Itinerary 16th Annual Camp-Inn Camp-Outt

Discussion in 'Gatherings' started by Betsey, May 28, 2019.

Added to Calendar: 09-27-19, 09-28-19, 09-29-19
  1. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Calling all teardrops, travel trailers, tenters and curious onlookers!!!!!

    It's time to register for the Camp-Inn Camp-Outt! :D

    Come join us for a few hours, a day or the entire weekend!

    Here's what you need to know:

    16th Annual Camp-Inn Camp-Outt (CICO)

    When: September 27-29
    Where: Juneau County Castle Rock Park, Mauston, WI
    Campsite Registration: On-Site - Per night: $17.00******

    Click on the link below for registration & complete information on the Camp-Outt:

    Camp-Inn Camp-Outt by Camp-Inn Travel Trailers

    Questions? Email Betsey

    Hope to see you there!


    ****** The park is giving everyone the non-electric rate. HOWEVER, in order to be eligible for this rate, you MUST let us know by Wednesday evening, September 25, if you are coming to the Camp-Outt. If your name is NOT on the attendee list by then, you will be charged the electric site rate of $23, whether you need it or not.
  2. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    List of Attendees
    (List will be updated weekly)

    To Date: 153
    We have received registration forms for:

    If you have any of the following letters - "S," "B," "H or "C" - next to your name, you have ordered Shirts, Beeswax, Honey and/or Cranberries.

    Chuck & Carol A.
    Dave & Karen A. (S)
    Bill & Monica A.
    Bob & Nancy B.
    Lynn & Crystal B. (S)
    Ben & Jessica B. (S)
    Joe B.
    Randy B.
    Ruth B. (S)
    John & Lauren B. (S)
    Jack & Beth B. (S) (B) (C)
    Steve & Karen B.
    Jim & Gay C. (S)
    Kerry & Karen C.
    Jim & Deb C. (S) (B)
    Alan & Cathy C. (S) (B) (C)
    Becky D. & Eric M.
    Ron & Missy D. (S)
    Tom & Diane D.
    Wally & Martina E. (S)
    Craig & Betsey E.
    Beth & Lori E. & Jim C. (S)
    Jeff & Kelly E.
    Mark & Deb E.
    Mark & Mary E.
    Jude & Shelby F.
    Robert & Kathy G. (S) (B)
    Jack & Robin G.
    Mark & Betsy G. (S)
    Jon & Joy H. (S) (C)
    Henry H. (S)
    Bob & Barb H.
    Ron & Judy H.
    David & Kirsten H.
    Gary & Cheri J. (S)
    Mark & Linda K. (S)
    Tammy & Mary K. (S)
    Sherry K. (S)
    Jeff & Sheila K. (S)
    Gary, Sarah, Adam & Nolan K. (S)

    Dave & Linda K. (S)
    Joe & Dani K. (S)
    Bob K.
    Jim & Sue L.
    Dale & Joni L. (S)
    Chuck & Theresa L.
    Jerry & Tina L.
    Dennis & Faye M. (S)
    Al & Annie M. & Kirsten
    Parnell, Barb, Ramona, Kayson, & Eli
    Joan O.
    Jim & Sheri O. (S)
    David & Becky O. (S)
    David & Diane P. (S)
    Grant & Diane K.
    Rob & Jenny R. (S) (B) (C)
    Gene R.
    John & Jodi S. (S)
    Eric, Morgan, Sebastian & Natasha S. (S)
    Larry & Sue S.
    Steve S. & Michelle P. (S) (B)
    Dick & Deb S.
    Mark & Carolyn S. (S) (B)
    Ken & Rose S.
    Jenn S.
    Darrel & Joanne S.
    Nick T., Admira A., Lejla, & Amiracle
    Bob T & Jean W.
    Charles T. (S)
    Paul & Stacy T. (S)
    Steve T. (S)
    Mike & Chris V. (S)
    Glenn & Opal W. (S)
    Michael & Sue W. (S)
    Mike & Michelle W. (S)
    Cary, Holly, Nathan & Jillian W.
    Terry & Janine W.

    Furry Friend (FF) Attendees

    Sweet Pea
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2019
    RollingRob likes this.
  3. RollingRob

    RollingRob Junior Ranger

    As a new owner, Looking forward to my first Camp-Inn Camp-Outt!
  4. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I think I’m registered?
  5. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Yup! Got it this afternoon! :)
    Tour 931 likes this.
  6. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    WooHool! There are 66 people signed up for the Camp-Inn Camp-Outt so far...Are you on the list? If not, what are you waiting for? We would love to have you join us! Just click on the link to register:

    Camp-Inn Camp-Outt by Camp-Inn Travel Trailers

    Hope to see you in September!

    RollingRob likes this.
  7. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    I believe that yes, they are a wanderin’ :)
    Jenn likes this.
  8. RollingRob

    RollingRob Junior Ranger

    Hi Betsy, If one arrives early, what section of the park should we select? I would like to be close to the lake (lake view) but not if it's going to be across the park where everyone else may be...any advice for first-timers? thanks!
  9. RollingRob

    RollingRob Junior Ranger

    Nevermind! I just saw your great notes on one of the maps! Thank you.
  10. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I'm signed up. What do I need to know? Arrival and departure dates and such.
  11. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    All standard info is listed at the link Betsey posted for information. As for arrival and departure times...completely up to you... some individuals are coming from far away, so they might arrive days earlier than the sorta-official start date. Some people stay a few days into the next week because they don’t like to drive on a Sunday. There is no right or wrong answer to’re on Teardrop Time!
    Jenn likes this.
  12. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Thank you, Sherry, for jumping in and answering questions about the CICO. You did a great job!

    Yes, we have been traveling and we had kids & grandson home for a couple of weeks, a family reunion, back to school meetings, I've changed positions, moved my classroom (annual event), and have taken a Special Ed position on our Building Leadership Team, as well as starting to mentor a new teacher, and I just got back from the MN State Fair, so, yes, life has been a bit busy lately! I apologize to those who have registered but not seen their names on the CICO lists on the 3 teardrop forums. Everything is caught up as of this evening.

    If you have registered but do not see your name on any of the 3 Teardrop Forums CICO lists, PLEASE email me, PM me or post a message to any of the three CICO threads and I will be sure to get back to you.

    Jenn...I am glad you posted on here because I did NOT receive a registration for you. Even if you aren't ordering anything, there is still a submit button at the end of the registration that has to be clicked on. If not, I won't receive a registration. I have added you to the list of attendees, but if you could go back and try registering again, so I have a registration sheet on you, that would be great!

    See everyone in September!

    Jenn likes this.
  13. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Getting ready to send in the first order of shirts for the Camp-Outt.

    Deadline to get your order in for the first round of shirts is September 1.

  14. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    I did! It was a good thing you said you had registered, as there was a glitch in the email system that prevented any registrations that did not order anything to not be received. Craig wouldn't have found it if it hadn't been for you! As a result, we found 5 other similar registrations that had not reached us. Thanks!
    Jenn likes this.
  15. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Looks like a large crowd. How do the numbers compare to previous years?
  16. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I hope I'm registered. I'll be arriving Tuesday the 24th and leaving Tuesday the 1st of October.
  17. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    At 153, we are down a bit this year. Usually between 180-200. Our 1oth year was our biggest....over 200.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2019
  18. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    If your name is on the list, you are registered. Updated names this morning. Will finish updating shirts this evening, but if you ordered prior to this past Wednesday, your shirts have been ordered.
  19. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Gay & I really enjoyed our first CICO this past weekend.

    Thanks to Betsey, Craig, & those who helped make this a great event.

    Tour 931 likes this.
  20. Ron & Judy

    Ron & Judy Novice

    We had lots of fun in the liquid sun. Thank you to Betsey, Craig and everyone who worked so hard to make this a success.
    Tour 931 likes this.
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