New owners

Discussion in 'Meet & Greet' started by Debandsteve, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Debandsteve

    Debandsteve Newbie

    We purchased Benn and Merribeth's 560 (#405) last weekend. We spent the last 3 days driving it home to Maryland and enjoyed having a place to get out of the heat and away from the bugs. We come from backpacking and sea kayak camping so we are going to have to figure out what to do with all the room! We travel with a dog everywhere; she is certified as a wilderness area air scent search and rescue canine, so we try to expose her to a lot of new situations and experiences We have spent many hours reading this website getting advice and information. Thank you to all who have posted their ideas and experiences, it has been helpful. We would like to thank Benn and Meribeth for all their help.
    Debby and Steve
  2. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Fun Debby and Steve..

    The dog will have a blast as you can now go to more places faster... kewl...
    Happy Trails...
  3. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Debby_Steve welcome and safe travels in your new to you Camp Inn.
  4. Debby and Steve—welcome to the two of you and your hard working dog! Congrats on the new CI and hope to hear more of your travels:)
  5. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Debby and Steve, congratulations on your teardrop and welcome to the community!
  6. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    Me thinks that #405 will have a great time showing Debby, Steve and Canine around!!
    A great foursome!
  7. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Welcome to the forum Debby and Steve! Have a great time with your new home away from home!
  8. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your purchase. Look forward to hearing about your adventures.
  9. Ninjamini

    Ninjamini Novice

    We went up to look at their camper right before they took off for their trip. It's a great camper in great condition. Looked brand new. Enjoy it.
  10. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    Debbie and Steve, we live in FL and it was Benn and Meribeth who gave us a tour of their tear before we bought. Great couple and I know Silver Girl will be a joy for you to own. I'm originally from Upper Marlboro.
  11. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Welcome to the forum, Debby & Steve, and congratulations on your "new" Silver Girl! We would like to invite you to a gathering of Camp-Inn fans that we have planned for next month. Seeing that you enjoy camping and paddling, this might just be the event for you! And your dog is welcome too, it's a dog's paradise there!! We hope you will join us, details below:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  12. PlasticsMan

    PlasticsMan Novice

    Hi Debbie & Steve,

    My wife (Joan) and I are also from Maryland and we just purchased a 550 Ultra from Oliver & Corrie (#113) in Arizona. We drove out to AZ to make the purchase and bring the camper home. We absolutely love our new camper.

    You've probably noticed all the attention you get pulling a Camp-Inn teardrop. Today I had the camper inspected and made the trip to the Bel Air MVA for title application and tags... along the way I was approached by two people asking questions (one followed me into the parking lot). On the way home a guy pulled in front of me and was waving frantically for me to pull over / follow him into a parking lot (I didn't follow him as I didn't have the time). I spotted another guy taking pictures with his phone while I was stopped at a light... When I got home a neighbor I've never met, who was walking his dog, stopped to ask questions.

    Oliver & Corrie advised that we should allow extra time in our schedule when towing to answer questions and meet new people.

    By the way, we also travel with our dog (Plott Hound).

    Perhaps we'll meet someday...

  13. Debandsteve

    Debandsteve Newbie

    Yes, we cannot go anywhere without having people asking questions: grocery store, gas stations, rest stops. We have a couple from our county (Calvert) coming by today to see our trailer. We have really enjoyed our trips but have found that we cannot be in a hurry when we stop. We hope to get to Cape Henlopen and/or Assateague a couple of weekends before they close for the year. We will let you know when if you would like cause a comotion with two Camp Inns in the parks.

  14. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    On my way home from Necedah, going about sixty down the highway, I had a pickup truck drive over into the left emergency lane so that they could take a picture of my camper. You can tell who the gawkers are. You are going 60, the speed limit is 70, they are in the left lane, hanging back about 20 feet, they speed up and you see them looking at a photo on their smart phone.

    I have had people follow me into grocery stores and rest stops. It is fun to show off the camper. Sometimes though, it can be a bit annoying. I was at a campground, all packed up and just turned on the car motor when the guy across the way came over and stood in front of my car shouting questions. It was quite apparent that he was not letting me leave until he got a tour. After that, four more people showed up. Now mind you, I had been in the campground all day the day before.

    Still, it is a great camper and I have enjoyed myself.
  15. Hi Debbie and Steve:

    A belated welcome to the Camp Inn world! You have not just purchased a trailer, you have entered a wonderful caring community. Maybe that seems a bit dramatic - but that has been my experience thus far.

    I actually received a tour of your trailer this past March when my Raindrop was at the same campground as yours.

    I hope to meet you at an outing sometime.

    Don't hesitate to ask questions - this is the place to do so.


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