Blue Magic

Discussion in 'Care & Maintenance' started by Matt Rogers, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Novice

    For about 6 years I have been on a quest to find the miracle product to polish aluminum. The product I finally settled on is controversial because it has amonia in it. But, 3.5 hours to a mirror like shine. Seriously! I broke out the trusty cyclonic polisher and went at it. One step. Apply. Polish with cyclonic til it's all off. It's already been rained on and looks good, no water spots!
  2. Little Patriot

    Little Patriot Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Matt- Thanks for recommending Blue Magic. I'm also curious about Sharkhide.
    Did you consider trying that product? If not, why?
    I know another CI owner swears by it.
  3. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Novice

    I tried it, but it was too late. I think it works if you apply it as soon as your trailer is exposed to air. Mine was dull, water spotted seemed to make it worse, used the whole bottle.
  4. Little Patriot

    Little Patriot Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Good to know, Matt, thanks.
    It's probably too soon to know, but does the product say how long it will last after application?
  5. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Novice

    No claims, but I saw on an airstream forum people claiming a year, parked outside.
  6. Little Patriot

    Little Patriot Junior Ranger Donating Member

    That's not bad considering it was outside. Please keep us updated with your results.
  7. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    What's a cyclonic polisher? I google'd it but couldn't come up with anything that looks like it would be used on a teardrop. And I 2nd the request to keep us up to date on how long the Blue Magic keeps your tear looking good.
  8. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Matt what store did you find blue magic in. :)
  9. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Novice

    They cyclonic is a dual head's my dads, and its old and heavy. but he uses it on cars. Very gentle. Vintage trailer supply has them for sale. You need lots of the terry cloth bonnets and one set of foam pads (to put behind the bonnets)

    I got the Blue Magic at Amazon. It's handy stuff not only limited to the camper.

    I will keep you posted on how it does over time.
  10. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Novice

    It's a cyclo, not cyclonic. Oops.
  11. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Matt do you have a picture of the blue magic container and the teardrop when you were done cleaning it. :)
  12. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Novice

    Next time I get to a real computer I will post the pictures.
  13. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Thanks Matt :)
  14. Matt: Add me to the list of folks who want to hear more over the months. I've been feeling slightly discouraged as I have read posts by others about how difficult it is to properly maintain the exterior. This sounds like the best deal yet.
  15. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member


    Jenn's home looks great. I asked her this weekend what she does: only washes.

    The finish on mine has an interesting history of being coated in snow, salt, etc for a winter, has lots of "character". Restoring the finish will involve lots of elbow grease.

    Depends on how you will store tear when not being used, how often you wash vehicles etc. How much routine maintenance are you willing to perform.

  16. Well this brings up a good point - I am NOT one of those guys who is constantly hand washing his car. Quite contrary, I run it through the car wash whenever the dust and spots build up enough so that I can no longer remember what color the car is.

    So, I am not looking for opportunities to fuss over my Camp Inn; but I don't want to shorten the life of the aluminum skin due to my neglect, either.

    Jenn's last 14 months on the road has got to be equivalent to 5-10 years of "normal use." Maybe I need to re-think all of this.
  17. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Cary what do you think of Blue Magic. :)
  18. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    I too am waiting to see how it works. I had not heard of it before.

  19. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    There has to be an easier way to clean a Camp Inn than using walbernize hope we can find it. :)
  20. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff


    There is! Just hire someone who is good with a electric buffer and hand THEM a bottle of Walbernize. That the best way to restore the finish we have come across yet.


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