Itinerary 2nd Annual Nw Camp-inn Round Up

Discussion in 'Gatherings' started by Evan, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    It's time to start planning! Last year we had great weather, and I think the location was great too. This year, however, IRG 4.0 will most likely be held at or around the same time.
    So, if we do it, it may need to be earlier in the year - Memorial Day weekend perhaps? (very high chance of rain...)

    Thoughts anyone?
  2. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Holy smokes! I can't believe how quick summer is filling up already! Memorial day works for us, as does most of June. July, August and September are out for us though.

    And based on the last 2 summers, any time could mean lots of rain! We sure got lucky with the first gathering though. That was a great weekend!

    A couple of places that pop to mind, being earlier in the year, maybe we should head for the coast. Slightly warmer, no chance for any late snow (other than the passes), great place to watch the storms (should we have them), plenty of Clam Chowder, ice cream, etc. People have raved about Deception Point (isn't that what it was called?). I also just got a camping book that I can flip through, but it is strictly Oregon (they do one for Washington that is on my list). I can look in there and see what they say too. A couple of other places I have on my list (not sure how they are for groups): Fort Stevens State Park, Nehalem Falls campground, Stub Stewart State Park, and we love Silver Falls State Park (always happy to get back there...only one on the list that we have been to so I can't speak to the others, other than what I have read).

    If you (or Lena) need any help, let us know. I am happy to assist where I can.
  3. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Rain in the North West? How unusual.

    Just kidding..

    Don't worry about rain, guys. Provided it's not a deluge and there isn't an old dude with a long beard and a burnoose wandering around and mumbling about cubits, we can handle it.

    Sue and Jim
  4. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Oh Sue...these last 2 summers have been so brutal. My vegetable garden has done miserably and my chickens are starting to have S.A.D.! Our second trip out as a family saw over 4 inches of rain in the 2 nights we were out. Even this 6th generation webfoot was struggling with it. The bright side? We had fresh water running under the Northern Breeze, and that was the only water coming in! We learned a lot that weekend...not only about camping with that much water, but that we could handle it! I guess we are tougher than we look! The folks in the big RVs kept stopping by to let us know they were glad they weren't us. With gas prices getting ready to shoot back over $4.00/gallon soon, I can happily say, I am glad I am not them!

    We have a beautiful state with the most amazing waterfalls (especially with the big rain) regardless of weather. We always used to love to hike on rainy days because we had the place to ourselves...some of our best hiking! It gets trickier with a 4-year old!
  5. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Memorial Day weekend would work for us, although we'd have to come on Saturday. We really hated missing last year's.

  6. slumry

    slumry Novice

    If we only had a trailer we would love to attend the next installment of the NW Camp-Inn Round UP. But alas we don’t. It seems like you just can’t drop into the nearest Camping World and pick one up. I was kind of hoping there would be one in my Christmas stocking :(
  7. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Always welcome to drop by (or pitch a tent) at the gathering, though.
  8. slumry

    slumry Novice

    Unless we really offend the Camp-Inn folks, we expect to get our orb well before Memorial Day. It just seems like we have been waiting forever. Just remember that years in tear drop time are like dog years. Even though we have been waiting a bit over three months, it seems like it has been over three years. ;)
  9. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Look at it this least you don't have an 15 month wait like there was at one time... :eek:

    Feel better? ;)

  10. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Standing by... Mem day works for me... just need to know when and where...
  11. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger


    Yeah, the last few years have been very rough-rain wise for the North West (houses floating down the Columbia Gorge is not a pretty sight), but look how gorgeous Oregon and Washington are because of that rain. We haven't had ANY rain at all down here since early fall...and almost no snow. So I propose a swap: If you long for sunshine, send some of your excess rain our way and we'll shift a little of the yellow shiny stuff north. I'd hate for California to go up in flames as it did a few years back. If we don't get lots of rain and snow soon, it's a very real possibility.

    There is a promise of some wet stuff headed out way later this week, but I'm not holding my breath for a heavy turnout. Let's see if Jim wants to head north around Memorial Day and camp in the rain.

    Stephen & Sarah,

    You're so right. It does seem like "dog years" while waiting for your CI. But the photos will start soon and then, before you know it, your baby will be ready. Take deep breaths, go for long walks, take cold showers.....DRINK!!!!!!!! It get's easier!!!! Sure, SURE!!!! Stay calm, STAY CALM!! JUST KEEP TELLING YOURSELF THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...!

    Camp On,

  12. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Sue, I was ready to break Dottie out of the garage and go camping last week, and yesterday the snow started flying in town. We have had a beautiful January, we were just so busy with the holidays, we didn't get out (we have all been in awe). Sadly for the ski areas, there isn't much snow, but it seems to be arriving all at once (yeah!!!). Just hoping we see that glowing orb this summer too (if there was a way to trade, I would be game in July and August, and I would have sent things to TX last summer...boy did they need it...we did send our forest fire fighters though - they are such amazing people!).

    I joke with Mick that property in Hawaii is looking more and more attractive, but the fact is, it would be hard for me to live anywhere else. We have it really good here (and that isn't ever lost on me...sure I complain a bit about the rain, but we are used to it for 9 months...we have just had 11 months straight which was hard).

    Hope folks that have snow are warm and safe! Take care!
  13. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger


    You have it good indeed. I have family just South West of Portland and I must say it is lovely there. Nice towns, nice folks.

    We sent our firefighters to Texas, too...including my nephew who is also an EMT. Had to return the favor since Texas sent some of their fighters to us back when it seemed the whole state was in flames. As long as we all look out for each other, we'll be fine.

    No snow or rain yet. Hope to see some this week and we probably will. And do you know why..? Because Jim wants to take Spamalot out and give her that protective coating, that's why! He doesn't want to head out without making her all bright and shiny and we can't do that unless it's a clear day. Of course it's going to rain now.

    My whole thing is: why did he wait all winter? If he had tried this back in November, there would have been a deluge and nobody would be talking drought right now.

    Ah, well.

    Camp On,

  14. Peggy Baker

    Peggy Baker Newbie

    We would love to join the party. Keep us posted on when and where.

    Peggy & Norm
  15. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Sue, you crack me up! Mick took the opportunity to buy a new tool (every new project requires a new tool, or so I am told...I started applying it to my kitchen adventures new Madeleine pan just arrived, and so far I am not getting any heat about it!), so that lit the fire under him. It is fun to play with new time, I am sure he will delay as long as possible!

    I always warn the neighbors about wind storms...seems when I rake the yard, that bothers Ma Nature enough that she decides to move things around some more. Never fails!
  16. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Boys and their toys.

    Can't blame them, can't stop them. But, so long as they let us have OUR toys, all is well.

    Jim says he doesn't know if we can make it on Memorial Day. We have a pretty heavy camping schedule for 2012: Southern Utah, Grand Canyon and possibly Death Valley (if they get some rain and have a spring flowering), IRG 4.0, a short visit to the High Sierra, then the long planned trip to the East to visit family in Virginia and Maryland, a hop over to Vermont to hunt down my Civil War soldier's family, on to CICO (hopefully) and finally off to Devil's Tower and Little Big Horn.

    Maybe this time I will see MOOSE.... Have already seen squirrel.

    Camp On

  17. slumry

    slumry Novice

    Hummm, this thread seems to have gone to sleep, time to stir the pot again. We were not at the first Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up and would hate to miss the second because it didn’t happen. Since I have never been to a gathering, this would be my first; it is hard to figure out where to begin. There have been a lot of ideas floated but consensus seems to be elusive. So perhaps some “market research” is in order as in who, what, where and when.

    Who: Apparently this would refer to anyone in the NW, normally that is Oregon, Washington, Idaho, however, it looks like some Jeffersonians figure they are also members in good standing of the NW. I would think being from the NW is a matter of attitude and not geography. The more important question is who and how many want to attend.

    What: I don’t have a clue what you do at a gathering so someone else will have to chime in here. From the pictures it looks like it is non-stop horse shoes and margaritas.

    Where: The difficult where question, so far Bear has suggested two places in NW Washington and of course there seems to be the site of last year’s gathering. How far are people willing to travel for a good time? Do we come up with a list of candidates and vote or what? All I know is that time is getting short for a lot of state parks.

    When: Memorial Day weekend has been suggested and appears to be a consensus. If it looks like that would preclude a lot of folks, we can allows consider another date.

    I am willing to be a member of the event committee and will start by compiling the input I see on the forum or otherwise receive. Please post and/or pm your input.

    Thank you. Stephen/Shirley owner of 560 number TBA
  18. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    I can give you a little insight into the "who" & the "what" of gatherings.

    Who: Most teardrop gatherings are open to anyone who has a teardrop, is curious about a teardrop, wants a teardrop, likes a teardrop, and/or is getting a teardrop. But generally, they aren't exclusive to teardrops & most welcome other types of campers & tents. In addition, gatherings are generally open to anyone in the world who would like to attend. Some travel very long distances to attend even small get-togethers. It is really up to the person in charge to set the parameters. However, if there are limits in numbers due to space, advance reservations needed, etc. that does need to be stated in the gathering info.

    What: Gatherings, get-togethers, campouts, whatever you want to call them don't have to be a formally organized thing or can be highly organized. Again, it depends on the purpose, the numbers attending, what is available in the area & what people might like to do. They can be as small as 2 teardrops or as large as 150+. At most of the smaller ones, people show up, share a campfire, maybe a potluck, camp, hike & visit. Depending on the area, some may explore the outdoors, sight-see, or go antiquing. Some like to stay in camp, relax & visit. There may be a meet & greet with appetizers/beverages on Friday evening or a DO breakfast Saturday or Sunday, or a potluck dinner. Games like horseshoes, cornhole, ladder golf, etc. might be part of the weekend. At larger gatherings, things like DO workshops, cook-offs, door prizes, fundraisers, and/or teardrop building/maintenance workshops may be scheduled.

    The main idea is just to get together, camp & enjoy the weekend with people who like to do the same.

  19. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Stephen/Shirley: you are good citizens to re-ask the question and offer to be on the "event committee." Last year, I asked the question of Evan, got really excited (and Evan and Lena did a lot of work finding a place, then finding a better place), and then we couldn't attend because of family crises. This year we are committed (barring any more family crises) but can't arrive wherever until Saturday (because of family demands, but this time good ones). The suggestion last year was that each camping unit take care of their own food-related needs, but that each unit brings an appetizer to share before attending to their own dinner. I think some units stayed close to the camping area while others explored the area more widely.

    It sounds like one camping unit takes responsibility for the "administrative" needs, that is paying for the site - if it's a group site - and everyone reimburses. Of course, the administratively responsible person takes the risk that the rest won't pay-up responsibly - but I think we're all good citizens in that regard.

    So, count us in; Memorial Day weekend works; rain very likely will be a guest at the event; Cape Disappointment is a great park but very popular.

    Bob and Kathy
  20. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Last year we had most of the tears circled around a couple of certral picnic tables. To keep it simple, we didn't have any organized dinner plans. Instead, Sarah suggested the 'Green Box' - a Seattle Yacht Club thing, where everyone brings an appetizer or drink, hangs out for an hour, and then goes back to their own boat/teardrop for dinner.

    That's what we did - except nobody went back to their teardrops. We just kept hanging out. There was up being plenty of food and drinks and we all had a great time. I certainly recommend it again for this year.

    As far as the WHERE:

    Last year we camped on the Columbia River - about 1 hr east from Portland. With the list of RSVP's, this was the most central location we could find. Close to 4 hrs from Seattle, Eastern WA, Southern Oregon, etc...

    Perhaps we could have done it farther North though, because more trailers showed from the Seattle area than anywhere else. The Eastern WA folks didn't make it, and only one trailer from Southern OR showed. There was also one trailer from UT, and one from CA - but after driving as far as they did, I'll bet they wouldn't have noticed another hour. :)

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