Couch / Bunk Beds 560 Couch

Discussion in 'Camp-Inn Options & Accessories' started by DaveWeinstein, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. DaveWeinstein

    DaveWeinstein Newbie

    One of the things tempting me greatly about the Camp-Inn is the couch in the 560 (especially given the weather in early/late season camping in the Northwest).

    For those who have one, how often do you find yourself inside on the couch versus outside (under a canopy or not)?
  2. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I don't have my trailer yet. I ordered the 550 to start with because I spend my time outside and didn't think I would use the sofa that much. One of the things that made me change my mind to the 560 was the extra hauling space. I thought if I put canopy and extra stuff on the sofa I would be able to go to bed without moving a bunch of stuff. If I am traveling and just want to stop for a nap or stop and go for the night I wouldn't have a lot of work to do. The sofa is very comfy if you like to read or work on the computer. I also liked where the heat vents from the furnace are in the 560.
    I love the look of the 550 and I have a small tow vehicle so It was hard for me to take that step and change my order.
  3. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    90% of the time we are using it as a bed for my 6-year old, but we have used the couch to read books or watch movies on some of our wetter days. When the bunks are set up, if we are hunkering down, I will just lock the door (so it doesn't accidentally open on us) and we will lean against the wall and watch tv or read or play games too. I like to have the extra space and the extra windows (especially with the dark that comes with the wet...although these last 3 days, we would also need that long proposed pontoon option with the torrents falling from the heavens). Not sure if that helps or not.
  4. bcannizzo

    bcannizzo Novice

    Dave, we use our couch a lot. Karin and I didn't come to teardrops from a camping background, we are more into travel and sightseeing. On the way home from picking up Towed Hall, we had 3 nights of heavy wind and rain. Right then we decided the couch was a great addition. We tend to park, sightsee, come back tired, go inside, read, stitch or watch a movie and fall asleep to be ready for the next day.
    Since we only stay a night or 2 in each location, we don't even carry the canopy that we bought…. in bad weather it is cooking under an umbrella and back inside.
  5. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I use the sofa quite a bit. It is just Bailley and me. I have camped over New Years, spending time in the camper reading and watching movies. I remember my first DAM gathering. We had rain on Thursday. I was warm and dry inside on the sofa. Quite a few of my fellow campers were huddled under canopies trying to keep warm and dry. Weather like that is one of the main reasons I got the 560.
  6. Kelly

    Kelly Novice

    I sometimes use the couch, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that I use it often or regularly. This outcome is largely due to having mostly pleasant camping conditions so far (I hope that I haven't just jinxed myself by saying that). If the weather turns really cold, wet, and miserable, then most definitely it is nice to spend some time on the couch reading or watching a movie with the furnace running. Otherwise, if the weather is only mildly unpleasant, than I will divide my time between being under the canopy until I start feeling restless or chilled, then go for a stroll, and then possibly duck into the trailer for a while.

    Although I don't use the sofa regularly, I have no regrets with choosing the Raindrop. For me, the couch also serves the purpose of making the bed a bit longer. This helps to avoid bumping the upper shelving with my feet while turning over at night - making for a better, uninterrupted sleep.

    Admittedly, the sofa is also a convenient (all-too convenient) catch-all area for those items that haven't found a proper home within the trailer yet. So, the couch all-in-all has quite a few advantages.

  7. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice

    I get exiled to the couch at home a lot. I don't want that option when we're out camping. She's stuck with me.
  8. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    The couch is used is used often enough. I'm glad I have it. Especially when I spent a week in Raleigh last year and it rained every day! Had it been a vacation I would have probably pulled up stakes and headed to another location, but because it was a working vacation I was stuck. I couldn't go.

    I spent a lot of time inside, probably 4 or 5 waking hours every day....I was REALLY glad I had a reasonably comfortable refuge from the really bad weather. Without the couch, I would have probably leaned against the back of the camper and suffered through wishing I had gotten the 560.

    During regular camping trips, where the weather is cooperating it doesn't get used much....typically were outside.

    So, bottom line, it isn't a necessity....but it sure is nice when I need it!
  9. Pick

    Pick Novice

    We are waiting for our 560 and the couch is always in my daydreams. When we first started tent camping it seems that it rained at least half the time. Tent leaking and two wet dogs would tend to take the fun down a notch. Now I think about it raining and a bit chilly, furnace on, old black and white movie, maybe The Thin Man, in the DVD. Cup of coffee for day rain, glass of wine for night rain.
    Mike & Denita
  10. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    You need a small correction: "Cup of Irish coffee for day rain, glass of wine Using This Glass for night rain."
  11. Little Patriot

    Little Patriot Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Just there anyone that owns a 560 and kind of wishes they'd ordered the 550 instead?

    I pretty much have my heart set on a 550, but I want to be sure.
  12. Pick

    Pick Novice

    You are so very right! Perfect wine glass too.
  13. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    It took me two months of serious fighting with myself to change my order to the 560. I love everything about the 550 but am really glad I changed my order while there was time. I think the extra space is really going to be worth it. Even if I don't use the couch much it will give extra hauling space and hopefully spare me from moving stuff off of the bed when I do a quick stop and go. Of course I don't have my trailer yet so am not speaking from experience.
    I just sent my final payment. I haven't seen any build pictures for a while. I should really see some progress when Craig gets them updated.
  14. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    No regrets.

    Other than I wish I had gotten the bumper. It will go on eventually. Easy fix. Can't do that with the couch (or a/c or furnace).
  15. David Olson

    David Olson Novice

    We went to buy the 550 and ordered a 560. So glad we did.
    We don't sit on it that much but that extra room is so nice to have.
  16. Mark_inMA

    Mark_inMA Novice

    I enjoyed it for a March trip where I was moving each day.
    I could have started a fire in the ring, I suppose, but it didn't seem worth the effort since
    I got back a bit late and it was 32F. It also saved a day of camping on a local 3 day weekend.
    Saturday at noon a one hour shower became a nice opportunity to read a bit.
    If I was tenting, it would have been "quick pack to go home" and lose the day.
    With enough pillows a 550 could be comfy too.

    Purchase Reason #1
    I have two pairs of grandkids so they will enjoy the bunks for a while.
    If just camping with my grown son, the dog gets the couch on a towel.

    Purchase Reason #2
    I am 6'4" so trying a 550 I wound up chin on chest with neck crick and head prints in front windows.
    Moving over to the 560 it had full height ceiling all the way to front wall. I suppose I could stack
    enough back pillows (5?) to avoid the curve in a 550 but then I have to stash them at night...

    A variant of #2 which I have not heard, is that it is nice in the morning to put on pants.
    I toss my pillow down a bit then lift the edge of the couch into it's deployed notches just over the
    head of the mattress which pulls and tips the back and lifts the thighs. Much nicer angled position
    and with shoulders against the back cushion to wiggle into jeans! :grin:
    I can't picture sitting or flat on back working as well for me in a 550 :(.

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