Your favorite Paper Towel holder

Discussion in 'Custom Additions' started by Mick'nSarah, Jul 24, 2011.

  1. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Re: Your favorite Paper Towel holder/help

    Thanks for the pictures. It helps to see exactly what you are seeing.

    There is nothing in the spar (screw, metal, etc.) that would create resistance to drilling the holes. The spars are maple (hard wood), so they will give more resistance than a soft wood when drilling. Also, (and this may seem kind of silly but I'm speaking from experience) make sure the drill motor isn't on reverse. ;)

    It is helpful to wrap a piece of tape around the drill bit for a guide. That way, you won't drill deeper than the length of the screw.

  2. Re: Your favorite Paper Towel holder/help

    Thanks Betsey - I will let you know how it goes. We were just afraid to be persistent in case we were drilling into something important.
  3. Re: Your favorite Paper Towel holder/help

    Well sadly no luck- we have 4 little holes and 2 broken off screws of different strengths. We drill in and it goes ok then it just stops :(( looks like we will have to put a band aide on it and bring it to CampInn next time we are on the East Coast
  4. Re: Your favorite Paper Towel holder/help

    Well crisis averted!! Stainless steel screws and beeswax and all our mistakes are covered up and we have a paper towel holder!. Now if we can only fix our terrible walbernizing effort but that will have to wait. We are snuggled up on our latex topper and new flannel sheets and it is PERFECT! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!
  5. EEFCBC51-0CC1-49C5-9953-0CF2E0B3D743.jpeg D36A5D0A-5D00-4F46-A0AD-372EECDDA5E9.jpeg Hello, I’m a very new newbie. We are on day 3 of our Maiden Voyage, a long weekend close to home. Prior to our drive from Ohio to Wisconsin to even look at the Camp Inn I had already read many posts on this forum, particularly about paper towel holders. So I knew this was going to be a huge decision for me.

    Here it is...$2.50. No drilling, can be changed from the left side to the right anytime you want, and can also be used as a dish towel holder. Easily installed, or de-installed with no marks left on the TD. A 25” flat bungee, hooked on each side of the galley hatch. Granted, it is only day 3, but it has not slipped off either end and put anybody’s eye out! The paper towels don’t unravel and the dish towel (from IKEA, so it has a loop on it) is convenient for hand drying, and for the towel itself to dry. If you buy the 6-pack for $14.99 then 1=$2.50.
    So far our favorite solution

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  6. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    It is amazing we have 45 posts in three pages of what to do about a paper towel holder. It is such an inexpensive part of the trailer yet we all need and use them so finding the perfect one is important.:cool:
  7. Randy

    Randy Ranger Donating Member

    Ha ha, so true. Good clean fun as my brother would say. There are way more than 45 posts though. Here is another thread. I love my Amco paper towel holder. We could probably get a whole other thread going about wether you are a "right sider" or "left sider,". :)

    Amco 8344 Ss Paper Towel Holder
  8. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    This is too simple of a solution for all the tinkers & engineers on here ;)
  9. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Flat bungee cords
  10. 25” flat bungee, hard rubber/plastic hooks on each end. I stretch it and hook it to each side of the galley when open. I have to remove it for closing up. I thread the bungee through the paper towel tube first, you can then slide the paper towel roll either left or right. We also use an ikea towel with a look to put on the hook by the sink for drying hands etc. On our last camp out we discovered, or should I say remembered (because we brought them he first time and forgot to use them) Handi-wipes. Not exactly long term use, but not exactly disposable after one use either. They work well for cleaning up, rinsing out and quick dry. We had a LOT of rain, and it was great for cleaning up water. We can also just tie a corner of one of those onto the flat bungee to dry. Worked great.
  11. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    IMG_20180713_133047897_LL.jpg When I built our version of Jerry & Tina's organizers for the tops of the galley cupboards I made one modification, and dedicated one of the compartments to a paper towel holder. It has worked quite well, with the roll not out in the wind unfurling or having to be careful not to bump your head into it. A couple small slots, and a large dowel was all that was needed.


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    Last edited: Jul 13, 2018
  12. sharbear

    sharbear Newbie

    When camping outside I use a good tree branch.
  13. RollingRob

    RollingRob Junior Ranger

    With so many posts on the subject of paper towel holders, I thought I would include mine. After unsuccessfully seeking out some of your favorites, I came across this one ( I'm sure several folks have the same one) which also does not unravel on its own. Purchased it at Bed Bath and Beyond. It seems to match the camper nice. I found a great spot for me, easy access when the hatch is open and closes with no problem with room to spare. If I do have items in the sink, it's ok as long as they don't stick out over a couple of inches. Even so, the paper towels will crush down a bit and cushion whatever they come in contact with I figure.

    (Please see my correction below, I was incorrect. I did not have the rear table in place so now that it is in place the paper roll gets in the way to close the hatch so I have to remove it. The holder itself is fine, just have to slip off the roll.No Biggie for me buy It is important I correct myself, live and learn I guess! thanks)

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    Last edited: Jun 15, 2019
    Ken & Peggy likes this.
  14. adrianneross

    adrianneross Junior Ranger Donating Member

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  15. fernlane

    fernlane Junior Ranger

    this one does indeed look good, RR, but we've been using this exact one 4+ years and it just doesn't work as well as we'd like it to. It doesn't take much breeze at all and your paper towels will be extending toward the ground. No breeze and it's fine but the ratchet mechanism just isn't very strong. And when we close up the hatch for traveling we definitely secure it with a bungie. All this said, it's ok and we're living with it. I have thought about adding the cord with a weight dangling over the roll but the problem apparently isn't bad enough to motivate me to do that yet.
  16. RollingRob

    RollingRob Junior Ranger

    Thanks for the feedback, I will see what I can do to make it less likely to unravel. Could be as easy as a rubber plumbing gasket from the local hardware store and add it to either or both ends. got my rig about 65% stocked with what I need, then I will take off and see where the wind blows me for a bit Thanks again.
  17. RollingRob

    RollingRob Junior Ranger

    I love the wood organizers on the shelf. I used to have the tools to make them myself but I handed them off to my son to encourage him to build! I wish I could find something out there to foot the bill. If anyone knows where I can get something like this for my left side galley shelf to hold up my plates and keep the mugs for, I would appreciate it. My rights side has a set of containers for misc goods. I will keep looking! Thanks for the great pics.
  18. RollingRob

    RollingRob Junior Ranger

    I have to correct myself. Everything was fine, I was pleased as could be with my location of my paper towel holder and the clearance I had. Well, guess what, I did not have the rear table in place in front of the cooler. So when I went put everything back in its place the hatch would not close, the clearance I had was gone! Now all is well with the holder itself, but I do now have to slip the paper towel roll off the holder and set it aside till its time to set up again. I just thought I would correct myself. Thanks to all.
  19. Cindy & Dean

    Cindy & Dean Novice

    Cindy and I liked the idea of our paper towels hanging in front of our cooler but we have two different Yeti's and either one could be on the cooler stand on a given trip. The paper towel holder we came up with works with both our Tundra 35 and 45, doesn't allow the towels to unravel in the wind and can be left in place when the cooler is stowed. Total cost was about $5 and a little bit of time.

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  20. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

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