Jazz Fest New Orleans

Discussion in 'Trip Planning' started by Steve & Betsy, Aug 2, 2022.

  1. Steve & Betsy

    Steve & Betsy Novice

    Has anyone ever attended Jazz Fest in New Orleans? Has anyone ever camped while attending the Jazz Fest? Looking for pointers, tips, and experiences on both the festival and the camping, which I assume would be an RV park nearby.
  2. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    Been to the French Quarter many times including Mardi Gras. Never during Jazz Fest. Some of our friends have recommended a RV Park close to the French Quarter. Only for the location, not for a camping experience. Should be able to find it on an App like Allstsys.
    Sweeney likes this.
  3. We stayed at st.bernard state park a 30' drive into the jazz fest with little traffic.
    It's quiet park with good facilities.
    Kevin likes this.
  4. M&L

    M&L Ranger

    Never been to Jazz Fest. I do play jazz clarinet, and New Orleans is an absolute mecca for that, as I'm sure you're aware if you're going to Jazz Fest. I highly recommend Preservation Hall if you haven't been there. Last time I went, you could either buy tickets online or stand in line super early to get in (I did the latter...got there an hour early). You can buy beer next door and bring it with you, but they don't sell any in Preservation Hall. And while you're there, if you have the opportunity to hear Dr. Michael White play, either at Jazz Fest or out on the town somewhere, do it (he's a clarinet player, and I freely admit my bias!).

    Camping around New Orleans is tough. If you keep your standards low, you can find something nearby...although I suspect that they will all fill up during Jazz Fest. We don't particularly like RV parks or campsites that are jam-packed together, so we tend to go further out. The last time we camped near New Orleans, we opted to stay 2 hours away in Breaux Bridge. Good luck, and if you find anything worthwhile, please report back!

    Oh, and the National WWII Museum is *superb* and worth the time to go see.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2022
  5. KarenBee

    KarenBee Novice

    I have visited New Orleans 10 times, starting with doing relief work after Katrina. I did that twice a year, all three years of grad school.

    I haven’t been to Jazz Fest because of the extra hassle and expense of visiting at that time of year. So I don’t have a good idea of camping opportunities.

    But I can recommend: choose Frenchmen street over Bourbon Street for live music. Even better, try going to the Maple Leaf Bar and get up on the benches and tables and jam out with the locals and kids from Tulane. You can have an amazing dinner at Jacques-Imos down the street beforehand.

    If you are in the CBD, go to Steve’s Diner. Low cost and fantastic. The butter beans there are so damn good! Also, try one of the places on Magazine Street for breakfast. Or the Ruby Slipper for brunch. https://media-cdn.getbento.com/acco.../PYOjhpHRxmkprTQfJghw_Slipper_5.22 r4 WEB.pdf
    Just thinking about the food there has me drooling.
  6. Dmitry

    Dmitry Novice

    I've been to New Orleans twice. I am a very big jazz fan with a couple of thousand records and a decent stereo (which my widow will promptly dispose of when I'm gone; and I approve of that!), and hundreds of live shows that I've attended. My father was a conservatory-trained big band trombone player. I can't say that I liked visiting NO. Perhaps my expectations were on the romantic side...
    I live 20 miles from Newport, RI, and, sorry to admit, listening to jazz in a tent with 1000 other people, in a 90F heat, is not for me. And there's little jazz at jazz festivals any more. It's mostly contemporary R&B and other pop music acts.
    Apologies for the short rant. Enjoy your trip, and please report your findings!
    Kevin and M&L like this.
  7. JohnC

    JohnC Ranger

    Can’t say I know much about jazz but can say I feel blessed to have seen Oscar Peterson twice at the Hollywood Bowl.
    M&L and Dmitry like this.
  8. Steve & Betsy

    Steve & Betsy Novice

    We just left New Orleans after attending Jazz Fest this past Saturday and Sunday. Good time, great music, and great food!

    We camped at Founteblue state park on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain. The campground was 4 miles away from the north terminus of the causeway. Driving to our parking spot at City Park was easy, then used Jazz Fest Express for bus ride to the festival.

    Campground was reasonably nice, clean, and felt very safe.

    We may go back next year.
    dustinp and Kevin like this.
  9. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Its been 30 years since we were in the Big Easy. Closer to 35 methinks. Thanks for reminding me I want to go back there.

    I can't remember the name, but there was a beignet shop -- sunrise? Sunshine? I can not recall its name....I wish I could

    We were going to a friend's wedding, and they took us there. This wasn't in the quarter; this was a "locals" shop not really a tourist location. We liked it better than the Cafe du Monde. When you walked into the shop, there was a haze in the air -- I'm sure the staff suffered from White Lung much like coalminers equivalent. The waiter (elderly cajun -- at least form a 20-something...he was probably 45) was both funny and very good at his job...

    I remember too going to Mahogany Hall (I remember the name as Madam White's Mahogany Hall -- not sure if it has changed, or my memory is faulty) - 1 drink minimum to hear a ragtime band. Our party was not all above 21 and no one cared. including the waitress who served two members of our party that were both under 21....by a lot. I thought for sure I was going to jail that night.

    @Steve & Betsy --- how was the french quarter? I have been told it has changed since we were there -- its gotten a lot seedier and ...fragrant?
    Kevin likes this.
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