Announcement Upcoming Birth Announcement

Discussion in 'Announcements & Build Journals' started by Anne Jones, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. Anne Jones

    Anne Jones Newbie

    I am pleased to announce that Raindrop #402 is in the process of incubation. Birth should occur within the next two weeks. "Casita" should be home by the holidays. Looking forward to a long and happy life. Ziacamper
  2. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    Congratulations on your upcoming addition. Hope your new addition is joy.
  3. abccampinn

    abccampinn Novice

    Congratulations Ziacamper! Is the stork delivering to your casa or are you picking the little one up at the factory?
  4. Anne Jones

    Anne Jones Newbie

    The "stork" will be delivering. I have the baby's room ready and waiting. Casita will be nice and warm for the winter and ready to play in the spring.
  5. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Why wait until Spring. Castia wants to play this winter!!!

  6. Bazza2154

    Bazza2154 Novice

    Congrates on the new addition Nice to see the numbers are now above 400.
  7. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    Welcome little Casita. A Merry Christmas indeed.
  8. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Congrats! But be careful, this is a 'Casita' trailer. :eek: :
  9. Cal429

    Cal429 Novice

    LOL, just what I was thinking. It's a little like putting a personalized license plate on your Lexus that says, "Chevy."
  10. Anne Jones

    Anne Jones Newbie

    I don't think the trailer company has a copyright on Casita since it's spanish for "small house". A lot of builders in my area build "casitas" next to the main residence. It sounds much nicer than "mother in law separate suite". I might even go for the personal license on my Lexus that would really confuse people. I do have a Chevy too, it's a pickup. Maybe I should go for Mi Casita. Anyway being in Alb you have seen casitas that do not have wheels.
  11. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Aha! How about 'La Suegra's'?
  12. Cal429

    Cal429 Novice

  13. dpnel

    dpnel Novice

    Congrats ziacamper !!!!

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