough'n it and comfort camping..
  13. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

    a new way to conquer camping? Just leave the bloody ground coffee IN the camper!!


    My wife's approach, which I have tried to adopt, is: the TD is ready to go even when WE aren't. My wife even keeps a bunch of clothes and toiuletries in the camper, so all she needs to do is connect it and roll out of the driveway (and add food, drink and ice). Having at least a quarter pound of ground beans in the galley is a requirement!! So I simply leave them there. It's not as good as beans bought the same day and ground the same day, but it is wayyyy better than any of the alternatives (IMO).

    I am not sure how you can get 30 ounces out of 1 Keurig-style pack, but maybe there is a second/larger size of pack than I am aware of. Keirig-packs are built for an 8 oz cup, at most, so you could maybe stretch to 16 oz. Hard to imagine you get much flavor with 30 oz, so I think it must be a bigger "pack" - or you just like lightly flavored coffee, which is cool, of course!

    p.s. The Nespresso "packs" (they are all called "cups" which is very confusing, since you drink a CUP of coffee....) are smaller than the Keurig, but they willmake an espresso as well as a full cup. I don't know if Keurig cups will do that.
  14. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    We have 2 Nespresso machines (one for home and one for travel). We really like their coffee. They actually call them capsules (at least when you go to order them that is what they call them). A pack is a box with 10 capsules. The coffees come in different strengths. I drink one that "goes to 12", Mick prefers his going to 10 (I have one cup a day, he has 3 so needs to "pace" himself I guess). They have a few different "flavors" too, but they are all still coffee (I got a chai flavored one though, just haven't tried it yet). I also appreciate they have expanded their recycling program, so we send them back now (drop them off at one of the shops here in town). Not sure how much of them are recyclable, but we feel better anyway.
  15. Dahava

    Dahava Novice

  16. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    That's the same one we've got Frank. Makes darn good coffee, and keeps it warm for a while, too.
    Now all we need is a couple weeks of decent weather to help melt the rest of the snow and let things dry up a bit - and we're ready to get camping!
  17. fdkoh99

    fdkoh99 Junior Ranger

    Hey Frank,

    I have a very similar insulated french press... so its great for camping it keeps the coffee hot. I always pre-heat the french press with boiling water (keeps the coffee hotter longer) - pour that water out - then add the ground coffee (5 slightly heaping tablespoons) and add the boiling water - stir and let sit 4 minutes... great coffee.

    I grind the coffee beans right before I leave and take what I need depending on the length of the trip.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  18. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

    thanks for the correction on that!


    now I am doubting what Keurig calls their cups!!

    "K-cups" is the answer.

    So I wasn't toooo wrong.....

    They seem to have THREE form factors: (but I don't see one that would make 32 ozs)

    so I seem to have been wrong that there are only TWO form factors (K-cups and Nespresso). Maybe there IS a cup that makes a decent 32 ounces!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  19. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I dunno what the servings are, I just know 1 cup works for me. It's not too weak and not too strong, so as 'Ms Goldilocks' would say, it's just right...

    It might be after a few time I find it is too weak, dunno..

    Here's what I think I remember it was:
    Fog lifter by Millstone

    I just grabbed one off the shelf not really thinking it would work. so next time I'll choose brands a little more carefully..
  20. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Well, just an update here on the Coffee packs.

    I measured, yes it kept bugging me, what I normally use, 2 scoops rounded, not jammed packed, and then measured the coffee packets above.

    Almost the same. Very slight difference as they both measured 1/8th of a cup. I will depend upon how "Strong" you want your coffee, but that "Rounded" works just fine.

    I did put in a dash extra to today's pot and a tad less water and the coffee was too strong...

    So, it close to what i use, not anything noticeable, so for me, it works perfectly.

    If I find it's a tad a little week, I'll just use a tad less water as I've never drained the pot and end up pouring out the excess...

    I like'em and got the Paul Newman ones for now..
    Kewl.. heheh

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