Betsy's Cranberry provisions at CICO

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pat walsh, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Betsy - thank you! I bought a 5# box at the CICO last year. I packaged them in small ziplock freezer bags 1 1/2 cups per bag. I rince them add a little water and 1/4 cup of sugar and now have been cooking about a bag a week for a wonderful treat with yogert or a tablespoon on toast with cream cheese. these are the best cranberries I have ever had. They are really sweet so do not have to use so much sugar and the berry taste is wonderful. Also they are picked at the right time - no mushy ones have not thrown away a single berry. Next year 10#. Thanks Betsy think of you every time I cook them up.
  2. Biggie

    Biggie Novice

    Pat - I agree that the cranberries were wonderful and my thanks to Betsey as well! Wish I had bought more too as I am now out of them and I miss being able to take them out of my freezer to use in cranberry bread or muffins. If they're available next year, I'll be increasing my order too! Julie
  3. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Did I miss fresh cranberries at CICO? Dang! Betsey, are they going to be there this year?

  4. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Pat & Julie,

    Glad you liked them. They were harvested just a few days prior to the CICO, so they were as fresh as you were going to get them. The grower is a friend of mine & their family has the oldest cranberry marsh in the area...been in their family from the start back in the 1800s. (Although this is pretty young compared to the marshes in my old stomping grounds of New England.) They generally grow 2 types of berries. These are the smaller ones & tend to have a longer shelf (fridge) life. However, either one of their berries freezes very well. I still have some from 2011 (vacuum sealed) & they are just as good as the day I packaged them.


    I take orders every year prior to the CICO & also bring some extras along. I think you were on the road when I posted info on ordering them. I can start a list for this year & put you on it, if you like.

  5. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Ooooo.... Jim was thinking about making the trek again and going to CICO's tenth. As things firm up, I'll let you know. We had planned the Canada trip (eh), but are reconsidering. Want to see my uncle and aunt in DC again. The cranberries are one more thing to tilt the scales in your direction.

    And Jenn has been after us to attend. Gotta listen to Jenn.

  6. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Do you think they would last the trip back home to California? Fresh fruit and long distances are not a dream combination.

  7. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Sue I would think they would last ok. Maybe ripen a bit if warm. The fresh ones are so good it would be worth a try. More snow and cold today - can not wait for camping weather.
  8. pick up a cheap stryofoam cooler and dry ice? might do the trick

  9. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Ya know, if the darned things ripen too fast on the road back, we'll just have to force ourselves to eat them. Frightening though that may be, I'm sure either Jim or I will jump on that grenade and sacrifice ourselves...

    Probably trample each other in the rush.

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