A Trip Away From The Cold!!

Discussion in 'Trip Planning' started by Lynne & Scott, Feb 17, 2019.

  1. Lynne & Scott

    Lynne & Scott Junior Ranger Donating Member

    As South Dakotans - to say the winters get long, is an understatement. We are wanting to head south and take a break from the cold, in March. Any ideas on where to go/stay during that time would be welcome. We do not have any particular agenda other than escaping the cold and as other camp inn owners, simply enjoying the great outdoors!
    Ken & Peggy likes this.
  2. Ben

    Ben Ranger Donating Member

    Looking at Weatherunderground temperature maps yesterday, Big Bend was in the high 80s. As I'm sure you know, the line of demarcation between warm southern air and cold northern air is constantly moving. A polar vortex can push all the way into Mexico but most of the time you'll be ok temperature wise from south Texas to southern California. I think you can find plenty of warm in the desert southwest. It's a question of what activities you want to do. I personally would love to explore Mexico with my teardrop but I'm afraid with all the stories of unbridled violence. (I know, probably safer statistically than my hometown of Baltimore).
  3. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Come to Maui! Oh, did you mean somewhere with the trailer...?
  4. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Yes reading the calendar and weather year to year anything can happen. We usually try to get out at spring break . Best spring trips were hill country Texas, Port Aransas Texas, Tucumcari New Mexico and Tucson, Arizona.
    Lynne & Scott likes this.

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