Greetings from Central Washington

Discussion in 'Meet & Greet' started by George Johnson, Jul 18, 2010.

  1. Hi, my name is George and my wife's name is Liisa. We live in Selah, WA., a small town next to Yakima, WA. We just received our Camp-Inn 550 Ultra(#370). We purchased it through Poplar Hills RV, Alan & Rachel Hill, in Maine. Everyone was great to deal with, including the people from Camp-Inn. The transaction went smoothly even though everything was done over the phone, email or fax.

    I was hooked on tiny trailers when my nephew purchased one years ago. It was a flimsy fiberglass thing but I loved it's many advantages. He recently purchased a Little Guy and that's when I knew I had to have a tear drop. I looked at several models and found the reviews for the Camp-Inn attention to detail unsurpassed. No matter where I looked or who I talked to, it was always the same, if we wanted the best, it is a Camp-Inn.

    The delivery...

    On my lawn with the Subaru Tribeca...

    My two grandchildren enjoying "their" new trailer...
  2. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    Welcome George & Liisa(two i's, ok?),
    We have had our 550 since last Labor Day. Coming on to one year now. I hunt, we camp. It is a piece of camping gear you can be proud of. Lot's of good folks on this forum, lots of good info.
    P.S. Two very beautiful girls
  3. abccampinn

    abccampinn Novice

    Welcome and congratulations George! Excellent choice of tow vehicle also! Your grandchildren are beautiful too! I have noticed that when towing the camper that I have to use sportdrive to get good gas mileage with the Tribeca. I am wondering if you find the same thing. I hope you all have many fun trips with the camper.
    PS. I agree that Alan Hill and the Camp-Inn folks are great to work with!
  4. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    Welcome George.
    George here. I am jealous, cause I'm a "wanna beee".
  5. wonko

    wonko Novice

    That's the same truck that just delivered my 560 this morning. All is mostly well, but I appear to have some vehicle wiring issues. Brake lights and backup lights don't work. I can skip the backup lights, but gotta get the brake lights fixed before I go anywhere... looking at the diagram, I think that means my electric brakes aren't doing anything either, because I only see one signal line for brakes.
  6. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    GeorgeJ - welcome to the forum, and congrats on your new unit. You are going to have a wonderful time. We're right across the mountains in Western Washington, and have been loving every minute spent in our tear since we got it.

    We've got a daughter that would be right at home with your grandchildren - perhaps we'll see you at TOW gathering sometime soon. Enjoy!

    Lyle: I think Cary would tell you that tow vehicle wiring problems are very common - we certainly weren't the exception. At least you can fix it at your home, rather than camping out in Camp-Inn's factory until you could get the new part put in.
  7. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Welcome George and Liisa!

    Congrats on your new teardrop. We also bought ours from Alan and Rachel @ Poplar Hill - they're a great couple. We've had our trailer just over a year now and have been very happy with it. I'm sure you'll find the group here to be friendly and helpful.
  8. czardastx

    czardastx Newbie

    Re: Welcome George and Liisa!

    Welcome George and congrats on your new camper. Great looking camper and beautiful grandkids.
  9. I wanted to take a peek at your trailer while the driver was getting ours ready to off load. I probably would have looked but I think they had a bio-hazard level of protection wrapped around both yours and mine (which is a good thing). Once nice thing, Cary seems to take as much care wrapping and protecting the vehicles as he does the quality of building them. :)

    Congrats on you new 560 Lyle.
  10. BobB

    BobB Novice

    George and Liisa,
    Welcome and congratulations! Your grand-daughters look very comfortable in their I mean your new camper. They are adorable.
  11. Thanks everyone for the kind words of welcome and comments about two of the greatest joys in my life. I am excited to take a first trip out. I'm thinking about heading up Chinook Pass this weekend. I'm also looking forward to meeting some fellow Camp-Inners (is that a word?)

    Our reason for buying a tear-drop was two fold. First, it will allow my wife and I an easy get away. We already own Worldmark Timeshare, so when we want to go "big" we have that option.

    The second reason are those two jewels you see inside the trailer. Our daugther became extremely ill two years ago. At first, we were told she had less than 4 months to live and later revised to living the rest of her life in a nursing home. Suddenly, we went from being empty nesters that year to assuming the responsibility of raising two more children. Forward two years later, our daughter is walking and was just released to drive again. She is improving daily but she has a long road ahead to over come a lot of the damage done. Now that we are no longer living in medical crisis, our focus can turn more toward the long term health with our daughter and grandbabies. The tear drop is one of the first steps in moving in that direction.

    We welcome camp suggestions. If you have young ones, we would love to meet up with you. PM me, maybe we can work something out?
  12. abccampinn

    abccampinn Novice

    Hi George,
    I'm glad to hear that your daughter is doing much better. Out young ones are out of the house now, but we are hoping that they will have some youngsters in the near future. Grandparents are supposed to spoil grandkids aren't they?
  13. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    I have said for years now,"We all have a story". I wish you the best. I am inspired by you dedication, devotion, and determination. You have the right attitude. Thanks for your story.
    I grew up in the outdoors, hunting, fishing, camping. I have always said the second best thing you can do is give the gift of the outdoors to your family. The best way to keep your children out of trouble is to get them a hunting and fishing license. Most trouble makers don't hunt or fish.
    Thanks, Steve
  14. Charlie, there is nothing more amazing than holding a little grandchild. The things that used to drive me crazy don't seem to matter anymore. The constant interruptions don't seem like interruptions anymore. The millions of questions all get answered. There is always time for a book to get read, no matter what else I'm doing at that moment. The ballgames aren't so important anymore that I can't find time to play outside instead.

    The little things the do, like their first words, discovering how to read or ride a bike are more like magic moments. Screaming as they run from the "tickle monster" is a sound of joy. I seem to cherish those things even more now.

    And the spoiling part is a whole lot of fun too.
  15. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Hi George,
    What a blessing it is that your daughter and grandchildren have you and your wife to help them through all the ups and downs they must go through. I pray that your camp-inn will provide many blessings to all of you.
  16. Steve, if I ever make it to Tennessee, I'll be sure to look you up and we can go throw some line in the water. And if you're so inclined, the beer is on me.

    Thanks Pat, we appreciate all the prayers. Trust me, with out them, my daughter would not be here.
  17. abccampinn

    abccampinn Novice

    Great perspective George! Precious times with the kids or grandkids!

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