Glasses (The kind you wear)

Discussion in 'Custom Additions' started by jfocallag, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I am interested in what everyone does with their glasses when they retire for the night. I try to put them on the open cabinet door. I also have my mini speaker on this 'shelf' as well. What happens occasionally, is I will bump the shelf and my glass will go flying into the bed. When you need your glasses to see and your glasses are dark and your comforter is dark, finding them can be a challenge. I have a 560 but I try to avoid putting them on the couch.

    I am trying to get more organized and need advice from those who have a knack.
  2. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    How about attaching an eyeglass case to the ceiling of your raindrop, just over your head? That would put them out of the way and within arms reach.
    Making use of the ceiling is a great way to store some items!
  3. rotus8

    rotus8 Ranger Donating Member

    I put mine on that "shelf" too, along with a few other things. I have knocked the shelf once or twice, but I am learning. My wife puts her glasses on the cup holder.
  4. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    We have added a few storage options, inside the cabin, for convenient storage of small items. Any of them could be used for glasses. And yes, I realize to some of you, it is sacrilegious to make holes in the woodwork! It does get easier after you drill that first hole!


    Pouch from the automotive aisle @ Target, designed to hang from car AC vent

    Red pouch is the type used in 3 ring binders, hung from hooks under shelf

    Black bin, also found on automotive aisle, serves as our trash can. Mounted on two screws, it is easily removed for emptying.

    Plastic soap holder, attached by suction cup, is handy for storing small lightweight items.
  5. Pick

    Pick Novice

    Nice but I'd still like my shelf (see wish list forum). I'd be willing to drill holes in the bottom of the lower cabinets where they wouldn't be seen. For now we hang reading,sun,and prescription glasses on the curtains.
  6. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks Jaime. I have owned my 560 for 4 years now. I am think I am finally ready to put holes in it. (I have actually unscrewed the kitchen bin walls to see what is behind them.) Not sure I will drill any holes but I like the hooks and pouches. I will have to figure out where best to put things in the 560.
  7. rotus8

    rotus8 Ranger Donating Member

    I use 3M Command hooks rather than drilling. No holes, and you can cleanly remove (or move) without any cosmetic damage.
    Here on Amazon
  8. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    Since Mike and Denita mentioned the curtains, I wonder... I have a couple of these I've used when I'm out and about for sunglasses: I wonder if they wouldn't work great for the specific use for storing glasses on the curtains? Those magnets are surprisingly strong; and wouldn't interfere much with opening/closing the curtains.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  9. GinaNBob

    GinaNBob Novice

    Bob and I were not afraid to make any holes in our new 560. We added the plastic storage baskets in the galley area, got a corner wire rack and turned it on its side to keep things organized there too. Shelf liner to keep things from sliding around in the galley. Great ideas on the gallery pages. Went out and bought command hooks too for keys and such. Bought some small clips to keep the curtains closed at night too. Small levels for the back and front of the trailer. Cast iron griddle to cook. All the little kitchen items (want some dedicated to the trailer only). Can't wait to get out and camp! If I could figure out how to post pictures, I would post them too.
  10. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I put this on my Amazon wish list.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  11. rmbrowder

    rmbrowder Junior Ranger

    I use the magnetic glasses hanger, mentioned above, attached to the door curtain. They are right where I can find them in the dark. The hanger has a back plate so there is no drilling.

    Attached Files:

  12. Gary & Janine

    Gary & Janine Novice

    Do you have the sunroof? I put my glasses and the remote in the open sunroof curtain. Works great!
  13. M&L

    M&L Ranger

    I ran a piece of paracord with adjustable loop knots on each end between the coat hooks. Sunglasses and reading glasses get up there and don't move (we don't hang anything there when we're moving). The paracord also provides a place to hang a wash cloth to dry after wiping down the morning condensation on the windows. Or socks. I even have a USB light with a carabiner that can slide along the paracord. So many possibilities!
  14. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    Alien tape with a eye glass holder

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