Cell Signal Booster - Do You Use One?

Discussion in 'Other Gear & Equipment' started by squirrl, Jan 1, 2019.

  1. squirrl

    squirrl Newbie

    Does anyone have sufficient experience, positive or negative, with cell boosters to comment on their utility in areas where one wouldn't ordinarily expect to pick up a cell signal?

    If you have a booster and it works for you I would also love to hear how you configured it for use with your Camp-Inn trailer. Many RV booster units require an external antenna be affixed to the exterior of the trailer. I don't think I'm up for drilling any additional holes in my Ultra but perhaps there are workable options?

    Here's a sample overview for anyone who is unfamiliar:

    Best Cell Phone Booster for RV Reviews 2019: Top 12+ Recommended

    Thanks! C&J in Vermont. In research mode until Spring arrives
  2. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I have this one:

    WeBoost Drive 4G-X RV

    I have not been in a remote area to know if it will pick up a signal where one does not seem to exist. It does help to boost a 2 bar signal up to 4 or 5. There are apps that you can get that will do cell signal speed tests.

    My 560 has the sun roof. I put the booster on one of the lower cabinet doors and run the cable out the sun roof. I am able to tuck the screen around the cable so it does not allow bugs in.

    I attach the antenna to a painters pole and stick the pole in the hole on the tongue. I secure it with bungee cords. I run the painters pole as high as I can.

    The folks at TechnoRV will answer any questions that you might have.
  3. squirrl

    squirrl Newbie

    Thanks Joan! WeBoost seems to get top marks from just about everyone and so far I'm looking primarily at their offerings.

    No sun roof in our unit so we don't have that option but I see WeBoost makes a unit with a magnetic antenna which might do the trick. I'm realizing as I say so that the trailer's skin may not be magnetic (I can't check as ours is in storage at the moment) but I'm assuming it would be possible to affix an exterior steel plate without drilling any holes in the cabin. There's still the cable which could also be tricky - the roof fan comes to mind but that appears to be a well-sealed unit so maybe not.

    The painter's pole I definitely wouldn't have come to on my own!
  4. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    The trailer skin is not magnetic. I have a small HDTV antenna that has a magnetic base and needs to be attached to metal. I use a small metal baking sheet I got for my Coleman oven.

    Do you have the TV with cable hookup? You might be able to use the cable hookup for the TV if you did. A cable splitter might work inside and connect the antenna cable to the outside cable hookup.

    If not, you could temporally remove the screen for the fantastic fan and run the cable out that way. Just have to be careful to not run the fan. You could put temporary netting over the fan to avoid bugs.

    Just ideas off the top of my head. Not sure they will work.
  5. squirrl

    squirrl Newbie

    Our 560 is TV free so no cable hookup.

    Reading various television/antenna related posts (most likely to require additional cabling) on the forum I note that at least a few Camp-Inn owneers have successfully drilled holes and run wires. I'm cautiously letting that roll around in my head as it would be a clear path to a reliable connection.

    One of these days I'm planning to visit Necedah and might even have Camp-Inn do the job (if they're willing) to help insure continued integrity of the cabin. Before I put that on the list I'd spend time with a jury-rigged setup to insure the benefit is worth the effort. No sense punching holes in the trailer if it isn't going to significantly improve service.

    Thanks for your suggestions!
    Kevin likes this.

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