Newbie Greetings From Michigan !

Discussion in 'Meet & Greet' started by TommieG, May 20, 2014.

  1. TommieG

    TommieG Newbie

    Greetings all... The community here seems quite impressive and friendly, and i've spent considerable time here the last several days digesting each and every forum.

    I'd like the opportunity to contribute to the community, so maybe i should start with our back story. My wife and i have always been avid campers, even before we married (soon to be 17 years ago). For us, few things in life are as relaxing as warming up by the morning fire with a cup of coffee. We've been very blessed to have some of our favorite memories as camping adventures. As much as i'd like to be a world traveler, i'm quite content with all of God's beauty, right here in the good ole USA. Although, there is plenty more we'd like to explore in Canada (thank you Canada, for being the awesome neighbor you are).

    I am completely sold on CI. You've seen "Christmas Story", right? How Ralphie explains his beloved BB gun. All starry eyed, with one super fast, run-on sentence. That's me, when i discuss CI with my wife. As far as i'm concerned, a 550 exactly meets our definition of camping. My beautiful bride, on the other hand, is not so convinced. You see, she is claustrophobic. And she is of the impression that sleeping in a teardrop would feel too much like a "coffin" (her exact words). A very real fear for her. I'd like to help her process that fear, by showing her the expansive cabin (work with me here). In fact, what i'd really like, is to rent one. Have us camp for a night (or two). Is anyone aware of CI rentals? Maybe i would get a better response by posting in the for sale/ wanted forum? What do you think?

    I've googled CI rentals, nothing recent comes up. Very little comes up when googling teardrop rentals. Please help. I need your input (also need a creative finance wizard). We're willing to travel (mid west, south west, south or north east), and we're willing to pay for the experience. Heck, i'd pay CI to "camp" in the demo unit, on site (at the factory), aaaand cook breakfast for the entire crew when they arrive for work the next morning!

    Sorry for rambling on, but i hope one day that our travels cross, and we meet many of our kindred teardropers over the campfire.

    Until then, safe travels, as camping season is finally here... (what a winter !)........ Tom
  2. I am sure if you contact the folks at CI they will find you one to rent. I think that they have rentals at the factory actually. If it is any comfort to your wife- I am extremely claustrophobic and I have no trouble in the 550. I think it has something to do with the windows in the roof as well as the big windows in the two doors but I find it much less claustrophobic than a tent!
  3. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Welcome to the forum Tom_n_Jules!

    Camp Inn has a few units they do rent out. If you contact Cary, he can chat with you all about it! You will have to go up to WI to get it.

    Also, ask him if there is someone near you where you can go and see one in person. Betsey has mentioned her claustrophobia, and it is one reason CI has extra windows. If you wife has a look, maybe you can sway her!

    Those would be my two suggestions for you.

    Good luck!
  4. fdkoh99

    fdkoh99 Junior Ranger

    Welcome Tom,

    Well I'm not claustrophobic but having slept many a night in a two man backpacking tent, the Camp-Inn is a palace. Plenty of room to roll and shift.. no sleeping bag to bind. Warm as toast once you close the doors but with ample fresh air with the ceiling fan and door windows.

    Try it - you'll love it. All while still cooking outside.

    >>Sorry for rambling on,

    Your not rambling... that's us - the RMBL-INN
  5. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Welcome Tom n Jules, my friend that I camp with is claustrophobic too. But not in our 550. I think besides the windows it is the curve of the roof. It is very natural feeling not like a box. Camp Inn does have rentals and you can camp right on their land or there are several campgrounds near.
  6. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Does your wife ride in cars? They have far less cabin space than an Camp-Inn.
  7. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice

    Also maybe it would help to set up a side tent on her side. You could then potentially leave her door open into the tent. Obviously you would want to work hard to get the tent snug and tight to keep "stuff" out. With the full screens, you also have a very open feel.
  8. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Welcome to the forum.

    Camp Inn rents both models as a means to try the model that fits your needs. To be clear, they are not in the rental business, but as a customer service to potential customers. Contact Camp Inn to discuss rental options, which occurs only from the factory.

    I rented both models to determine which one fit my needs.

  9. PaigeJason

    PaigeJason Novice

    Just to chime in on the claustrophobia...

    I suffer as well (panic attacks in a cave and an elevator, and I require sedation for an MRI). I needed to get in one before we considered ordering to make sure I'd be okay. Luckily, we live close enough to Necedah that we were able to go up last summer and check out both models. I have no problems at all.

    Good luck, and welcome!
  10. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff


    We discontinued rental units some time back. Like you said, we were not in the rental business but that is what it became so it caused us to have to stop.

  11. TommieG

    TommieG Newbie

    Wow ! That was quick...

    Thank you one and all, for the feedback. Your collective voice of experience has enlightened her claustrophobic concerns. Maybe the side tent idea would also help that a bit. Thanks again for your quick and valuable responses.

    I am certain that CI units are quality. But i can't justify the cost, without trying one out. Just as i wouldn't spend north of 15K on a vehicle, without even a test drive. If i were a Rockefeller i'd order one of every flavor made, but i'm not. So, my search for a rental continues..... If you hear of anything, let me know.

    Have a blessed and wonderful day !
  12. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice

    Or you could just leave her at home.

    Just kidding.
  13. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member


    Have you seen one in person? If not, ask Cary for the number of the owner closest to you. He'll hook you up. Touch it. Sit in it. Have your wife sit in it. It might just do the trick.
  14. TommieG

    TommieG Newbie

    I've never looked at one in person. Sure to impress, the pictures certainly do. I'll contact Cary, and see if he can hook me up with someone close by for an inspection. Thanks, Evan.

    Interesting idea, AsheWolf... from the perspective that i could live the dream (like Bear, full timer), because (if i left her at home) the locks would be changed when i returned... LOL

    Please keep your ears open for a CI rental.... I will follow up on any information that comes up... Thanks all !

  15. Ninjamini

    Ninjamini Novice

    Well I have been shopping a camper for a year and I am also clostraphobic. Being 6'4 250+ lbs I don't fit in much.

    I went to see a local 560 last year. Spent an hour or so inside. It defiantly sets off the small space alarm. It's having something close to my face and looking at a wood roof and wood walls is hard to do. I want it to have more and larger windows.

    I have also looked at vistabule. It has a HUGE front window and there was virtually no space issues for me. (I also need drugs to go in a CT machine).

    So I am at a decision point. The vistabule has a huge window and a awesome front window facing couch. But it's not anywhere as nicly built as the CI. Not that's it's poorly made, not at all. It just does not have the fine craftsmen ship of the CI. I do not think anything out there does. The CI is so well crafted that it's unbeleiveable. I have the best eye for detail and design.

    I would not worry about getting a CI site unseen. You can't go wrong. Plus they really hold there value. So if she hates it you can sell it. But I would suggest the 560. The extra space at the head would make the difference.

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