Personalized Plates

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Steve & Ellen, Aug 29, 2010.

  1. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    I have been thinking about a personalized plate for our camper. Any ideas. I limited to seven characters, no punctuations. Here is the list I have so far:
    Some may be taken already. I will ask for my top three.
    Thanks for any ideas,
    Just thought of a couple more...SUV 338, CI 338, NO 338. Obviously, these make little sense to most of the world.
  2. Hilditch

    Hilditch Novice


    Rather than pay the $50/yr GA status tag fee, I decided to have my own made.

    1939 - The year the first teardrop was designed with the bottom corners rounded off (550) following the introduction of the 1939 Ford rear windows. The year Gone With The Wind debuted in Atlanta.

    So I had a replica tag made for 1939 Georgia (In yellow - the only year GA ever had a yellow tag.)with G W T W on it. We think it fits the tear well going down the road and some catch on. I have run that for 20,000 miles in two countries and its never been questioned. I keep the real tag in the front storage area.

    Some day it will cost me $100 when a cop is in a bad mood, but I've already saved enough in fees to pay the ticket. Plus, I didn't have to play the 'already taken' game.

  3. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    $35 in TN for the personalized tag. The trailer tag in TN is seldom enforced. I have been told by our DMV it is considered voluntary. I may leave the tag on until stopped. An upto date tag helps with recovery, if stolen, not to mention insurance.
  4. Hilditch

    Hilditch Novice

    Just wanted to let you know you could have your cake & eat it too! You could even have:
    along with a registered tag.

  5. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    I have had one personalized plate. When it came time to renew, I just could not pay the extra again. I have often wondered if any body had ever got personalized tag after personalized tag and attached them one to the other to spell out a sentence. Why not? Every plate cost the same, even after the initial purchase.
    I like the idea of doing something with Ellen's name and after a decade or so have a complete sentence. LOL. But, a custom built plate does sound intriguing. Steve
  6. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Hilditch - what a great idea! If you ever do get a ticket you will have saved many times that amount by not paying for the personalized plates year after year. We're going to have to consider that... :)
  7. We've been considering DROPINN. I like it because it plays off the tear drop design and Camp-Inn name.
  8. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    Steve, I have not reserched or questioned this, having a plate on a trailer is not required in TN, but I was told when I bought my Pop Up that if I went into states that require trailer plates, I would be subject to their laws. So I have always had a plate on my trailers.
  9. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff


    The state the trailer comes from is the one the registering/licensing laws are followed. Not the state you are traveling through. For instance, WI does not register or plate trailers under 3,000lb. So, our trailers don't have plates on them. Since we have WI plates on our cars the other state law enforcement wouldn't even question it. For our customers headed home with other state's plates on their cars it is OK too. WI law states the trailer follows WI licensing law when purchased here until licensed in the new owners state.

    Can law enforcement pull you over for it? Of course. I have seen it happen a total of three times. Once because the trooper (not the customer's home state) wanted to see why there was no plate on the back. Looked at the trailer's paperwork and said everything was in order and sent her on her way.

    The second time another customer had just crossed into her home state and the trooper saw the car's plate and no trailer plate and pulled her over. Once again no ticket because she was still legal but since it was in her state he had to give a warning that she was going to need to license her trailer. Nothing wrong with that. These first two situations are why we created the cool custom CAMP-INN plate that comes on your trailer when you pick it up. That way the lack of a plate doesn't draw attention.

    The third time was just stupid though. The customer was from CA and went to VT to visit family after picking up their new camper. Great idea and many of our customers do "round about" trips home like this. A VT police chief fined them for not have a plate. They called us, we looked up the appropriate WI law, CA law and VT law covering what it should have for licensing in this situation. All showing our customer was in the right. Faxed it to them at the library I think. The customer took it into the police station the next day and showed the chief. He stated he didn't care and would fine them again if they stayed his town that day. So, what the chief did was illegal and really could be considered extortion. Just going to prove there are always going to be bad apples out there messing with you day. Can't worry too much about it.


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