Britta filter/pitcher and campground water quality

Discussion in 'Other Gear & Equipment' started by GinaNBob, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. GinaNBob

    GinaNBob Novice

    Anyone carry a Britta filter/pitcher for your drinking water when you are out camping? Any suggestions regarding the quality of the water at various camp grounds? Do you recommend we bring our own? We are big water drinkers and we don't want to keep transporting bottles of water every time we go out. Haven't been out camping for awhile and not sure of what to expect. TD is in final stages of build and am trying to get together a list of supplies.
  2. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    I think water all over tastes different. Out here we have very soft water and usually drink it straight from the tap (it tastes just like bottled). Going through Cali, AZ, UT, NV, I was glad to have plenty of Oregon water with me (it is all I drink outside of my tea and one cup of coffee a day, and all of that tastes different with different water too). I don't travel with a filter, but am sure to fill up when I have tasted good water. I also carry nearly 10 gallons of water in the car, along with the 8 gallons in the trailer. My application is a bit different being a weekend to multi week camper, rather than a full-timer. I could easily see using a Brita or some other filtration system though.
  3. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Gina, this year I used a RV water filter for the first time. I think it makes a difference. When not hooked up to a water supply, I would buy bottled water or use some kind of filter for drinking. But that is just me.
  4. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, I've never had much luck on "good water" at a campsite.. one or two maybe, but nothing I could count on.

    I tried the hose filter and it leaked so much and didn't really make a big difference, so stopped using it.

    If I were camping full time, I'd probably use the Brita as I use it at home exclusively.

    Camping, as mentioned before, I have 3 of those 5-gal blue clear plastic bottles that I rotate with hand pump that screws on the top (they had a battery one, but too much of a hassel worrying about it).

    For a 2-4 day trip, I'll take one full bottle, maybe two if I think it's going to be close. Then you just take the empty ones when I go to the market and fill it for $2, filtered and tastes decent.

    If I don't use one container completely, I'll hold it in garage and next trips return fill the extra into that one. Usually it'll fill it back up... depends on usage, but he bottled water works for moi the best... sigh, as of now anyway.. heheh..

    I still have the RV Hose filter, but haven't used it for 2 yrs.

    I just use the bottled water for coffee, drinking etc.. If I can't hook up at the campsite, I'll bring a small 3 gal + the 8 gal i have in the TD.. 3 gal, not 5 as I can carry it back and forth from the community water spigot. Used mainly for dishes etc..

    So far so good...


  5. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    We use a Brita pitcher at home and I also use one at work. I worry about the inconsistency of water from one place to the other and we are big water drinkers, so I like the idea of having a Brita with us.
  6. GinaNBob

    GinaNBob Novice

    Thank you so much for your input. We won't be full timers for several years yet but plan on more than weekend camping several times a year. Thanks again.
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