Itinerary Camp Inn Texans!

Discussion in 'Gatherings' started by Doug & Amber, Jan 10, 2016.

Added to Calendar: 05-13-16, 05-14-16, 05-15-16
  1. Doug & Amber

    Doug & Amber Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Hooray, Dan & Vanessa are in for Pedernales State Park May 13-15!!!
    That makes 3 of us. I have invited Mary R and we are still waiting to hear from Jay & Valerie.

    Has there been such a Texan Gathering before with five 560's???? If not, we could be starting a trend.

    Mark your calendars for Pedernales!!! See you there May 13th-15th.
  2. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Great! Looking forward to meeting you all! We should try and get camping sites together. I asked Amber and Doug for their site number so we can do this.
  3. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Well, we might be starting a new trend...with 560's and one little! So glad this is pulling together!
  4. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    Awesome, can't wait. State parks don't assign spots until you arrive if I remember correctly.

    The park is pretty close for us so we should be able to get there quickly and find some good spots close together.
  5. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    Ok, reservations booked. Valerie may or may not make it as our daughter is currently living with us while her husband is deployed (Navy) and is potentially moving back to VA in May to prepare for his boat coming back into port and Valerie may be helping her move back.
  6. Greg&Carol

    Greg&Carol Newbie

    Hello everyone! Carol and I would love to join you guys, but we'll be tear dropping in Southern Utah. Hopefully we can join in next time!
  7. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Hi Carol and Greg! It's great to hear from you! Sorry to hear you cannot join us, but even though this gathering came up rather spontaneously, it may just become an annual thing! Have fun in Utah. We will be in Utah in March and April! Happy trails!
  8. Mark & Casandra

    Mark & Casandra Junior Ranger

    Count us in! I can't think of a better way to celebrate our 30th anniversary (a few days early) than a Texas CI Roundup getting to finally meet many of you! Well, the only way it might be better is if the destination were my Alaska Bucket List trip.....but baby steps first, right?....and besides, can't do Alaska in a week/end....not from Texas for sure! :)

  9. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Hi Jay! Glad you're set to come! Hope Valerie can join us, but I understand your priorities! Doug and Amber are set, and Dan and Vanessa are camping too. We will make our reservations too. Really looking forward to seeing all of you!

    A long while ago, you mentioned you wanted to do a video tour of our 550. Did you ever get a video done? If not, and you're interested in doing it, maybe we can do this when we get together?
  10. Doug & Amber

    Doug & Amber Junior Ranger Donating Member

    A note to those attending the TEXAN gathering at Pedernales Falls State Park, see details below.

    We made our reservations on line and we did not receive a specific campsite number, I assume we can coordinate sites once we arrive and the camp ranger realizes that we are all apart of the same group.

    We booked and reserved our campsite at Pedernales for May 13-15.
    I Got a campsite for a "pop up less than 20' with water and electricity. Reservation was $40 total. Go to to do the same.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  11. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Mark and Cassandra, so happy to learn you will join us! This is going to be a great time! Go ahead and make your reservation! We will all connect before May!
  12. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    Correct, you cannot choose a site at the State Parks until you check in. Whomever get's there first should mention that we would like X number of sites together. I have been to the park once before and sort of remember the general layout and where some good sites are. I will try to leave early to get there right away. It is about 25 mins or so from my house so it's an easy drive for me. I will see if I can get them to leave sites open. However, once you get in, if you don't like your site you can always move to an open site and just let the ranger know. they are pretty good about that sort of thing.
  13. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    Not yet but I would love to do a video tour of your trailer whenever you are free. It would go great on my Youtube channel.
  14. Doug & Amber

    Doug & Amber Junior Ranger Donating Member


    Thanks for the info on specific camp site numbers, understood. We will be leaving our home in The Woodlands about 8am Friday morning. That should put us at Pedernales about Noon'ish. We will be sure to communicate clearly with the ranger as to our group plans when we arrive.
  15. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Excellent! Be sure to mention that we are from Camp-inn. We can all use this phrase as our group name.
  16. Doug & Amber

    Doug & Amber Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yes. Will do.
  17. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    I will try to do a day trip out there soon and note some of the better sites and then post them here. That way, whomever gets there first and try to secure them together. I know they were quite spaced out in some of the areas so depending on the number of people attending, we can try to get sites relatively close to each other so as to minimize walking from site to site.
  18. Doug & Amber

    Doug & Amber Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks for the recon! As of now, it looks like 5 teardrops. You & Valerie, Dan & Vanessa, Diane & Michael, Mark & Casandra and Amber & I. (4 560's and 1 550)
  19. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Thank you, Jay! That's appreciated!
  20. Snudley

    Snudley Novice

    Wow. Just caught wind of this gathering and hope to join you folks.

    I'm having trouble connecting to the online reservations site so am waiting for a call back from the telephone center. Hope it's not full at Pedernales yet.
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