Morning Cup Of Coffee And Weather

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tour 931, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Temps have been in the teens and twenties at night and forties to sixties in the daytime. Right now it in the teens with a slight wind from the north. I’ve noticed whenever the wind is from the north it’s cold and when from the south it’s wet. When it blows from the east or west it’s stormy.
    Kevin likes this.
  2. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I was looking at weather around LaCrosse -- I was thinking of making a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine this week, and I'd probably stay somewhere near by. I was encouraged that the night times temps are just slightly above 'regular' camping season is getting closer!

    My Dad went to his eternal reward yesterday...March 8 at 9:50. It hasn't hit me yet. I'm still in a 'business as usual' mindset --- perhaps it because I need to still take care of mom....

    Actually --- The first week of March has probably been one of the worst weeks of my life. On Sunday, I got food poisoning. I was 100% down for the count for nearly a total 24 hours, sleeping an additional 8-9 hours on Monday. Then, on Thursday my company told me officially that my position was being downsized. Then on Friday, my dad died. Put that to a guitar twang and you've got a country song. Now, its taking care of mom while she has to carry on.

    I've known this was coming for a bit, hence the conversation about Route 66 elsewhere. This made official, which hit me harder than I thought it would. It took me about 5 minutes of my finger hovering over "send" to a farewell email I sent to my colleagues and friends.

    The only upside is that I no longer have to 'work' until they formalize the separation which will happen in 2 months. At least I get that. What next? We'll will have to see.
    Kevin likes this.
  3. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Sorry to hear what a tough week you've had... sometimes it seems like when it rains it pours. Hopefully the opposite will balance things out for you soon, and the sun will shine upon your path.
    Chuckwagon, Kevin and Steve and Karen like this.
  4. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Our condolences on your dad's passing. Even when you know it's imminent, it seems we're never really ready. It's said that death is a part of life, and I know that's true, but it sure sounded like a cliche when my dad died, and I'd bet it sounds that way to you now, too. Sounds like a road trip is definitely in order. All the best.
    dustinp and Kevin like this.
  5. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Your father was lucky to have you in his life. Take care my friend.
    Sweeney and Kevin like this.
  6. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Condolences for your loss, Sweeney.
    Even when you know its coming its still hard.

    Take care of yourself now.
    Prayers at ya.
  7. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Thank you for your kindness. None of this has 'hit me' yet. Too much too fast? Are there still things to do with my Mom and I'm focusing on her? I dunno. The social worker said it may not 'hit' me until she departs this mortal coil. Hard telling.

    I still am helping my mom, who was up until the last month the one who was having problems. Now, she is thriving --- her condition has improved while Dads declined. She has made a friend (!), has been playing games, and his genuinely cheerful when you talk to her. She still has dementia, so it is chit-chat, but she hasn'nt done this well in years. I'll take it.

    I just want her happy as she can be and comfortable.

    But yes, the last 7 days has been just one hit after the other....

    So, with that said, it's time to reset and have a little R&R starting. Taking the advice of the social worker, care for myself for a bit. Since they want no viewing or 'memorial' of any kind, it will just be dealing with government forms, banks, and insurance and it will probably take a little time for those to get here.

    I think I'm going to either this little secluded boondocking spot or point the nose of the car south and find someplace. I'll probably be in Indiana for 2-3 days and just 'breathe' for a little bit. It's supposed to be in the 60's mid-week.
    Kevin likes this.
  8. Sweeney
    Dont know if you recall but this last fall at the the Campinn you were very generous with your time in showing us your camper and experiences. In our discussion we discovered our mutual interest in St. Gerald. Our condolences to you in these difficult times.
    You are in our prayers for strength and peace.

    BTW, because of yours and others positive influence we took the leap and purchased a 2015 560, #777. Looking forward to the adventures. Glenn and Geri.
    Kevin likes this.
  9. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Another sunny day that promises to be warm. I just bleached my teeth for a filling and can’t have coffee for a few days.
  10. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Sorry to hear about your loss and hope this week will be better.
  11. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I usually post about the sunrise to the east or the Band of Venus at sunset. This was tonight’s sunset to the west from my backyard.
    86A14B91-FE2D-4FD2-A06C-A163EC900A88 by Tour 931 posted Mar 11, 2024 at 5:03 PM
    Chuckwagon, Laura R, Kevin and 2 others like this.
  12. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Absolutely, I do remember you. Hopefully, we can pick it back up this year at a gathering!

    Your prayers are very much appreciated. My faith has been essential in the past week, as so many things happened last week. Most importantly was Dads reception of the Apostolic Pardon. I have good reason to believe he is in the Eternal Light, and hope I too someday will be found a Good and Fiathful servant.

    Thank you. I am sure it will be. I have been trying to prepare for this for some time, as both of my parents health has been failing for some time. While the specific time was unexpected, we all knew it was coming. He's been having problems for some time now. Its also a reminder of a Latin truism: "Momento Mori, Tempus Fugit." This roughly translates to "Remember Death, Time flies." We can all be called at any moment without warning.

    I also believe that he is in a much better place now, and I hope he can see everything I did -- as unhappy as he was at the time about it -- was the best option, and one I thought he would have chosen in the same situation.

    All I needed to know. Never getting teeth bleached :) The fat kid needs his coffee!!!!
    Kevin and Tour 931 like this.
  13. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Tour your pics and description of different "glows" has inspired me to try for more on my iphone.

    Attached Files:

    dustinp, Tour 931 and Sweeney like this.
  14. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I moved on to full-blown espresso in American-sized cups. I can't seem to move before the first two, at least! But then, it's making stupid decisions faster, with enthusiasm!

    This kind of reminds me of a funny story -- I've always been a fan of caffeine, though most of my life it has been through soda. This is probably 25 years ago, I was not a coffee drinker. I got a call from a friend who was having a computer problem (virus, or something more serious -- couple hours to straighten it out)

    While working on the machine, he offered me a jar of this special treat -- they looked like M&M' but were more round, but not peanuts. I started munching on 'em as I worked. Probably wiped out the better part of 1/2 pound, maybe more. My friend just sat there with an amused look on his face. What he had given me were "buzz beans" or chocolate-covered coffee beans. Needless to say, the neighbor's garages were clean the next morning.
    dustinp, Kevin, SethB and 1 other person like this.
  15. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I leave for Madison, WI in my Outback in a couple hours. I’m going to the VA hospital there for a day of test tomorrow and will drive home Saturday. Then on Sunday I will leave for Necedah from church. On Monday 931 goes back to the mothership for a new battery or as us Wisconsinites say bat-tree. My class A in in the RV port.
    2E4AA1FA-50DA-4FCA-976E-501E72E103DD by Tour 931 posted Mar 14, 2024 at 6:08 AM

    I’ve been to all the states west of the Mississippi.
    7567DBED-38CB-4603-843A-87D9C46E31A1 by Tour 931 posted Mar 14, 2024 at 6:18 AM

    And of course Wisconsin.
    D7604D9B-E657-4785-8158-CE3159B55152 by Tour 931 posted Mar 14, 2024 at 6:18 AM
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2024
  16. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Good luck
    Kevin and Tour 931 like this.
  17. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    Safe travels to Madison. Nearby in Brodhead, Wisconsin is a gaggle of Pietenpol enthusiasts. The airplane was designed in the 1920s and was originally powered with a Model A engine. I got to fly one about 20 years ago. It only turns about 1400 rpm.
    dustinp, Kevin and Tour 931 like this.
  18. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Those travel badges...The coolest CampInn evah!
    Travel safe and good luck.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2024
  19. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Lol, those beans...
  20. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I got back from Madison yesterday only to do laundry and repack for my trip to Necedah. I’ll lead directly from church and will stay at the mothership for the night. The work will be done Monday and after another night I’ll come home.

    Right now it’s 20F and windy. Not what I was hoping for after several weeks above freezing.

    4525CBC0-2E24-4861-BCEA-B8FB06AE1990 by Tour 931 posted Mar 17, 2024 at 5:33 AM
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2024
    Kevin and dustinp like this.

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