EXPIRED 560 Rental Wanted

Discussion in 'For Sale / Wanted' started by Ninjamini, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. Ninjamini

    Ninjamini Novice

    We are renting a camp inn in Necedah in a few weeks. But we want longer than is available plus we want it in the south east.

    Does anyone rent out their camp inn?
  2. Ninjamini

    Ninjamini Novice

    49 viewers, no responses. I guess the wife was right. No one wants to rent out their baby. Loos like more nights in Wisconsin.
  3. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Ninjamini the wife is always right. Steve
  4. If you want to rent / experience one sooner than later make the trip. The weather and scenery is so beautiful (coming from another southeasterner). Plus it really hits home how many cool and different places you can end up being rather than just in your region of the country. Enjoy!
  5. Ninjamini

    Ninjamini Novice

    I know, I know. I emailed camp inn to check if we can take it longer. We are so looking forward to it.

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