It just wasn't meant to be...

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by George Johnson, Aug 16, 2010.

  1. Here's my weekend story...

    I'm loaded to go out on my first solo fly fishing expedition (better known as sitting around the campfire eating hot dogs and having a beer)on Johnson Creek in Packwood, WA this last Saturday. It's been a long long time since I've had some time alone and now I've got a portable man-cave to drive around to find fishing holes. I was stoked and ready to go.

    The last thing on the list, I throw the cooler in the back, slide it in place and I'm ready to roll. I look across the street and my lawyer neighbor pulls up in this 30 ft Toy Hauler. It is a beast and is making his poor Ford 3/4 ton work for all it is worth. I had to oblige him and take a tour. It was nice but the whole time I'm looking at this thing, I'm thinking, "I am so glad for my tear drop". It is so huge, I think the Ford got a hernia. I know I did just looking at it.

    So the show was over and I run back into the house to give my sweetheart a kiss goodbye. Low and behold, she has her finger wrapped in a bloody towel. "Let me see your finger?", I asked. "NO! it will bleed more" she barked back. I had to get firm and demanded to see it so I could assess whether it warranted a band-aid or a trip to the hospital. She showed me, I commanded a nice "UGH!" and said "You're going to the hospital". She had sliced the finger next to her pinky between the knuckles and severed the tendon. She'll require surgery next week.

    It might be a while before I get to test out my portable man-cave. I think my wife, although injured, is going to enjoy getting a break from the dishes, laundry and making dinner. She already has this funny smirk on her face. Even if it is from her pain meds, it appears more sinister and makes me nervous.

    If you hear about a man who has been arrested for having an open pit fire, cooking hot dogs, burning paper plates and torching filthy kids clothes nightly within the city limits... well, let's just say, I have conceded that there is no way in the world I could ever do what my wife does on a daily basis. If it comes down to this, I would like to hear from you. Send all your travel post cards addressed to "Tear Drop Jorge, Yakima County Jail". It's not the man-cave I had in mind.

    Accidents happen and I don't mind taking care of my wife but it really saddens me that dog gone fishing trip just wasn't meant to be.
  2. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    George, I mean Jorge. Heres what ya do go buy one of those blow up kidde pools and set it up in the yard, preferably back yard. Pull the "man cave" around and set it up. Ok now you set up a fire pit, and settle in to "camp driveway". I know its not the real thing, but its better than nuttin honey!
  3. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Lena and I were cracking up as we read your story - which is totally inappropriate in regards to your wife's injury (ouch, don't mess with tendons) - but you certainly can tell a good story, Jorge. And, we're praying for Liisa!
  4. GADS! George, I only read this far in your post and got really nervous. Then I was overwhelmed with relief... whew, a blow up kidde pool!

    Trust me Evan, I've learned over the last couple of years that a good laugh is one the healthiest things we can do (well that's if you didn't just have surgery or have gas).
  5. Although I took a light approach to this story, my wife's finger is still a concern. For those wondering, she was finally able to get a referral from her doctor to see a hand specialist. It took nearly all day for our clinic to get the approval from the insurance company just to say, "Gee, you can see a specialist now". She will be seeing the surgeon on the 26th (10 days to get into see the specialist... grrr, I'm not that patient). Apparently, severing a tendon isn't as urgent to the doctor as it is the person injured.

    This is managed health care at it's finest. Good thing she wasn't really hurt. <sarcasm>
  6. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Sometimes red tape is enough to make you want to....

    ....go camping in your Camp-Inn. :)

    Messing with tendons is bad business. Hopefully she can make a full recovery. I cut halfway through two tendons on my hand a few years back - at least no surgery was required then. If you can't find any good hand specialists in Yakima, I can recommend one in Olympia.
  7. If I knew she could get into surgery faster, then I welcome any recommendations. The longer she has to wait for surgery, the longer the recovery.

    Rumor has it, if you sever a tendon within your first month of owning a Camp-Inn, you get a 560 Ultra free. Those guys at Camp-Inn are truly amazing, aren't they?

    (ignore that fact that I started this rumor) :)
  8. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    Oh it's no rumor. Your build has been entered into the schedule...We all are waiting for pictures. LOL!
  9. LOL, now that is funny Steve.

    I don't recall this being in the Camp-Inn brochure. Apparently, I've got options, what do you think, take the 560 or let em build this baby? My concern is forgetting that I'm on the water when nature calls in the middle of the night.


    BTW, I plan on calling her Eunice.
  10. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Certainly broadens the horizon for teardrop owners. Amphibious teardrops...?
  11. eileenpaine

    eileenpaine Novice

    I've done the finger tendon thing. Not fun. But then again, I did it the Wed before Thanksgiving with ALL my in-laws coming and staying at our house for 5 days.......Tim had to take charge and I got to be a princess on the couch. Bad stuff happens, but the timing can make you smile. But, maybe it was the meds that out the smile on my face......

    Seriously, hope her finger heals well and she sees the hand specialist soon.
    looking forward to more stories from you!
  12. Yummm, finger food for Thanksgiving. I do all the cooking for Thanksgiving... that, my friends, is a whole other story. :)
  13. I wanted to give everyone an update. My wife had surgery to repair her finger last Friday and everything went well. It will be six weeks before they start physical therapy to restore the use of the finger and damaged tendon.

    The bad news is the grandchildren really don't like me right now. Apparently, I'm making them clean up a lot more than mommy and grandma require... oh well, they'll get over it.
  14. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Glad to hear everything went well with the surgery.

    You're right, kids will live... ;)
  15. eileenpaine

    eileenpaine Novice

    Glad to hear the surgery went well. While PT is not fun -how can anything be boring and painfull at the same time -it will make a world of difference!


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