Palo Duro Canyon, Tx.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mark & Mel, Nov 28, 2022.

  1. Mark & Mel

    Mark & Mel Newbie

    We picked up our new 560 the end of Nov. and took a big trip out west. Here are a few pictures of Palo Duro Canyon, Tx. a beautiful place. #1064 was everything we hoped it would be and more!

    Attached Files:

  2. Steve & Betsy

    Steve & Betsy Novice

    We camped there for several nights a few years ago. We also liked Ft Davis State Park.
  3. M&L

    M&L Ranger

    Fun place to camp! Last time we were there, we had coyotes AND roadrunners...I had to check for dynamite, falling anvils, and other items from the Acme Corporation once I realized what was going on!

    I've heard the Texas Outdoor Musical there is amazing, but we've never been able to time our trips to see it...

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