Inquiry First Annual Nw Camp-inn Round Up - Ideas...

Discussion in 'Gatherings' started by Evan, Aug 19, 2010.

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  1. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Mick'nSarah had the idea of a NW Round Up! It sounds like a GREAT idea to me. Perhaps next year we could rent the group site at La Wis Wis - beautiful site right on the river...

    Of course, where we do it doesn't matter as much as if and when we do it. So, any comments on this?
  2. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    As we likely won't be able to make it to WI for one, this really could be a lot of fun. We will be newbies, but it would be fun to get together with fellow teardroppers and I am sure we can learn a little something too!
  3. mewton

    mewton Novice

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    This sounds great! How about June 3rd - 6th or June 10th -13th or July 8th - 11th? I'm assuming that picking a long weekend will accommodate the most people possible. La Wis Wis would be great, but as long as someone can vouch for the campground I'm flexible. I'd suggest we decide well in advance so we can get the reservations made as soon as the reservation window opens six months in advance. I'd also suggest Kalaloch (Olympic national park) as an alternative. Note Kalaloch does not accept reservations before June 16 and has no group site, ok, maybe Kalaloch was a bad suggestion. I just really want to camp there but I can do that on my own ;-)
  4. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    You might want to check the teardrop event calendars for scheduled teardrop gatherings on, Tearjerkers, T&TTT, & T.O.W. ( That would help in choosing a date.

    I do know the 4th International Teardrop Gathering is tentatively scheduled for sometime between the middle & end of June.

    For those who can't wait, there is the 13th Teardrop Display at the 31st LeMay Open House in Tacoma, Aug. 27-29.

    ***T.O.W (Teardroppers of Oregon & Washington) is a very active group in the northwest

  5. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    Let's also not forget the group on the NW that already exists and started by a Camp-Inn owner. The Washington Trailer Folks (or the WTFers for short). Here is the link.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  6. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    About the only time you are guaranteed GREAT weather in the NW is the last two weeks of July and the first two weeks in August - but there are no three day weekends here.

    If we plan around the 4th of July or another holiday we would be taking our chances with the weather...


    (BTW, We are TOW members - there's not a whole lot officially planned yet for next year. I also checked out the WTFers site and invited the owner to join here.)

    I say, let's plan it. The worst thing that could happen is we have to change the dates later...
  7. wonko

    wonko Novice

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    Nice idea, but I looked it up, and La Wis Wis campground is a 7.5 hour drive from me, which is 2 days up and 2 days back... too much for a long weekend.

    Perhaps a location more central?

    Google: Campgrounds near Mt. Hood, OR, and tell me if there are any you like around there. That's closer to halfway between Ashland, OR and Edmonds, WA.... still a 6 hour drive, but more conceivable to do in a day.
  8. mewton

    mewton Novice

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    If your worried about weather when scheduling so far in advance then I'd suggest considering central Washington or Oregon which is much drier and sunnier than the west. I often go to the Coulee dam area for my early season camping trips and always have a good time. Your right though, scheduling something in late July and early August would be safer weatherwise in western Washington and Oregon. I'm just trying to be proactive and influence the dates to times when I could actually attend. How about the weekends of July 29th - August 1st or August 5th - 8th.
  9. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    July 29th - Aug 1st sounds fine with me - should be good weather.

    Lyle, not at all opposed to something a little more south. Can anybody recommend something?
  10. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    OK, now ya know we expect with all those CI units assemble in one area, with conversations around the fires, A full report on all decisions regarding CI must be turned in to this forum.
    Also a multitude of photos. No shirking of the duty now. :grin:
  11. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    One idea in the Portland area is Stubs Stewart SP.

    I can't speak to it personally, as we haven't been there yet, but friends have mentioned it is great (although it can get busy). It is in the coastal range (only 31 miles west of PDX), but has lots to see and do. Not sure what there is up towards Hood for trailers (we have always hiked in, but it would be great to explore options!).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  12. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  13. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    One more suggestion for the Northern Oregon area is Lost Lake. Friends got back from there and had an amazing time.
  14. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    Sarah, that looks like a very good place. Too bad they don't take reservations (I called them), but they do have 125 sites with lots of group sites. She said the weather is pretty similar to Portland's.

    Here's their address:

    Any comments on this?
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2016
  15. martha

    martha Newbie

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    Has there been anymore discussion on this? Here’s my 2-cents about camping in the PNW in the summertime – it’s a crapshoot. That said, I love the coast! I am a beach person even if I have to bundle up as if for a snowstorm and it’s July. I’ve camped, more than once, spring/summer at Nehalem SP in OR & Cape Disappointment SP in WA & have had great weather each time. But I’m up for anywhere really. Especially someplace I’ve not been.
  16. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    I don't think things have moved much lately. I like the idea of beach time too! There are loads of places. My grandmother was recently telling me about an RV location they go to in Cannon Beach. It is on the north side of town and I guess have very nice facilities, are a short walk into town, is right on the beach and is a short distance from Ecola SP. Not sure of the name though...i'm sure we could google them and find it.
  17. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    PS-I also really like the idea of Lost Lake too.
  18. martha

    martha Newbie

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    Sara, I was at that RV park you describe in Cannon Beach this summer. I didn't stay there but my friend's sister was there the same time I was @ Nehalem. So I swung by & to check it out. Quite swank in some of the amenities with my friend's sister getting a massage. My one gripe is that they really cram you in there w/o much buffer between sites. So you better like your neighbors :)
  19. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    If this gathering is planned for the end of July, early August, I will have my trailer by then and can attend! I noticed this gathering on the Teardrops and Tiny Travel Trailers website.

    Didn't know if we wanted to piggy back or keep it just Camp-Inn.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  20. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Re: First Annual NW Camp-Inn Round Up!

    The advantage of doing it ourselves is we get to set the time and place that will work best for the most people here. My vote is for the end of July or early August - always the best weather of the year.
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