Adding A Grill To The Mix?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bruce O, Dec 9, 2020.


Do you carry a grill?

  1. yes

  2. no

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  1. Bruce O

    Bruce O Novice

    I'm thinking about buying a grill for the camper and leaning toward propane, hooking it up with the side auxiliary connection on the trailer.

    First, I'm wondering what this community thinks of grilling while traveling? Second, if it's worth the space to carry one along. Third, any tips or tricks?

    I've found pan cooking meat on the stove makes a bit of a mess (splattering grease).

    So - If you grill... any recommendations?

  2. rotus8

    rotus8 Ranger Donating Member

    We carry a Char-Broil Grill2Go x200, just right for us. We got the propane adapter hose from Camp-Inn, it plugs directly in to the trailer utility panel. It is small enough to fit with the 0ther stuff in our tow, or if necessary in the trailer itself. It heats up quickly, will grill a couple of steaks or four to six burgers in a hurry. It has a removable drip tray that we cover with tinfoil, makes cleanup a snap. It has a lid with latches which closes it up tight for travel. The only little annoyance is that it tends to rattle a bit in the car over rough roads.

    This model is available on Amazon for $120, may be cheaper elsewhere.
  3. klint74

    klint74 Novice Donating Member

    We carry a small weber grill which runs off a small propane canister. We have had the room in both our Outback and Honda ridgeline to carry it.
  4. Bruce O

    Bruce O Novice

    Is the Char-Broil the Infrared cooking grill? If so how do you like the infrared? I've read infrared cooking grills run very hot and have a bit of a learning curve.
  5. rotus8

    rotus8 Ranger Donating Member

    It says it is infrared, what that seems to mean is that it has steel plates between the flame and the grill so they heat up to spread out the heat. Having said that, I think it's great, especially if you are doing things like steak, sausages, or burgers, heats up quickly (saves gas) and does a nice job. I actually like it better for these things than my big grill at home; I have pulled it out of the trailer to use a couple of times to make steaks at the house because it heats up so quickly and sears nicely. I have not tried it for slower cooking meals like chicken, though it does have a reasonable flame control.
  6. hiadventurer

    hiadventurer Junior Ranger

    We have been using a Magma Marine Kettle Grill for 5.years now and love it. All stainless,.propane and small plugs either into side of trailer or propane bottle. Heats up very quickly and easy to clean, just turn it on high for about 5.min and everything is burnt to a.powder. The small kettle.grill is perfect for.up to.four people..high recommend, make sure to get a makes storing easy. Marine Grills
  7. Bruce O

    Bruce O Novice

    I really like the looks of this one - very interesting. I see it comes with several mounting configurations. Which one do you use?

    Love this forum & the community here. Great ideas... this is fun!
  8. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    I've been thinking about a grill too. Seems like a good idea.
  9. hiadventurer

    hiadventurer Junior Ranger

    I use the base that has the legs and attaches to the bottom of the grill. Allows us to move it around. I have used it attached to trailer propane and a propane bottle. The carrying case is a must as it is padded.and keeps everything together. If I find a picture of it I will attach...R
  10. hiadventurer

    hiadventurer Junior Ranger

    Here it is...R

    Attached Files:

  11. Bruce O

    Bruce O Novice

    Thanks for the photo.
  12. hiadventurer

    hiadventurer Junior Ranger

    Absolutely...if you get one you will enjoy it, it will heat up very fast. I always turn mine to high and run for a few minutes, then back off to low, which will grill almost anything fine. It can burn food pretty quickly, so always after initial heat up, turn to low and slowly adjust upward if needed..I think they make two sizes in the kettle and we have the small version, which is great up to four people. I got ours off of Ebay used and paid significantly less, and then added case and stand...enjoy R
  13. M&L

    M&L Ranger

    We have a Cobb Grill. The advantages of the Cobb are:

    1.) great smoky, charcoal taste
    2.) it is *extremely* efficient...only a few charcoals are required to cook a meal
    3.) the sides don't get hot, so it can be used on a counter or table top
    4.) it can be placed anywhere around the campsite to grill...picnic table, big rock, tree stump, etc.
    5.) kinda silvery in color, goes well with our trailer!
    6.) my wife loves it

    The only big disadvantage for us is that it doesn't use propane, which could be an issue if there are fire restrictions. But even if that's the case, we'd just switch to the propane stove in the galley.

    Portable BBQ Grills - COBB Grill Cooking Systems
    PrairieVikings likes this.
  14. So many grills to choose from! We have a Weber Q100 grill with a folding stand. The propane adapter plugs right into the trailer. This is a great option if you just want to grill. It fires up with push of the igniter EVERY TIME.
    I also have a Carri-Chef BBQ. I love this grill. It's got a pot holder for boiling water, a griddle for breakfasts, and pan frying, and a grill for BBQing. It also plugs into the trailer. I really like that all the bases are covered with this one, and it's my go-to grill now. Carri Chef 50 BBQ/Skottel
    I really love the taste that a charcoal grill imparts to the food, and the cobb grill is king, and the only reason I didn't get one of those instead is I didn't want the hassle of carrying around charcoal, especially given that we have propane on board.
    M&L likes this.
  15. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Where did you buy your Carri Chef 50 BBQ/Skottel? There doesn't appear to be a dealer in the USA
  16. Jim Carter likes this.
  17. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I have a small tabletop Weber grill and sometimes will bring a rectangle cast iron griddle that fits inside it so I have both. The griddle allows me to cook eggs and pancakes on the grill.

    I also have a 17” Blackstone griddle. I take one or the other and not both.
    PrairieVikings likes this.
  18. Bruce O

    Bruce O Novice

    Jim, Thanks for the info. The Blackstone griddle looks interesting.
  19. PrairieVikings likes this.
  20. Well, this is just mint!!!

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