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Bug Zappers


Anyone have a particular one they use that they can recommend? Because we live in a campground we like to eat outside, but the bugs drive us crazy! I'd like to have one we can use with our picnic tabler outside and then take along to use with the Raindrop - any suggestions or recommendations? I'm interested in users not speculations, please - I have enough of those on my own! :)

Mother nature provides abundance of bug collection tools:

a fantastic night time mosquito collection tool: bats
Open can of beer will collect picnic bugs.
Birds will find worms.
Children will find lady bugs.

Yeah Jean, I know and bugs find ME! Not skeeters - FLIES - everytime we sit down to eat - they smell my good cookin' I guess! That or my sweet self....:P!
Electric bug zappers (Toad feeders) won't fill the bill. They are good at killing harmless moths.

You are going to think I'm crazy until you try it. Invite a yellow jacket to dinner. Be nice, talk nice & share. They don't eat much and if you don't threaten them they can be moved from your bite of choice with a gentle movement of your fork. Remember that the yellow jacket is your friend. They read fear as aggression. Welcome one or two and they will not hurt you.

You see, a yellow jacket is carnivorous and all the other bugs know the are mean SOBs. Thus they stay at least 4' away. No flies, no mosquitoes and I don't have to share my beer unless it is with a yellow jacket - who I can gently move to my plate. I'm not sure why, but butterflies get along with them also and will eat side by side. I share with both.

Not all insects are bad. If you have a problem with them after using a repellant, don't whine - stay inside.

Hilditch -

I ain't whinin' and I ain't stayin' inside! Flies BUG me and kill'em I will - bad ones or otherwise! That's my only problem -other than trying to get a suggestion for a good bug zapper on this forum, but then you can't have everything, can you?
We have success with ThermaCells.


Ellen and I each have one. They can be carried on the belt or set on the table. My wife and you are cut from the same cloth when it comes to bugs.
Funny, but I used Dermestid beetles to clean bones for display, usually skulls. Ellen hates bugs and I have several hundred thousand working for me.
Hope this helps,
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Linda, we also use the ThermaCells - we got them at Wal-Mart.
They seem to work very well on both misquitos and black flies.
Thanks Steve n Ellen and Evan - I'll check'em out! I'd stilllike to have something I could hang up and carry from home to the Raindrop and not worry about individual's carrying them. But it's definately a great suggestion!
I didn't know you could put a Thermacell on a belt. We just put it on a table.
I've got one of those bug zappers that looks like a tennis racket, 2 D cells in the handle and an electrostatic type screen. When you swipe at the bug it pops as soon as you hit it cuz it snaps them with about 6,000 volts. Great entertainment! I bought mine in Canada but at one time Northern Tool carried them. Main precaution is not to touch the thing when you've depressed the switch, and DO NOT give it to the kids. Even kills yellow jackets on contact.
Yeah, I've had one of those - it was a cheapo version of the nicer one I've seen at a friend's house - I just don't want to be sitting at a table trying to eat and waving that thing around. I'd like one of those that hangs from a tree and buzzes everytime a fly touches it...anyone know where to get those if they still exist?