Holy Smokes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Calvin & Jane, Jul 15, 2022.

  1. Calvin & Jane

    Calvin & Jane Novice

    Just moved to South Carolina and paid property taxes on our 560. We were initially told it would be $688. We discussed things a bit further and they came down to $472. To other Sc owners - does this seem high? We came from WI where we north we were not required title or register our Camp-inn
  2. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Even coming from the state of 10,000 taxes, that seems pretty excessive. We title, and register them here, then pay a yearly license fee, but that's about $15/yr.
  3. I’m in SC too. When our CampInn was new in 2015 our taxes were $750. Now we are down to around $300. We live in the city of Anderson so we have to pay city & county property tax to pay on it. Same with our cars.

    If you are going to buy a new car, wait until you have paid the taxes on the older vehicle. Then go car shopping & transfer the tag to the new vehicle. When you pay the vehicle property tax the next time, you car will be a year older so the taxes will be lower. If are buying brand new cars, it can make a difference. If you have an older vehicle with a lot of miles, you may qualify for a high mileage discount. Check the DMV website to see if you qualify. If you do, just go to the courthouse in your county. Drive that vehicle there, because they will look at the odometer to verify. I had a 2000 Nissan Maxima until last year and I was only paying $30 per year which included city/county at the end. Sales tax on vehicles is capped at $500.

    Where in SC are you?

    Also, there is a group of about 3-4 Camp Inn owners that will be in the White Oak campground at Table Rock State Park Nov 5-8 if you are interested.
  4. Lipster

    Lipster Junior Ranger

    " Then go car shopping & transfer the tag to the new vehicle."

    That would not work in my state. Each vehicle is licensed separately. You pay for the tabs and if a week later you sell or trade the car, paid up license goes to the new owner.
  5. SC’s process always catches new residents off guard. They go to the DMV to register their car only to find ou they have to pay property tax on the vehicle. Until you do, you can’t get a license plate for your car or camper. An d if you have new expensive vehicles it can add up. And don’t buy a new vehicle until after you are here.
  6. Calvin & Jane

    Calvin & Jane Novice

    Yes, it caught us off guard. Both of our vehicles are 2019 and we took delivery of our Camp-inn in 2020. We walked out of the tax office paying a little over $1,200. Next week back to the DMV where I am told it will cost us another $250 each.
  7. Your experience is pretty typical. That I believe is the Infrastructure Maintenance Fee which at times you will wonder what it goes to as you drive around on our lovely roads where the shoulder is just a white line most of the time. . And the white line is painted on dirt.
    dustinp and Tour 931 like this.
  8. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

  9. People hear our are taxes are low and they are. The property tax on vehicles including campers is what most people miss until they are here. If you don’t live within any city or town limits, your property taxes will be lower and that includes your vehicle. Our state income tax is not bad, gas tax is pretty low (it was extremely low but we’ve gradually raised the rate last 5 years), & if you stay away from the coast, Columbia, Rock Hill which is a suburb of Charlotte or most of the I-85 corridor property prices are pretty cheap. Now there are pockets of the state where it is perpetually stuck in 1970 or so.

    The county near me with low property taxes is Oconee. Duke Energy has a nuclear power plant there & they pay a ton to the county. It is the most western county & has several lakes in it plus some mountains.
    Tour 931 and Van_and_Terri like this.
  10. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    The area of the Carolinas is beautiful -- I especially like the way they hide the large industrail building behind trees...it depresses me to drive down the I70 corodore and see nothing but miles and miles of warehouses. People see the large amazon ware house --- what they don't see are the 6 others that are not as obvioully placed and marked.

    Indiana with its highly desirable location from a shipping and logistics...Just a few minutes 70, 69, 54, 74 all crisscross the city. I can be on an interstate in 10 minutes to take me to just about any major city you want to go. But boy, has it created an eyesore in the past 5 years --- I'll bet in 10 years warehosues will be visible from state line to state line on 70.

    Every state his its problems....
  11. dirty6

    dirty6 Ranger

    Having lived (briefly) in SC, can confirm
    Warren Mary Ellen likes this.
  12. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    What is this "tax" thing that you speak of??? Never heard of such a thing as a tax..;)
    Warren Mary Ellen likes this.
  13. Calvin & Jane

    Calvin & Jane Novice

    Yes, property taxes on our home are less than half that from our home in WI. We are living in Greenville county between Travelers Rest and Landrum - fairly rural and quite beautiful.
  14. That is a beautiful area. I ride my bicycle in that area occasionally & up into the Saluda/Tryon area above you. For the last two years, Mary Ellen taught at Travelers Rest HS, but this year is going to be closer to home here in Anderson County.

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