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12 Volt Light String?

Discussion in 'Other Gear & Equipment' started by Randy, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. Randy

    Randy Ranger Donating Member

    I thought it would be fun to put up a string of lights around the alcove. Been looking for a 12 Volt string that would plug into the cigarette lighter receptacle in the galley but can't seem to find any. Any suggestions?


  2. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    I ended up with 2 possibilities for string lights that I carry w/me. If I have shore power, I just have a regular string of led lights I got after xmas for cheap, white.

    If I don't have shore power, I have a string of solar powered lights I found a few years back. They slowly get dimmer and dimmer @night so aren't the greatest if you want something bright; but for just a soft glow to find your CI when coming back from somewhere in the dark, they are better than nothing.

    These aren't strings of lights, and I found them for $5 each somewhere, so Amazon seems a bit pricey to me:http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DQ1RDWS...lid=32XYIZWWQO9V1&coliid=I2E4XOB3A5U1ON&psc=1 But those solar-powered lanterns really put out a lot of light for a long time. I usually hang them from the bungee 'rafters' in my Alcove.

    New Toy / untested: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00EGFKOZ6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I bought two of these--my thinking was to loop a string or something through the hole at the top and turn them into sort of 'porch lights' hanging over the roof of the trailer. I haven't tested them in the wild. But they've been in a south-facing window at home and do function like they say they do; a low light all the time when dark; and if motion detected they go bright. I'm not sure yet if I'll love them or hate them when actually in use. :) Maybe they'll make more sense in the alcove rafters... unsure yet. But they are solar and so far last all night.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  3. Brian MT

    Brian MT Newbie

    You can find a variety of 12v string lights on amazom.com. I plan on doing the same thing. I just haven't decided on if I want colored, white or one that change colors.
  4. Randy

    Randy Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks for the tips Sherrie. I haven't seen any on Amazon that terminate with a cigarette lighter plug?
  5. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    I haven't seen any either; although apparently (I was looking yesterday on Amazon) there are several 'waterproof' led strings that people use for outdoor applications which 'can be' rewired to instead of being through a power brick converter to home current, through 12v. in the Q&A section the response I saw to something like that wasn't to wire it to a plug; but to wire it so it would get power from a standalone battery.

    Maybe your easiest thing would be to find someone / some shop where they 'trick out' twenty-something's cars with light strips? I'm assuming you aren't versed in that--I know I'm not, and it's either buy it already done or find an expert. :)

    At a teardrop gathering I recall someone had lights (I assume like that) under their tear, to create a light puddle complete around the under-carriage.

    For me personally, even tho I usually end up at campsites with shore power, if I'm going to be boondocking I don't really want to plug in too many 'extra things' into the 12v system; esp. when solarpowered whatzits are all over the place and reasonably priced.
  6. Doug & Amber

    Doug & Amber Junior Ranger Donating Member

    We have bought these for our future CI teardrop.

    camco 42655 camper lights

    They are cool string lights shaped in little Teardrop camper shapes, multi colored. You can find them at Walmart and Amazon. They are 110v so you need Shore Power or use with inverter when on DC power. Package says not to string more than 3 strings together, but that should be plenty for a 12x12 easy-up canopy.
  7. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

  8. We received these as a gift when we bought our CI. A "teardrop warming gift."

    Seem to be good quality.
  9. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Love those! They're perfect!

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