Alcan Cover Alcan Covers

Discussion in 'Camp-Inn Options & Accessories' started by birder526, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Happy fourth! Here on Cape Cod the winds & rains of Arthur are blowing! Anyway, will anyone comment on alcan covers? Good to have? Problems? Thanks! Diane
  2. CampMech

    CampMech Novice

    We are on the fence on the Alcan cover too. Hope to hear some thoughts on them.
  3. michaelo

    michaelo Novice

    I think the Alcan cover is a good investment, it does a good job of protecting the front of the trailer from rocks kicked up from the road. They are well made and will last a long time. An added bonus is that they are backed with foam which helps insulate the front box and that cuts down on condensation in the forward storage cabinet.

  4. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Ditto what Michael said regarding rocks, etc. We took a 2 week trip from Chicago to NM & CO driving interstates virtually the entire way there and back. The front of our unprotected 550 was quite dinged up. After I was done sobbing, we ordered the Alcan cover. I sleep much better now.
  5. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Ken, so sorry to hear about your tears -- the real ones! You and Michaelo make a strong argument for the cover. Did you order it through Camp-Inn? Do they "install" it?


  6. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Thanks, Michael! Good to hear about its help with insulating and cutting down on condensation.

  7. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    We didn't have an Alcan cover on our teardrop for several years. Initially, it was due to them not being an option. The front of the camper actually looked pretty good for quite awhile.

    When my parents took it to Alaska, my dad rigged up what was to become the prototype for the Alcan. He attached a section of a conveyor belt to the front storage box because he knew there would be lots of rocks on the roads and he didn't want to scratch up the tear. It worked great! When they got back & the cover was removed, there were no scratches or dings. Thus was born the option for an Alcan cover!

    We did eventually get one a few years after that. By then we had acquired a few significant "souvenirs" from our trips. :D

    It will help to keep your teardrop looking better and is a good way to hide rock dings along with "owner inflicted owies"... lol

  8. birder526

    birder526 Novice


    I just went on the C-I site and saw the Alcan covers as an option and the pricing. Glad to now have the details. Thanks for your comments!

  9. GhostOrchid

    GhostOrchid Junior Ranger

    As Mr. Winch explained it: You can get an Alcan now to protect from all the dings and road rash, or you can get one later, to cover up all the dings and road rash.
  10. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    Or, you can be like us...
    get it with a black one in the beginning and then decide later that you need some "color" and order a white one!!
    We'll be posting photos as soon as Cary mails it to us.

    PROTECT YOUR TEARDROP...get it in the beginning!
  11. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Love Cary's advice on the Alcan! Think we'll order it at the beginning!

    Love the photo of the "ghost orchid"..are you into growing orchids? We have been fans for a few years, but wonder how we will find people to give them away to once we are ready to hit the road!

  12. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Just a note...If you are referring to my post...I'm not Cary...I'm Betsey - Craig's wife... :D :D :D

  13. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    Indeed, Betsey really is a lot easier to look at than I am. LOL!

  14. GhostOrchid

    GhostOrchid Junior Ranger

    Yes you are, and I imagine Mr. Betsey couldn't be happier about that.

    Was referring to a recent phone conversation w/Mr. Winch in which he offered the perspicacious advice about the Alcan covers.

    Nah, but I like botanical references for screen names and passwords. I've never seen a ghost orchid in person, but love that photo.
  15. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    It is a great photo!

  16. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Sorry Betsey!! Look forward to meeting you and everyone in April!

  17. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    I'm thinking about getting Line-X or Rhino Liner (aka sprayed on). Protects the tear from rocks, dings, etc., never have to worry about rain getting in between and leaving streaks on the finish nor dust/dirt and looks good. Down side is it is permanent.

    Just another option for folks to consider.

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