2021 Camping Begins

Discussion in 'Trip Planning' started by Warren Mary Ellen, Mar 18, 2021.

  1. Heading out tomorrow for 2021's first camping trip. We'll be at Sadlers Creek State Park so not far from home on Lake Hartwell. That was our final 2020 trip destination. The place we normally would go to this time year was full when we made reservation. Not planning on much other than hanging around the campground.

    In April, we'll be back out again for 4 nights at Oconee State Park up in the SC mountains. Sounds like at least some of the days we are there, there will be 3 Camp Inns there. The Robinson's who live not too far from will be there and we camped together last summer on one trip. Looking forward to meeting another couple who are gonna be there. Other than the Robinson's I've only seen four other Camp Inn's in person.

    We ran into a couple from Santa Fe at the Hubbell Trading Post in Arizona, someone Bryce NP had one for one night near us but we didn't talk, the Robinson's and there is one other in my town.

    Not sure what our summer plans are exactly. Our daughter graduates from Clemson in May with a Packaging Science degree. She is applying and interviewing with companies right now from Kansas City to New Jersey. So we are hoping we are moving here somewhere for a job over the summer. We just don't know where/when yet.

    I know we have some late summer and fall reservations. Hopefully, we get to attend the NASCAR race this year at Darlington and we'll camp at Lee State Park when we do. I have my race tickets I put off from last year anyway. And I know in the fall we have some in the nearby state parks to us once school is back in.

    Hope everyone is able to get soon and often this year. Happy Camping!
    Laura R, Jerry Kemp, Randy and 2 others like this.
  2. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Wish we could join you!
    Warren Mary Ellen likes this.
  3. tjcrebs

    tjcrebs Novice Donating Member

  4. Jerry Kemp

    Jerry Kemp Junior Ranger

    Awesome to hear you (and others) are starting to get out. Planning my 1st big trip soon too.

    I think that all the corona's are dispersing. If I understood correctly, I believe last night on TV, Biden said that 200 million people had taken the vaccine.

    Overall, I think we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and things are beginning to return to normal.
    Laura R and Warren Mary Ellen like this.
  5. tjcrebs

    tjcrebs Novice Donating Member

    Just back from Bears Ears & Natural Bridges National Monument (NBNM) of SE Utah. Great hikes to petroglyphs, natural bridges, kivas, etc. Lotsa good dispersed campsites, but snagged a great campsite at the NBNM for $7 per night!

    However, on the way back home near Denver slipped and slided over Wolf Creek Pass (10,856 feet, “way up on the great divide”) during a Colorado Springtime blizzard. Took me, almost an hour at the local hand-squirt car wash to melt 6-inches of black ice off the front of Vuggie!

    Attached Files:

  6. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Impressive ice build up!
  7. LisaNKevin

    LisaNKevin Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Whoa! That is an impressive photo!

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