Sunshade (curtain) For Fan

Discussion in 'Custom Additions' started by Steve and Karen, Sep 5, 2019.

  1. (This is one of my more simple mods, but something I thought people mind find useful.)

    Not sure if anyone else has had this issue, but with all the curtains drawn, there is a tremendous amount of light that still comes in through the fan cover. It acts like a solar alarm clock, usually when I/we want to sleep in, in relative darkness, well past a 0530 sunrise.

    I devised an opaque curtain (out of a reusable fabric shopping bag, no less) that is attached with velcro tape at the corners. It hangs down far enough that the fan will still draw enough air through the open sides, even on the highest setting. And it is heavy and stiff enough that the fan won't suck it up, block it, and burn out out the motor. Practice with it. A wire stiffener down the center would also work.

    All the controls are accessible and there's no danger of banging your head against something that's more permanent and solid.

    The light that still comes in from the sides is insignificant. And its not burning my retinas before I've had I coffee.


    View attachment upload_2019-9-5_14-4-26.png

    View attachment upload_2019-9-5_14-4-46.png

    Attached Files:

  2. Lee

    Lee Newbie

    Nice. I use a bandana and four paper clips sewn to each corner. Bend the clip ends out and insert into the bead board groove and under the fan frame to secure.
    Kevin likes this.
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