Finally! :)

Discussion in 'Meet & Greet' started by Laura R, Mar 20, 2021.

  1. Laura R

    Laura R Newbie

    New to me CampInn teardrop is headed for the SF Bay Area. I have been lurking here for close to a decade and finally have my own!! Been to the mother ship not once, but twice. Always thought I'd travel back for new, but the stars aligned and I believe I found the one that was meant for me.

    Feel like I made new friends today when I picked up VERY well cared for #150 from Rick and Lisa in San Diego. Rick spent so much time with me educating and making sure I was comfortable. I am beyond thrilled with my purchase. I may not have stopped smiling yet.

    Our first night at Pismo State Beach. Just caught the sunset and now we're all tucked in.

    Thank you Cary, for all the time you spent showing me around the plant and answering my many questions. Thank you Rick and Lisa for caring for her so well. I promise I'll do the same. Thank you to the CampInn community for all the information I have gleaned from this forum over the years. I am so very grateful.

    See you down the road.
    Laura & Stella

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    Last edited: Mar 21, 2021
  2. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    It looks incredibly well cared for!!
    Laura R likes this.
  3. Congratulations! Looks like a great first outing.
    Laura R likes this.
  4. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Laura R likes this.
  5. Jdmac_lb

    Jdmac_lb Novice

    Congratulations. We just got ours end of December. We’ve been out two weekends and love it. I’m sure you will enjoy it. Welcome.
    Laura R likes this.
  6. Old_Prospector

    Old_Prospector Junior Ranger

    Congratulations. With #150, I'm assuming this is a Model 550, because I don't think 560's had been designed at that time. I remember seeing a 550 in a driveway on Coronado Island a couple of times. Is this the one you purchased? Enjoy, as I have enjoyed my 2015 Model 560 with over 300 nights recorded in the log book. Regards, Ken
    Laura R likes this.
  7. Laura R

    Laura R Newbie

    Yes, a 550. Not from Coronado island though...unless it was just visiting. :)
    L57 likes this.
  8. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    You’re going to love it! I think the tradition of a detailed transfer of ownership class comes from campinn. Our fist took a couple hours to go over, the whole time Cary was rubbing and buffing little bits of putty, smudges etc. it was like a fine tuned instrument....I think he hated to see it leave the nest.

    Make sure you add Wisconsin to your travel plans. It’s a beautiful state. As they’ll are.

    I see you are new to the forum, welcome. What are your travel plans?
    Laura R likes this.
  9. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Actually, by the time #150 was built, there were already 4 560s in existence, with one of the first ones having been built for one of our employees (at the time), which was #87 .:)
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2021
    Laura R, M&L and Sweeney like this.
  10. Lynne & Scott

    Lynne & Scott Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Welcome! So glad she’s going to another good home! They are marvelous trailers and beyond thrilled with ours!
    Laura R likes this.
  11. Laura R

    Laura R Newbie

    I'm searching Campendium on the regular for places to run to on the weekend. A trip to Dillon Beach last weekend was to learn the side tent set-up...success!

    Had plans at home this weekend, but hope to get an overnight in again next weekend to keep discovering what I "need" to add to my set-up.

    And agree about WI...ran through in 2016 in a rented T@B. Look forward to the day I can be on the road for extended periods.
  12. Old_Prospector

    Old_Prospector Junior Ranger

    Thanks for the history of the early development of the 560, Betsey. Gosh has it been since 19 April that I signed on?
  13. mariusz

    mariusz Junior Ranger

    Congrats and happy camping
    Laura R likes this.

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