Automatic Car Wash?

Discussion in 'Care & Maintenance' started by Trippster, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. Trippster

    Trippster Novice

    I have been pulling the trailer for one week, with another two weeks to go. My CI looks like crap already with pollen and tree stuff all over it. It's gonna need a wash before I head home for sure.
    Any ideas on how to handle an automatic car wash? What type etc?
  2. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member


    find the automatic car wash closest to your home
    then drive RIGHT BY IT and wash the TD yourself


    car washes aren't even good for car finishes, and the finish on a car is probably a million times more forgiving than the finish on a TD

  3. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Al is right. Don't take through a machine. No, no, no. Besides, it's such a little thing you can wash it in no time. And if you don't want to do it yourself, maybe the kids or grandkids will do it for a few bucks. Pick a hot day, have them dress in swim suits and have at it.

    And take pictures!

  4. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    The teardrop can be washed at an car wash using a hand wand, your own gentle soap, such as Ivory.

    Do not use car wash chemicals, which will damage the tear skin.
  5. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    I've driven ours to a car wash and used the sprayer and brush myself. With the Shark Hide on it there's no damage...looks great!
  6. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I use the Selfwash carwashs all the time. On the way back, just near my home, I zipin, and use ALL of the control options.
    Pre-soak Rinse, tire stuff for the tires (not sure if it helps at all), hi pressure soap, foam brush, hi-pressure rinse, and then the wax. Most times I just take it home and put in the garage, but last times, but wiping it down with a towel to lessen the water drop marks.

    I don't see any wear or tear, been doing it about 2 years now, after most trips, not all. I just figure $10 to make it look good is worth it... I can't see any problems, brush marks etc.. at all..

    Was even toying with the idea of just keeping it hitched and driving through a regular car wash.. heheh... but don't think they'd let me

    and just a warning, the washes might vary on equipment and soaps so be careful the first time around. Believe some have not had such a "Happy" experience, but I am...
    It works for me...
  7. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    If you do use the car wash DO NOT use the aluminum will not be pretty & you will not be a happy camper (and neither will your teardrop). :cry: :cry:

  8. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    Same for me - works great!
  9. Monica

    Monica Novice

    Hi Gang!
    This topic is perfect timing for me.
    We just got back from a great beach trip (Huntington Beach State Park/SC) and the TD had stains from bird poop, and lookie-loo prints from folks that may have had suntan lotion of their hands. Aww - Lily now has some major complexion issues that a bath here at home didn't fix. Any ideas on how to remove those kind of stains?
    I remember Cary removed my handprint at the factory when we first got her - he used lacquer-thinner.
    Any suggestions on how to improve her finish?
    PS that campground was amazing!!! 3 mile beach almost empty!
  10. Monica

    Monica Novice

    Just found this from Cary about why lacquer thinner is a no-go now; Lily is not a virgin...

    "Lacquer thinner, not Kerosene. Has to be straight virgin lacquer thinner, any mineral spirit mix will leave streaks. We do this when the metal is virgin. Once the trailer has been out doors and exposed to the environment it will have no useful effect. So, not something that is helpful for the customers since it only helps us in final clean up. Sorry."

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