A Semi-Southern Route

Discussion in 'Trip Planning' started by Jim and Sue L., Jul 22, 2013.

  1. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    We're going back to Maryland and then the CICO 10th this year, but Jim wants to take a different route. 80 can be such a bore... Anyway, he has his eyes set on Southern Utah and then scooting along 70 through Colorado and eventually 64 to Kentucky before turning North along 79 through West Virginia, yadda, yadda, yadda...

    Any tips on routes, sights to see, places to stay or avoid like the plague?

  2. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    California to Wisconsin by way of Kentucky... Sounds fun!
  3. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Hi, Jim and Sue. On last year's "big trip" we stopped at 4 of the 5 national parks in Utah. All were fascinating and the geology and geography were so different from what we see every day in the PNW. Arches NP was so HOT we didn't want to leave the car. That said, the Utah NPs and the Grand Canyon are awe-inspiring. Interestingly, they are all part of the Colorado Plateau but at different elevations. We stayed at KOAs in Panguich, UT (cute little town), Moab, UT (great bathrooms w/showers), and Alamosa, CO (to be honest, can't remember it!)

    In April, we stopped at the Homestead National Monument of America in southeastern Nebraska and the George Washington Carver National Monument in southwestern Missouri. Since you're both history buffs, I think you'd enjoy visiting them. We did spend one night in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. We didn't spend any time exploring except for when we got lost, but the town looks like there're lots of interesting sights/shops/restaurants. It's in the Ozarks and I understand it's quite the tourist destination, similar to Branson, Missouri.
  4. Mark_inMA

    Mark_inMA Novice

    Jim and Sue,

    The prairies are a looong way to cross, maybe celebrate them and their "subtle scenery"?

    The Homestead National Monument is closer to I-80 than I-70. It is about 2 hours (on 2 lane) north of I-70 and seems like the same way back. Long way.

    The Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve (US NFS) is only 1 hour south of I-70 on Kansas-177. Leaving, you go about 20 miles east on US-50 to Emporia where you can catch I-35 for a nicely angled connection back to I-70 and Kansas City.

    Due to the rocky flint and limestone in the soil the "Flint Hills" area couldn't get plowed as much so the preserve still has the original tall native grass types which fed the buffalo (from there east and northward). This is the hillier terrain of far Eastern and SE Kansas, unlike the flat, dryer area west of there along much of I-70. That had shorter grass varieties in the native prairie due to less rainfall.

    Check out the stone house and HUGE old barn with thick limesone walls at the preserve. Parts of Kansas around Russell even have old square fence posts made of local limestone since the few trees were used for other things.

    Bring binoculars so you can check out the calves in the preserve's small wild buffalo herd from a safe distance. If you are a birder, this general area is home to "Prairie Chickens". The rangers should be able to tell you if there are any around. They don't migrate and tend to live not far from their "drumming" patch(mating).

    BTW, Oz and I love the name "Towed Hall".
    Wave to my Mom if you take I-435 south around KC ;^)
  5. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Thanks, guys.

    We're still not settled on the exact route, but long grass prairies, buffalo (but no moose) and flint hills sound great. We're not official birders, but love to watch the gorgeous creatures.

    Jim is pushing to go further south, but I'm a scared-cat... about twisters. Don't care if the official season is Spring because there doesn't seem to be any off time these days. Yeah, yeah, I know I live in earthquake territory and a tsunami can easily turn my hillside home into a beach resort, but the concept of one being suddenly relocated to another county (or multiple counties in several large chunks) by a windstorm is slightly unnerving. Gonna have to conquer that fear, there's so much to see in the Midwest and South.

    We'll wave to your ma.

    Sue and Jim (says)
  6. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member


    See the following map:

    Keep this map handy at all times. This will let you know if you are currently experiencing a tornado in your immediate area... This should help you conquer your fear. :)
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2016
  7. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Evan that's a cool map.
  8. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Thanks, Anna&Steve. You know, I was trying to joke around, but it's hard to get humor right over the net sometimes. :)
  9. karenramsey

    karenramsey Newbie

    Hey guys,

    Thanks a lot for the information.Next month my family is going on a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacation vacation.Got lot of information about Utah need some more.
    Please help!
  10. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Might try a search in the forum under "Utah" as there were several discussions on it..

    I went to the western side, stayed in Cedar City KOA, nicest one I could see there and able to to the Bryce and Zion canyons.

    Doing Moab and Arches on the way back after the CICO...
    You have to break it down to the areas... probably 3.
    West side: Bryce & Zion
    North East: Moab & Arches
    South East: Grand Canyon..

    as best as I can tell...
  11. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice

    I've done a lot of camping and such in southern Utah. It is really nice this time of year as it stays warmer during the days and cools off nice at night. Be aware that elevation and micro-climates can vary with elevation. We've been tent campers up until now, so that's where my perspective comes from.

    Coming in on I-15, I would drive through Zion park. You could spend days in Zion. It can be crowded however. Just south of Zion is Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park which sounds awesome. It is, however, a headquarters of ATVers. About 100 acres of the park is set aside for nature lovers. Very disappointing spot for campers.
    Kodachrome Basin State Park is beautiful and somewhat undiscovered. It is close enough to Bryce and Cedar Breaks to set up base camp.
    From there, I'd head out Hwy 12 through Escalante. There's several nice campgrounds such as Blue Spruce and Posy Lake around there... I would turn onto Hwy 24 and head through Capitol Reef. Near Hanksville is Goblin Valley S.P. This place is too spectacular for words.
    From there, I'd go down 95, Natural Bridges N.Mon. is on the way. From there, you can continue to Blanding on pavement or head up the gravel road to Canyonlands. Squaw Flat and Willow Flat campgrounds are really nice. One of our very favorite places is up near Moab. It's called Dead Horse Point State park. Beautiful views. Arches is nice but that campground can be hot with no shade. The drive up 128 through Castle Valley is amazing and then you're back on I-70.

    We are leaving NC on the 29th of September and will be heading out that exact route (only backwards). Again, we're more backwoods campers, so make sure you read the available descriptions of the campgrounds I listed. Most may not have hookups.

    Have fun.
  12. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice

    P.S. We've always visited these spots in summer. My wife has been teaching school up until her retirement this year. As she says, Yeehaw, ALL children left behind."

    This is our first real trip after Labor Day in a long time.

    Maybe we'll run into you fpoole.

    Ashewolf (Doug)
  13. slumry

    slumry Novice

    Look out for Carmen.
  14. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Heheh, Yep Carmen is on the loose...

    Won't be going there directly as I've got a week in Albuquerque for the Hotties... (Hot Air Balloons) and then to Moab, but will look at the campsite you suggested... Looking for View sites.. Figure this time of year, won't be too bad...
    And Carmen makes the world a much happier place.. heheh...



    Ps. and yes, older pic, haven't had time to use the "New Tequila" recommended... So Jose' had to do...
    Thank Gawd I can only handle 2-3 of them so the Head aches the next day are a none item... for me any way... heheh, can't speak for others of course ..
  15. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice

    Hmmm. Thanks for the info on the balloon thing. I always wanted to see that. My wife has a brother in Tijeras which is basically a suburb. We may need to drift by there at some point.

    I think I'd like to meet Carmen. Do I need my 3-D glasses?
  16. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Great, here's the link Balloonie-Loonies

    3-D heheh... Need blinders...
    3-D would knock your socks off... heheh, fun...

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