12 Days of Christmas

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jean W, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Lets have forum members create a Camp Inn version of Twelve Days of Christmas.....

    On the First Day of Christmas, Camp Inn delivered to me....

    a brand new teardrop under the tree
  2. eileenpaine

    eileenpaine Novice

    On the second day of Christmas Camp Inn delivered to me,

    2 LED tail lights
    and a brand new teardrop under the tree
  3. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    How fun! Good one Jean!

    When the song is complete, I will share a "Paul Harvey" version of a true story of the 12 Days of Christmas at Camp-Inn.

    In the meantime, keep the verses coming!!!!

  4. bcannizzo

    bcannizzo Novice

    On the third day of Christmas, Camp-Inn delivered to me
    3 keys for locking
    2 LED tail lights
    and a brand new teardrop under the tree
  5. Kelly

    Kelly Novice

    Simply beautiful - it brings a "tear" of joy to my eyes. Everyone join in on the count of three . . .
  6. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    On the fourth day of Christmas, Camp-Inn delivered to me
    4 Quotes a changing
    3 keys for locking
    2 LED tail lights
    and a brand new teardrop under the tree
  7. Bazza2154

    Bazza2154 Novice

    On the fifth day of Christmas, Camp-Inn delivered to me

    Five Bottles of walbernize
    4 Quotes a changing
    3 keys for locking
    2 LED tail lights
    and a brand new teardrop under the tree
  8. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    On the 6th day of Christmas, CampInn delivered to me

    6 Mugs a gleaming [​IMG]
    5 Bottles of Walbernize
    4 Quotes a changing
    3 Keys for locking
    2 LED taillights
    and a brand new teardrop under the tree
  9. dpnel

    dpnel Novice

    On the 7th day of Christmas, Campinn delivered to me

    7 spare fuses
    6 mugs a gleaming
    5 bottles of walbernize
    4 quotes a changing
    3 keys for locking
    2 led tail lights

    and a brand new Teardrop under the tree.
  10. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    On the 8th day of Christmas, Camp-Inn delivered to me

    8 gallons fresh water
    7 spare fuses
    6 mugs a gleaming
    5 bottles of walbernize
    4 quotes a changing
    3 keys for locking
    2 led tail lights

    and a brand new Teardrop under the tree.
  11. Bazza2154

    Bazza2154 Novice

    Clever Evan very clever
  12. On the 9th day of Christmas, Camp-Inn delivered to me

    9 Dutch Ovens
    8 gallons fresh water
    7 spare fuses
    6 mugs a gleaming
    5 bottles of walbernize
    4 quotes a changing
    3 keys for locking
    2 led tail lights

    and a brand new Teardrop under the tree.
  13. Bunni

    Bunni Novice

    On the 10th day of Christmas, Camp-Inn delivered to me

    10 gawkers touring
    9 Dutch Ovens
    8 gallons fresh water
    7 spare fuses
    6 mugs a gleaming
    5 bottles of walbernize
    4 quotes a changing
    3 keys for locking
    2 led tail lights

    and a brand new Teardrop under the tree.
  14. Hilditch

    Hilditch Novice

    On the 11th day of Christmas, Camp-Inn delivered to me

    11 Sticker lights a shining
    10 gawkers touring
    9 Dutch Ovens
    8 gallons fresh water
    7 spare fuses
    6 mugs a gleaming
    5 bottles of walbernize
    4 quotes a changing
    3 keys for locking
    2 led tail lights

    and a brand new Teardrop under the tree.
  15. DonSue

    DonSue Novice

    Hilditch, may I suggest a slight alteration, bumping your line up to #12?

    On the 12th day of Christmas, Camp-Inn delivered to me

    12 Sticker lights a shining
    11 pounds of propane
    10 gawkers touring
    9 Dutch Ovens
    8 gallons fresh water
    7 spare fuses
    6 mugs a gleaming
    5 bottles of walbernize
    4 quotes a changing
    3 keys for locking
    2 led tail lights

    and a brand new Teardrop under the tree.
  16. Hilditch

    Hilditch Novice

    OK. But one was DOA.

  17. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Great song! Good work everyone!

    So, here as I promised, it is ....the Rest of the Story...a true story of the 12 Days of Christmas at Camp-Inn...

    Those of you who have had the opportunity to visit the shop will have seen the large neon Camp-Inn sign in the show room. I had that made for Craig a few years back as a Christmas present. It was hard to keep it a secret for the few months it took to have it made.

    I knew that once I got it home, I would have to give it to him right away & not wait for Christmas Day, as it was too big & too delicate to hide anywhere. Oh, and keeping it secret was getting to be too much for me... :D

    I also knew I needed a creative way to give it to him...so I came up with a scavenger hunt around our house entitled "The 12 Days of Christmas at Camp-Inn" (would have done it at the shop, but it was too far away & would have made him suspicious, me running around hiding clues). The clues were all related to things about/at Camp-Inn but that could also be found in our house. They all started with "On the __ day of Christmas at Camp-Inn, my true love gave to me..."

    Instead of starting with the 1st day, I started with the 12th & counted down to the 1st. The final clue was more of a hint at what he was getting, not necessarily where to find it. "On the 1st day at Camp-Inn, my true love gave to me, a Camp-Inn for all the world to see." I had hung the lighted sign in our bedroom & turned off all the lights, so it would be obvious when he opened the door.

    Of course, Craig being the humorous guy that he is, had fun with this little game & giving me a hard time with every clue. When it got to the final clue, he got all excited & said "Wow! You had a Camp-Inn built just for me? Just what I've always wanted! How did that one slip past me unnoticed?" :D

    Needless to say, he loved the sign & was very surprised (not much gets by him, so this was a real accomplishment....)

    So, there you have it...my addition to the "12 Days" saga.


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