SOLD 550 Special Suv Package With Front Boot

Discussion in 'For Sale / Wanted' started by Locomote, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. Locomote

    Locomote Newbie

    December 2012, model #559
    Travelled the 50 states in six months (all right, we flew to Hawaii without the Teardrop). Now we have other plans.

    Extras: SUV package, spare tire, indoor screens, door skirts. Our 550 Special has the front boot and front windows like the 550 classic.

    We're in South Dakota.

    Asking price: $11,000
  2. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Wow! You covered a LOT of ground, and in record time! I'd love to hear how that went. You might want to post a few pictures of your 550. I'm sure you'll get plenty of interest. Good luck.
  3. Locomote

    Locomote Newbie

    Thanks for the tip about putting pictures.

    We posted pictures on the Craigslist ad:

    We also wrote a blog:

    At first it seemed crazy to camp in the winter. But in retrospect, it was perfect for us. No worries about ice cooler. The Teardrop was warm enough. We occasionally used an electric blanket. No crowded RV parks to worry about. Passport America was typically available.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  4. Bazza2154

    Bazza2154 Novice

    I like the side by side coolers I have often wondered about swapping out the single cooler and doing something like this to separate the meat and the dairy from the fresh produce.

    I have downloaded your blog as I am sure it will make great reading.

    Good luck with your sale I am sure you will find a buyer.
  5. hwillis

    hwillis Newbie

    Hi - Have you sold your unit? Thanks, Will
  6. Locomote

    Locomote Newbie

    Hi, Barry & Annie,
    You can thank Hannah for the idea of two coolers to separate fresh meat from the fresh produce. We also,like to use the side table to cook. We opted for an electric hot plate since we usually get an electric hook-up, especially for the electric blanket.
    Let us know your thoughts about e blog.
    Happy trails,
    Otto & Hannah
  7. Locomote

    Locomote Newbie

    Not yet. We just put up the ad yesterday on Craigslist.
    Are you interested?
  8. Jake

    Jake Newbie

    Hello...I'm new to Camp Inns ...but not camping....I fell in love with these little beauties on line. I'm willing to travel for the right one............Thanks ..Jake
  9. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, the winter camping is not bad at all if you plan for it.


    I think of it along the line of you're camping in a "Cooler" and putting the Beer in a cooler to keep from freezing..


    Use the snow banks as the cooler/holder.. works well I might add.. heheh.

    As long as you have an electric blanket/pad hooked up you'll be fine as the propane tanks work less and less as the temps drop. So your heater might just start blowing in cold air.. (fan works but saftey switch for propane shuts the igniter down so just the fan goes on) heheh, not fun at 3am in the morning...

    cause as I've learned, anything that can go wrong,
    will go wrong...
    but not until it's 3am in the morning...
    Lessons learned...

    But worth it, it is, no Bugs, not crowded, you can REALLY REALLY enjoy the campfire.. and the beer stays cold..
    and the Irish Coffees are to die for...
  10. Locomote

    Locomote Newbie

    Even in winter camping, we used the exhaust fan because it got pretty warm with the electric blanket. when the temperatures dropped in Yellowstone, we zipped our sleeping bags together. when we got to Alaska and expected freezing rain on May 1, the weather unexpectedly changed to a balmy 82 degrees. so the wife was more bothered by the giant mosquitoes.
    Our worst camping night was in a Missouri State Park in mid-December when the Park Ranger assured us of hot showers. The park road had been cleared after the snow storm, but the camping sites were iced over. We gingerly picked our way over the icy path to the restroom, only to find out it was locked. The Ranger failed to realize that the restrooms were only open for the rangers to use in the day. We were locked out all night, until the next morning when they realized their mistake.
  11. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Locked out... ouch...
    That's not fun... I've been caught like that several times. They say, "Yes"
    When tried, "No"

    Only so much one can do eh?? heheh.. it's camping though, prepare for the unexpected with Backup plans...

  12. namklg

    namklg Newbie

    Is your unit still available? The Craig's list posting is no longer live.

  13. Outboard jack

    Outboard jack Newbie

    Do you still have the 550 for sale?
  14. FauxPa

    FauxPa Novice

    Anybody heard from OttoHannah lately? I've inquired twice via PM but never rec'd a response ... and, it appears they've not posted since last September? Don't know if they've sold their trailer or what? ... hope all is OK.
  15. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    Long since sold. Last I heard Otto and Hannah were exploring Australia.

  16. FauxPa

    FauxPa Novice

    Thanks Cary! ... wow ... livin' the dream ... I'm sooo... jealous of them. I just read through their entire travel log of the 50 states in 21013 ... what a great trip. I'm sooo... jealous of them. If only I had my own CI ... I'm sure it'll come along eventually. Thanks for the update. -Dan

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