and away we go!!!

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by mcjimjam, Mar 6, 2010.

  1. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    We leave bright and early, tomorrow morning, for Necedah, to pick up our McNugit on Tuesday morning!!!! The weather was looking decent, so on the spur of the moment, we said "let's go!" #3 son flew in, on a moments notice, from Colorado to be here to take care of Gramps for us. What a guy!!
    We are so excited!!!!
  2. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    You guys are in for a lot of fun! Please take lots of pictures and post them. If you are interested, we used to create our road journal on our trip.
  3. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    CONGRATULATIONS! Ohhhhhh!!!!! I'm trying NOT to be jealous! Have SO much fun! I'm going to live vicariously through each and everyone of you till we can get ours! Just pray for the house to sell!
  4. Dave

    Dave Novice

    Congrats guys. Have a safe journey!
  5. BobB

    BobB Novice

    Congratulations and have a great trip! We are about 2 months behind you with plans to pick up ours the first week of May.

  6. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    See you tomorrow! (Well, you'll see the guys but you won't see me because I actually work for a living... :D to in order to let Craig have fun at his hobby, ah, I mean job.) :)
  7. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member


    My wife said to me that Cary & Craig must be independantly wealthy, because it's obvious that they are in business to have fun. Now the truth comes out.... haha
  8. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Independently wealthy - now that's a good one! She obviously didn't see what Craig drives to work... :eek: :D
  9. Tom C

    Tom C Newbie

    Drive careful as you get near the big pond (Lake Michigan) as it's very foggy here. I could barely see the house across the street this morning when I woke up. BTW, congrats on your new Camp-Inn, you're going to love it.
  10. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    Jim and Jamie just headed out with their new 550. First pick up for the year here. Hope to hear how their trip home goes as soon as they make it back to VA.

  11. Have fun. I still remember our trip to Wisconsin. We also got there in late March and it was a gray day. Cary treated us great.
  12. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    We are home at last!! It's official, Camp-Inn # 349 now sits in our driveway (until Jim builds a little shed for our "McNugit". We had a good trip home, taking the scenic route on the return trip. Spent the first night in a WalMart lot in Bloomington, IN and the second night in a Cracker Barrel lot in Beckley, WV, after some misinformation about a state park campground being open in Charleston, WV. That made for an interesting trip home! The camper pulled like a dream, and was very comfortable to sleep in. We've already had 5 strangers approach us and ask about it, including 2 as we crawled along in a traffic back-up close to home!! It's too bad we had to rush home, but after 5 days alone with Grandpa, our son deserves a rest!! If all goes right, all four of our sons will be here tomorrow, and we'll get to show it off to them. So, to make a long story short....we LOVE our McNugit (no surprise!!), and the folks at Camp-Inn are THE BEST!!!!
  13. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Arghhhh, Cary....we forgot to buy the 1/2 gallon of Walbernize!!!! I guess we got distracted with all of the other goodies you had to offer!! We'll try to find it locally, before ordering from you. We already went through a truck wash in Bloomington, and a car wash in WV, and Jim gave it a good washing as soon as we got home!
  14. Jim & Jamie,

    Glad your trip went well. I just noticed, we are almost neighbors. Bernadette and I have a home in Raleigh, NC, but I am currently sitting in my 2nd home on Lake Gaston. That puts me about 3 hours from your home.
  15. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks! We've been having fun showing it off to family and friends, and today we finally moved all of the "stuff" we've been accumulating in. We are amazed at how much storage room there is.
    Yes, we are almost neighbors! Jim's sister lives not too far from you, in Clayton, and some good friend's of ours own a lake house in Lake Gaston, that we have been to a number of times! You never know, we might just show up in NC with our McNugit, in the not too distant future!!
  16. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I've had this set of mini state license plates stored away since 1988. Got them from some kind of cereal box promotion. We'll be adding them to our galley hatch as we visit different states, in our travels with the McNugit. I always knew there was a positive side to my pack rat-like tendencies!!

  17. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Those are great - like decals on the old station wagon! But they never chip or peel off.

    Ken & Peggy
  18. Bernadette and I would love to meet you sometime. Just let us know and we can try to get together.

    I like your plates.
  19. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    We'll be down at Lake Gaston the weekend of June 26, but realize it's an awfully big lake! But, if you are close to where we will be, it might work for us. We'd also like to get down to Clayton some time to see Jim's sister, but no definite plans at this time. In any event, we get to add another plate to our hatch!

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