Cats and the cover

Discussion in 'Care & Maintenance' started by Mick'nSarah, Dec 17, 2010.

  1. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Hi all-

    Not sure how many of you might park your trailer outside with the cover on, but we recently discovered one of the neighborhood cats is using our cover as a scratching post. Has anyone else had experience with this? We are not cat people, and I don't think the dog wants to be tied to the trailer 24/7, so any advice to save the cover is appreciated!

  2. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    ANSWER: Cayenne Pepper - sprinkle it all over and around the base where the cat stands and scratches - they hate it. You may have to do it numerous times till he gets the message that it's not a pleasant place to be and he'll avoid it. Just pray it's not a male and he sprays it - that's nasty and a hard smell to get rid of. Be very liberal with the pepper - you can get it cheap at WalMart (the name I WILL mention.)
  3. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Will that stand up to rain?
  4. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Also, will it stain the cover?
  5. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    If it rains, repeat the process and over a pretty short period of time the cat gets the message - the rain will wash any pepper off - it won't stain. I've used this in flower beds when cats want to use it as a litter box, on top of my van when the cat wants to get on it and leaves his footprints. It's cheap, so repeating isn't an issue.
  6. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Thank you for the advice. There is a very small hole s/he has started, so we want to nip it quick. No idea who's cat it is either!
  7. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    22 round well placed just under front arms will take care of cat. I'm a fine one to talk, I have 3 that we rescued, and I think we have about 3 to 5 more hanging around, No I wouldn't shoot a cat, unless it was hurting my dogs LOL
  8. Hilditch

    Hilditch Novice

    I'm only willing to shoot critters that hunt for sport. Domestic cats and some humans. ALL other critters are off limits and deserve to live.

  9. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    Oh Ohhhhhh! I don't hunt or fish Hilditch, just tryin to help fix a problem! LOL
  10. Hilditch

    Hilditch Novice

    It's OK George. Your safe. I guess if you are going to eat them, it's OK to shoot other critters, just not for the sport of it.

  11. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    Hilditch, My wife and I live very remote. Why do people think all of us who live in the sticks like dogs? We get drop offs regularly. When the kids were young, it was necessary to have a proactive plan to handle the situation. Not all drop offs were healthy, and until recently we had no shelter.
    Yes all critters deserve a chance, but whats a man to do?
    But there is good news. We now have an animal control officer. He patrols the back roads and takes care of the unpleasant chore some irresponsible people force upon the rest of us.
    I am now off the soap box.
    Sarah, As far as repelling the cat from the cover, I don't know anything except, the cover isn't cheap. Good luck with the pepper. Let us know if it works.
  12. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    I was trying to find an appropriate post to ask a question about traveling with a cat. This looks like the right one to start up again. I see there are a lot of dogs out in teardrop land but is anyone traveling with a cat? He's a old boy with diabedes issues so we can't leave him with someone. The litterbox is something I'll want to leave outside - perhaps i the side tent but that will mean leaving a dood ajar. Any tips?

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