Itinerary Crossroads Of America Gathering (cra2023)

Discussion in 'Gatherings' started by Sweeney, Jan 18, 2023.

  1. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

  2. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    Just a friendly reminder, 2023 is the last CICO. 20 years. Those who want to come yet, make your plan for this year.

    Kevin and Sweeney like this.
  3. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Crossroads is a good time, though it has shrunk quite a bit as more people have (foolishly) moved to full-size RVs. Back in 2013 (CRA happens bi-annually), we reserved almost the entire "A" loop at McCormick's creek state park -- that's the loop on the right. It was MASSIVE, and I believe it was the largest group of teardrops that has ever assembled. Everything from a "Foamie," which was built using spray foam and duct tape, to one that was themed after a caboose (Bob Henry/Henry Bob - builder) -- A very eclectic place.

    A great group of people! Still is. That year, we had Todd Brunengraber, the founder of "Tearjerkers." The potluck took up pretty much an entire road. CampInn was there that year, and I believe there were 1 or 2 other campinns represented...its been too long, I don't recall the details.

    There were fundraising events held, as is common, where the money was given to a charity.

    Given my choice -- I'll go to both :) The park they use today is different but still very nice. But please do NOT reserve based on this post, this is merely the insane ramblings of a lunatic mind. The specific details can be found on the CRA web site. If you're within whatever you consider a reasonable drive - its worth the trip. I'll be reserving my spot as soon as they are available --- 6 months in advance.

    I'd love to go to RTR/Quartsite sometime. Its on my bucket list - I've never seen a desert before except from 48,000 feet.

    I think before I made that trip, I'd want to have a van for a tow vehicle -- just to carry additional water, and give a little bit bigger space to escape bad conditions if things turned 'bad' - hot, wind, rain...

    View attachment upload_2023-1-19_9-51-20.png
  4. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Sad to hear its the last --- maybe we need to talk about passing the baton instead of shuttering it --- its a great time!!!!
  5. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    That is the hope. It may be the last year that it is put on by Camp-Inn (more importantly it is put on by Craig's wife Betsey) but hopefully someone else will step and take over putting on a similar event.

    Gary & Janine, dustinp and Kevin like this.
  6. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Thanks Cary!
    Edit: answered my question here:

    Still some question on venue, pending park grant $$$?

    lots more background here:

    PS: infinite thanks to Betsy for the labor of love on this.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2023
    Chuckwagon and Sweeney like this.
  7. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Just a clarification...this is the last year for the Official Camp-Inn Camp-Outt. After this year, it will still be an annual camping gathering, most likely held the last full weekend of September. However, it won't have all the bells and whistles as the previous ones. Just come, camp, visit, and maybe have a potluck. Back to a simpler day! ;)
  8. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    whew. This was a highlife of my year last year :)
  9. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    There are still campsites left in the park! The loop where the CRA is is full, save 1. The next loop is a very short walk from the area we all are.

    The perfume of campfires fills the air, the air is cool, and the sun is warm, and as always the people are friendly...its great seeing old friends again....

    If you're close -- its not too late to enjoy being around like-minded troublemakers ;)
    Corbin and Kevin like this.
  10. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    It's been a great Gathering here at Whitewater State Park in Indiana. I'm just starting to find my Sunday morning mojo, and likely will be visiting the "Liberty Bell Restaurant" here in Liberty Indiana. If you're in the area, this park and this restaurant are worth the stop!!!

    As is typical, there were awards presented for furthest traveled to be here, best home built, and best factory camper etc.

    CampInn was awarded the 'best factory made' award at the event, which I accepted on their behalf. The cooks wore the same aprons on Saturday morning, of which this was the award....a new apron :) Perssonally, I'm skeptical, I think this is how they get volunteers for the next year. @Cary Winch , I'll give this to you in 2 weeks since you built it ;)

    We got to meet and spend a little time with @Corbin, who is considering a CampInn. We shared with him our experiences, as well as allowing him to see the 560, and its fine points. I, of course, invited him to the CICO, I'm hoping they can make it. Currently, he is tesla-camping, and looking for something a little easier. I hope to see him in a few weeks, where we can get to know each other and to share war-stories around a campfire.

    We also got to visit with Kenneth & Dixie who were at CICO last year -- Regretably they can't be there this year --- and I'm very sad about that -- His homebuilt is impressive, and they are two of the nicest people I've ever met.

    The pitch-in was wonderful, as they always seem to be. I'd rather this than the most expensive 5 star restaurant. I was going to make "Kent Rollins" sloppy joes, but ran out of time and just made a simple chili. I used McCormicks mix and doctored it with some bell peppers and sweet onion, and and a couple cans of Rotel tomatoes. They just introduced "Hatch" peppers...amazingly good if I say so myself. I may make that again for CICO, and maybe a batch at home just for me :)

    But the pitch in was incomplete. Larry made Mississippi pot roast that was not complete in time for the pitching. So at about 10:30 it was finally done --- so the few of us that stayed up late around the communal campfire were treated to what is probably the best pot roast I've ever had.

    Lastly, I got to see the first camper I would ever consider if I were traveling alone, and, did not have my 560. Larry (who made the pot roast) converted a 1973 super beetle into a 1 man camper....I walked by it and completely missed what it was....totally cool. Check this out: Log into Facebook

    May you can make it to the next CRA in 2 years....This was a lot of fun.
    dustinp, Kevin and Corbin like this.
  11. My wife and I are new teardrops and our Camp-Inn is in the build process as we speak We saw your teardrop on Friday but you were out doing other things I am sure we will meet up at some time Bake and Kroak
    Kevin likes this.
  12. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Oh too bad! I would have loved to meet you! I hope you had the opportunity to meet the builders --- there were a couple really creating builds there. Kenneth & Dixie across from us, and the "Love bug" were worth the trip ....
  13. We saw the bug We had seen film of it before It's a bit of a star
    Kevin likes this.
  14. Corbin

    Corbin Newbie

    Thank you Sweenie for taking time to give us a full tour of your 560 and your experiences.

    Thank you Sweeney for taking time to give us a full tour of your 560 and providing perspective on your years of ownership experiences! The award for Camp Inn is much deserved, thoughtfully and beautifully built teardrops.
    Kevin likes this.
  15. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Larry is quite the character too :)

    No problem -- I'm passionate about very few things --- my CampInn is one of them :)
    Kevin and Corbin like this.
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