Itinerary 19th Annual Camp-Inn Camp-Outt

Discussion in 'Gatherings' started by Betsey, May 10, 2022.

Added to Calendar: 09-23-22, 09-24-22, 09-25-22
  1. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    firwood at most campgrounds are the small bundles….is anyone near the park selling larger quantities ….cheaper?

    I usually find a couple foot call stack for 20 bucks which is about twice the value…..this is what I’m hoping to find…
    Kevin likes this.
  2. Jenn

    Jenn Ranger

    And you as well!
    Biggie and Kevin like this.
  3. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Attendee list updated for final time before the CO!

  4. KarenBee

    KarenBee Novice

    If you find some, grab a bundle for me. I like a good fire too.
  5. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Just walked in the door after getting home from an enjoyable weekend at CICO! The rain last night tried to put a damper on things, but a good time was still had by all hearty souls who ventured out for the wonderful cobbler and homemade ice-cream. We thought of staying an extra day to let our side tents, Clam, and rugs dry out before packing up after the overnight rain, but once the sun came out, and the wind picked up, everything dried in a hurry, so we were able to get out by about 3:30pm.
    It's always fun reconnecting with past CICO acquaintances each year, the Camp-Inn staff, and finally putting faces to some of the newer forum members, or ones who were finally able to make the trek to CICO after being members for awhile. For instance, I always thought that Sweeney had borrowed his thumbnail icon from the funny pages, until we finally met, and then found that it was his actual portrait! ;) Campdude and Cindy also were fun new faces to meet, as well as many others! Bob had some great free home brewed ale and ipa for those so inclined to try his craft.
    Next years reunion sounds like it may have to be moved, pending grant money being received for the rehabilitation of campground A at the Juneau County Castle Rock Lake Recreation area. It would be nice to see the roads repaved, and a few spruce ups, but it has been a great venue over the years, and hope it can continue as such in the future.
    Thanks again Craig & Betsey, and all who made such a great effort to make this years another fun CICO to attend!
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2022
  6. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Hey! Now that isn’t nice :). But also funnier than you think…more once 8 get home

    For what it’s worth, Sunday night we got another showing of Saturday night, this time with wind! It was a good excuse to head over to shipwreck bay with some new friends who was still here. We’ll be drying out tents today….then home first thing tomorrow….wheels up at sunrise.

    Speaking of second showings, I’ll be stopping at a Great Lakes distillery. That whiskey was pretty darned tasty! The diet begins again Wednesday. One more Kringle on the way home…

    Seeing people without the emoji made it tricky to spot real people…may next year some buttons can me made :). It was great meeting all of you, I am sure it will change he personality here ;)

    June (our dog) apologizes to anyone she barked at as they were walking to the big blue tent. I suspect a couple of people will be sending me a cleaning bill. She said she was scared by all the people walking through the camp. She has asked us not to set up in show center next year.

    To my new friend who showed me some tricks with twigs, thanks … I, feeling inspired. Now to find my voice.
    Kevin, Cary Winch, Tour 931 and 2 others like this.
  7. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Glad you were able to see it for the fun it was intended to be..., we were surprised as we headed west towards home, to see the big storm clouds forming again along, but mainly to the north of our path, and traveling eastward, then Kris saw on her phone that there was a severe weather alert for parts of Juneau county. Sorry you had to go through it all again, and hope the wind spared your new Coleman shelter:eek:
  8. campdude

    campdude Ranger


    It was great meeting you and Kris although our pockets are a little lighter now because of it.

    Nice to hear that you didn't encounter the heavy rains on your journey back home.
    Kevin and dustinp like this.
  9. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Yeah, the Lectric ebikes got a lot of attention, and I suspect that the company may get a little more business after the CICO, but I should really give credit to KarenBee, since she mentioned them earlier this summer, and we probably wouldn't have gotten them without her post, since I'd never heard of them before then. Since we've only had them a little less than two months, it's hard to give a full fledged endorsement, but so far so good, and hopefully we'll have even more positive thoughts on them a year from now. We caught the edge of the incoming storm as we headed home, but only ended up having to use our wipers intermittently for about 5-10 minutes before exiting its path, but glad we didn't end up riding it out back at the park, and waiting for the dry out again today.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2022
    Kevin and KarenBee like this.
  10. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    All our stuffed fared well. The Coleman is heavy and takes space, but it has become my favorite questionable weather tent….except for he steel poles. A good spritz of boeshield seeems to have added proper protection….no rust after several uses…

    today is our last day here, we’re 90% packed. Was in the 90s last week….the cold air is both refreshing and terrifying :)
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2022
    Kevin and Tour 931 like this.
  11. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    The 19th Camp-Inn Camp-Outt is in the books! 156 attendees from 21 states - including Pennsylvania, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Washington, California, South Dakota, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Missouri & Montana. Units included 38 manufactured teardrops, 15 home built teardrops, 6 home built other style campers, 11 travel trailers/motor homes, 3 other campers, and 6 tents. Total miles traveled to Juneau County Castle Rock Park in Mauston, WI.... 27,292!

    Many, many thanks to all who were able to join us this year and make it another great gathering! Also thank you for the many helping hands! Already looking forward to 2023 for the BIG ONE - #20! Hope you are able to join us! Registration will begin in April 2023.

    2022's gathering ended with a short, intense and fast moving wind/rain storm. The Big Blue Tarp made it through but the white canopy didn't fare so well, ending up with several bent steel poles. This photo was taken after the storm passed and the sun came out. Love the white caps on the lake and the rainbow!

    Attached Files:

  12. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Already looking forward to it, and planning our stay :) Thank you so much for a great weekend. I needed it :)
  13. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Do we know when the 20th CICO will be? I’m hoping it doesn’t conflict with the Christmas Tree Festival.
    Ken & Peggy and Sweeney like this.
  14. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Always the last full weekend in September.
    Kevin likes this.
  15. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Does that mean the 23rd and 24th?
    Ken & Peggy likes this.
  16. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Tour 931 likes this.
  17. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Great! The Ogema Christmas Tree Festival is on the 30th which means I can do both.
    Kevin and Ken & Peggy like this.
  18. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    There is a dog!
    Kevin and Tour 931 like this.
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