New Ownership

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Evan, Dec 28, 2018.

  1. Gypsy

    Gypsy Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks, Evan!
    This forum provided a wealth of info for me, too!
    RollingRob and Evan like this.
  2. RollingRob

    RollingRob Junior Ranger

    Evan, this forum sealed the deal for my decision to buy a CI560....thanks to you, Ken and everyone else who helped steer this great forum.
  3. L57

    L57 Novice

    Just picked up our Ultra 550 at Campinn. Impressive customer service, factory tour and grand briefing from Cary. My head is still trying to digest all the detail.

    Attached Files:

  4. Jdmac_lb

    Jdmac_lb Novice

    Congrats. I know you will enjoy it!
    L57 likes this.
  5. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    ever buy an Elkhart special? How long was your intro….ours was 30 minutes or so, where the most common phrase was “Yah, they all d9 that….”
  6. L57

    L57 Novice

    My intro was about 8 hours to include tour of the factory. A great deal of detail. Not even time to take notes, time to listen and take it all in.
  7. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    What brand? Factory pickup? Most PDI are short. You’re the lucky exception….
  8. L57

    L57 Novice

    Not sure I understand the question. I essentially spent the working day at Campinn (say 7 hours). I have bought other trailer/TC before and always from companies making quality and not quantity. I was extremely impressed this time with a product that is made well and made to last, a real "head-turner." I appreciated the extra time and attention given to explain the camper details to me. It may be because I am a novice and do not have the right knowledge. This was more than a PDI which I take is an inspection. This was an acquaintance of the factory, the staff, the inspiration, the design. I felt I was sent home with the right set of how to's to get me there safely. Extremely pleased with the briefing I received. I spent a career in the military and this was a top-notch briefing.
  9. klint74

    klint74 Novice Donating Member

    Earlier this year I picked up Raindrop #1009. This is my 2nd Campinn trailer, Teardrop #715 was my first. When picking up my new trailer I told Cary to treat us like like this was our 1st, and I am so happy that he did. I can't believe how much we learned about the trailer or had forgotten. We learned about new features, and heard tips Cary had learned from other owners. The 6 hours was well spent. If you own a Campinn you already know that this company is one of a kind.
    L57 likes this.
  10. Jdmac_lb

    Jdmac_lb Novice

    Yes this a great company. We are the 2nd owners and Cary has spent a good amount of time helping us with the trailer. We can’t say enough good things about him! We would love go meet him and the staff sometime. So glad to have a great trailer and know how great the company is that builds them.
    L57 likes this.
  11. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    my comment is that if you are buying a grand design or a jayco from a standard dealer….you might get an hour of pre delivery. Campinn will take 5 or 6….and it’s a pleasure t9 see Cary wiping little nubs of glue….whole the big manufacturer will be busy saying “they are all like that” as sparks fly out of the power panel.
    I’ve been hozed by a BIG manufacturer. Bad springs, bad axles, bad electronics, fit and finish like Homer Simpson built it….

    I am tired of reading comments on RV forums where people are handed junk and told to like it.

    one of our friends had a table fall off the wall while they were bringing their toy hauler home from a nationals dealer….and were told, when they called 2 hours after they signed their paper,that it was a warranty claim….call service. Where they had a 6 week wait to get their rig fixed…which was 2 hours old.

    the Rv industry treats its customers like schmucks. And we still see people forming out a years salary for something which falls apart in 1 trip.

    your mileage may vary. And I am happy for you. But there is FAR too many who make the biggest purchase in their lives and get junk delivered.

    thanks be to *** for companies like campinn who stand by their product….
  12. L57

    L57 Novice

  13. L57

    L57 Novice

    Well said. And I chose Campinn because of customers who have and are singing their praises. The proof comes from them. The teardrop is not just another pretty face, it’s a road champion. Look forward to meeting the group I hope at the September Outting.
  14. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Ask me about mine some time :). There may be some good dealers….but I haven’t found one yet. The whole industry stinks with the exception of a very few manufacturers. Campinn definitely being one of the good ones….
    L57 likes this.
  15. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    The covid scare kept me off the road and at home for more than a year. Not so much because I was scared but because this caused mass hysteria. I enjoyed my time at home but now am ready to get back out there. I brought out my 2014 Camp Inn. I washed it up and it looks brand new.

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