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  1. K

    Outdoor storage with heater / dehumidifier?

    Wondering if anyone has any experience or advice regarding outdoor storage in a cold climate (NH) with the aid of a heater / dehumidifier? I'll buy the Camp-Inn cover, and then I'm thinking of these GoldenRod heaters typically used for firearm storage. I will have access to AC power. Thinking a...
  2. Jenny n Rob #943

    Cargo Net

    Found this at Aldi on clearance for $4.99. The straps go around the accessibility bars and clip back onto the fabric. Says it holds 6.6 lbs. There are 6 pockets and room for stuff on top. You can pull the straps more taut if you want without unclipping. Not high tech but inexpensive. Just got it...
  3. Sweeney

    Luggage / Clothing Storage

    Living small in a teardrop means organization. Everything has to have a place...and a little diciplin of putting things back where they need to go. Failure to do this will result in frustration. Back in the day we were able to find small totes and bags a bit easier, or at least the options...