Itinerary Nw Round-up 2015

Discussion in 'Gatherings' started by slumry, Sep 28, 2014.

Added to Calendar: 08-20-16, 08-21-16, 08-22-16, 08-23-16
  1. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Re: NW Round up

    I am usually off with our son on my own and tow mainly with my truck (I have a Ranger Rover we bought used a couple of years ago). Mick has towed her a couple of times with his truck, and says it is like she isn't there, but then he is used to towing a 24' enclosed car trailer behind his FJ. Little Dottie is nothing compared to that. His truck is a 2006 FJ TDR. He loves that little truck and has really put it through its paces. The only complaint he has is that it really is a bit small (tow capacity wise) for his car trailer.
  2. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Re: NW Round up

    Kathy and Bob, That sounds like a great trip. I'm sorry it comes at the time of the NWRU though. I really have enjoyed both of you. would you pm me your wonderful salad recipe so I can pretend you are there. It sounds like a great trip.
    I was also thinking about Lena and Evan and hoping they can come. It was a lot of fun watching the Laddie and Lassie playing together and riding bicycles. And of course there was the cobbler. I don't even know if I could lift a size 12 DO. I've got a 14 skillet and I just hang it on the wall to look at.
    I hope everything is going well for you Evan and Lena in you new home.
  3. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    Re: NW Round up

    We have a 12 in DO and Dixie makes the best peach cobbler think she made it last year but that may of been at the IRG.

  4. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Re: NW Round up

    I knew there were more than one DO making desert but didn't know who else made it. We had quite a crowd last year. The cobbler was very good. Fun times. Thanks everybody.
  5. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Re: NW Round up

    I think Peggy also makes a great berry cobbler. I am not sure I can wait until August.
  6. Les Izmore

    Les Izmore Junior Ranger


    We've never been to any Camp-Inn or even teardrop get togethers, but it sounds as though this would probably work out for us.

    We've got too much going on over the next several months to commit at this point, but a lot of dust will have settled by the end of May, if not sooner.
  7. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Okay, Jim can't remember if he did it or not (I must be rubbing off on him..too many years with a forgetful old bat), but we are committing to the NWR. One way or another, we'll be there.

    No New York Courtland apples then, so won't be able to make that wine infused apple sauce. Have to think of something else involving booze. Hhhhmmmm...................

    Sue and Jim
  8. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Sorry, folks. Unless we can get our hands on a magic teleporter we won't be there this year. We used both our 12" and 8" for the cobbler last year.

    Sarah, it looks like you've inherited the annual peach cobbler tradition. :)
  9. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Sorry you can't be at the Northwest round up. It would be so nice to meet you!
  10. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    It would be fun to get some Californians and Idahoans involved in NWRU. Maybe Diane and Michael could pick up a few people on their way and form a caravan. lol
    I was hoping You and Lena would make it Evan. I hope you are well established in your new home and everyone is well and happy. I enjoyed Katy at the last two RUs and hope she is doing well in the new school.
  11. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Fear not for we shall represent the Golden State.

    And that's a really scary thought.

    Sue and Jim
  12. mbpm

    mbpm Newbie

    We live close by and would love to attend our first round-up. If you need any help with logistics let me know. Silver Falls is about 20 minutes off I-5. There are lots of places to camp heading out route 22 toward Bend and beyond for those wanting to explore further.
  13. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    Sieg, I have been on vacation for the last month and have not kept up on the forumn.. The NW round up is being held in Mossyrock, Washington. I had planned on getting it to Silver Falls State Park but they changed the rules and said they were converting the group sites to all tent sites and therefore I could not get this location.

  14. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    PS Sieg your vsm.defocus link does not work
  15. Les Izmore

    Les Izmore Junior Ranger

    Has the date been set? It's pretty tedious trying to read through this thread to see the current status of this event. We'd like to attend, but July would probably be a time that won't work for us.
  16. slumry

    slumry Novice

    The 2015 NW Roundup is scheduled for August 20th through the 23rd. Three nights. The location is the same as last year, Mossyrock WA. I will create a new thread so I can keep current information at the top of the thread. Everyone is welcome.
  17. mbpm

    mbpm Newbie

    Don't know what that link was so deleted it. maybe signature. Mossy Rock sounds doable too. Thanks
  18. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Look forward to hearing about the details! Thanks!
  19. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Great Stephen, looking forward to it...
    Fun in the Sun....


  20. Larry Running

    Larry Running Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Is the NW Round Up 2015 at Ike Kinswa state park in Mossyrock? All I see is Mossyrock, the same place as last year. I am too new at this to know exactly where I should be looking.

    Peg and I are hoping to go to our first gathering and it sounds like Mossyrock would be great. Any pinpointing that anyone can give us would be helpful.

    Also, does anyone try to reserve an individual site or does everyone stay in the group site.

    Thank you,
    Larry and Peg

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