CI Inventory / Insurance Coverages

Discussion in 'Technology Corner' started by SarahNell_and_Robert, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Wanted to share an app that we use regularly and I find to be a really powerful tool. It is only Mac friendly. It's called Home Inventory and it's available in the Mac App Store (the one on your desktop; not your mobile device) for a measly $20.

    It's really powerful in how it allows you options to customize everything. We use this for all our home items as well as what we've accumulated for the Camp-Inn.

    It stores multiple insurance policies (actual pdf documents) and all the specs on your policy, so it can flag you if you've exceeded coverage or if it's time to update your policy, etc...

    It also stores multiple images, actual receipts (images or pdf uploads), or any other files/notes you want uploaded alongside any item like a warranty, etc...

    All the fields are customizable to what data you log with your individual items.

    Then there is also an iphone component to the app that's simply the photo remote. The one downfall is you have to turn on the desktop app and ask it to sink to your phone first. The upside is you can walk through your entire house or Camp-Inn gear and photograph/name all your items and it instantly feeds them to your desktop so you can come back and enter in all the other data.

    Automatic back ups, remote back ups to your mobile device and in cloud storage if the worst happens to your home/desktop computer too.

    The reporting is pretty sweet too. It will run full room-by-room reports with all your data and photos into one nicely packaged pdf that you can store remotely or you can segregate the reports as you wish.

    I didn't think about it before until just now when wanting to add all our Camp-Inn gear and our new RV policy that it may benefit yall as well.

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