
Discussion in 'Care & Maintenance' started by ajs777, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. ajs777

    ajs777 Novice

    Does anyone carry or recommend insurance beyond that covered by the tow vehicle's policy? I've read all the posts about security, theft prevention, etc., but haven't come across anything about insurance.
  2. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    We have basic RV insurance on our 550 i think it is less then $100.00 a year. Steve :)
  3. Ahoy Mates!

    Ahoy Mates! Novice

    we have a combination homeowners/auto policy to which we added extra coverage for our 550 in case some big honkin RV Bus backed into JoyAhoy while we were off on a side trip. Only cost us $245 per year.
    Dave and Rene
  4. Hilditch

    Hilditch Novice

    Absolutely! The RV insurance is $110 a year from State Farm and they will buy you a new one if they can't find a comprable used one if yours is wrecked, burned or stolen. The down side is they do not include contents, which fall under your household policy; and it cost $3,000 to 'furnish' ours. We are going to empty ours before something major happens to it.

  5. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    I have insurance through USAA and it is about $120/year. For $10 a month, I sleep sounder knowing everything is covered. This insurance covers what my auto insurance doesn't.
  6. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Insurance with Prudential at $80 per year.
    Thought about switching all vehicle insurance to American Family, which beat vehciles prices. They lost the deal when quoted around $300 a year for the teardrop.
  7. ajs777

    ajs777 Novice

    Thanks everyone, I looked at a few of the companies that you mentioned. Most offer the basics but a few offer more, like content coverage. Has anyone considered Good Sam Insurance or their club membership?

    Thanx again

  8. Lh303

    Lh303 Novice

    We added ours to our policy through AARP and the cost was $50/yr. This covers us while on the road. Homeowners covers us at home with a rider that cost like $27/yr.
  9. ajs777

    ajs777 Novice

    Leo & Jan,

    I tried to go through AARP but they wanted me to insure my tow vehicle through them too. They wouldn't just do a policy for the trailer. I need to check with my carrier to see if they have full replacement coverage or just a fair value deal. Good Sam (GMAC) offers total replacement up to 5 model years. Looks like all the others only replace the trailer within the 1st year.
  10. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

    we paid $128 to insure it, not the contents, with a $500 deductible. Not sure if it is "replacement value," of if it changes after the first year, etc. Will have to check that out.

    I'm not sure if the contents is covered by the policy on the car, or by our homeowners. I never really considered insuring the pots, stereo, sheets, etc. (the contents), but it does add up to a bit of $$.
  11. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    We got total replacement value through Farm Bureau (a Texas Co.) and I ain't sayin' how much it cost cause I probably paid too much, but I don't worry about it either! Now that we're moving into a home, I'll reexamine my ins. with a homeowner's policy and auto ins. As to what I've paid it isn't outrageous but more than anyone here has paid.
  12. Lh303

    Lh303 Novice

    With AARP coverage @ around $50/year you also need to have your tow vehicle covered through them. The last time I checked their vehicle insurance was the best deal around beating the nearest contender by $350 per year.
  13. Bobdaye

    Bobdaye Newbie

    We just got a policy through Good Sam (GMAC Insurance) 1-800-325-1190. They offer full replacement cost collision/comp. coverage for the first 5 years, then it drops to the orginal purchase price that was paid for the camper starting year 6 thru the life of the camper. Full tort (Penna.). Personal effects coverage $3,000.00 w/$50.00 deductible. Collision - $500.00 deductible. Comprehensive - $100.00 deductible. Liability coverage assumed by towing vehicle. We currently have the camper in stowage status for the winter which removed collision coverage. Cost is $113.00 for 6 months. When we add collision, the premium will be $164.00 for 6 months. We own a '07 550 Ultra. We are not a Good Sam member. They ask that when you add comprehensive coverage after stowage, that you keep the coverage for at least 30 days.
  14. adrianneross

    adrianneross Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I think I’m sort of reviving an old post, but I wanted to throw out a question to current CampInn owners about their insurance coverage.

    I contacted my (independent) insurance agent (our home/auto/umbrella policies are currently with Travelers), gave him our camper VIN, and asked for the cost of full (replacement) coverage. He came back with:

    “Replacement cost coverage is not available only Actual Cash Value. The additional premium will be around $195 per 6 months.”

    I then asked if there would be a depreciation schedule and how it would be determined and he came back with:

    “Yes – The value would be determined at the time of loss. There is no set depreciation schedule.”

    Now, call me a conspiracy-theory-doomsday-prepper, but that doesn’t sound very good. I can just see the claim adjuster adding up the premiums paid, subtracting 10% and that will be our “value at time of loss.” No offence to any insurance people out there, but yikes!

    I’ve asked my agent for a “sample” policy so we can see what the coverage limits and deductibles are going to be, but my question for you is: what kind of insurance do you carry (full replacement, personal effects, collision, comprehensive, towing) and who is your insurance company?

    Thanks for the assistance/advice.

  15. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice

    My policy is through Progressive online. The policy says:

    Comprehensive:Total loss replacement/Purchase price $500 deductible $105.00

    Collision: " " " " $82.00

    Replacement Cost personal effects (I got $5000.00 for my guitar) $42.00
    $100.00 deductible on the personal effects.

    Total policy for one year: $229.00

    This includes: Mexico coverage, Fire department service: $1000.00, Emergency expense: $750.00, Vacation liability: $10,000.00.

    Hope that helps.
  16. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice

    P.S. We also switched both of our vehicles to Progressive as well. They were MUCH cheaper for us than was GEICO, our previous carrier.
  17. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    Maybee you should of shopped harder. I pay $74.00 for full coverage with a $250. deductible.

    I don't think I have any coverage for Mexico but would not consider taking my trailer there much less driving in Mexico.

  18. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice


    We'd probably have to compare policies and coverages to compare the different pricing. Especially the replacement cost thing. But good job shopping.

  19. adrianneross

    adrianneross Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks for the info! I knew there should be a full-coverage option, maybe I wasn't using the correct terminology.

    Anyway, here’s what my agent came back with (Progressive):

    Comprehensive Total Loss Replacement/Purchase Price (-$500)
    Collision Total Loss Replacement/Purchase Price (-$500)
    Fire Department Service $1,000
    Emergency Expense $2,000
    Vacation Liability $300,000
    Replacement Cost Personal Effects $2,000 (-$100)
    Roadside Assistance

    Total (1 year) premium: $461

    This at least gives me something to shop around with. We're AARP members so I'm going to try contacting Progressive directly and see what they come back with. I'll have to look into a GMAC plan as well.
  20. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice

    I did all my stuff online. I never had to talk to a human.

    I don't know if there's another difference…. Maybe there is a spot to tell them how many nights per year you expect to use the camper that can help get a lower premium?

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