Update Just Got The Word -- Our Trailer Is Being Built!

Discussion in 'Announcements & Build Journals' started by birder526, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Wonderful, Bruce!
  2. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Got our second round of photos and wow is there progress!! Exciting!!! I am posting photos on my blog tonight.
    birderdiane526.blogspot.com "Teardropping in Paradise"
  3. barry567

    barry567 Newbie

    I just read your blog and saw your photos. I love the excitement and your attitude regarding this new adventure in your life. Thank you for sharing.
  4. daustin

    daustin Newbie

    We picked our 560 up on December 22. She was number 705
  5. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Thanks for your really nice comments! You made my day! This whole experience is wonderful and meeting so many terrific people through this forum makes us so happy
    Best regards!
  6. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    An awesome holiday gift! Wishing you many great adventures!
  7. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Now the adventure starts. Fantastic!

    Camp On,

  8. Rick  Sarah

    Rick Sarah Novice

    We will be picking up our Ultra 560 in mid May. We recently got our first pictures. We can't wait to camp on the way home from picking up the camper. Enjoyed reading your blog and thank you for sharing the Hypervent information. Enjoy your new camper and new stage in your life.
  9. Mark_inMA

    Mark_inMA Novice

    Congratulations Diane!

    Hi Diane and Michael,

    My sister in law makes my fingers automatically try to put another 'n' in there haha.
    Well the months HAVE flown by since we met! Diane if you are still planning to retire
    "by the end of February" this should be your last work day. Congratulations! :D

    I am not sure I could release it all and become fully nomadic, but I can see the appeal.
    If a trip to a wanna-see ends in Palomar California, it doesn't have to end with a cross country.
    I like seeing my grandkids often enough that I will probably keep some roots here.

    Seeing the Cross Kansas bike ride post sure brought back memories. I never rode cross the state, but
    while between cars I commuted for a couple weeks out to a research truck parked by a rural farm field.
    Each night included a 5 mile stretch of 2 lane 70 MPH state highway with shoulders of egg sized crush rock. :eek:
    Loved the semis coming up behind me - NOT. The headlightless drunk almost got me if I hadn't heard him.
    Moving between apartments on a bike without panniers or backpack was also no fun with a handful of
    hangered pantlegs letting a pair into the chain. Luckily grad students have few possessions.

    Well GOOD LUCK and "Happy Trails" to the both of you in the "Kanoodling Tegimen" (or is it Territory).
  10. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    Re: Congratulations Diane!


    Congrats, it won't be long now. You should consider adding a link to your blog in your signature so it is easily found.

    We have some friends that just went full time, though they are in a 40' Montana trailer. While they are not quite yet retired, they jumped early and sold their house and full time it in their new 5th wheel and are loving it.

    I wish your wandering spirit fine journeys and wonderful travels.

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