Couch / Bunk Beds 4 Ppl In A 560???

Discussion in 'Camp-Inn Options & Accessories' started by Miki, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. Miki

    Miki Newbie

    Hi there
    We are just starting our search or a 560. Hoping to buy used because we are impulsive and our summer is short, half way over already. But we will order new if nothing pops up in The next month. Anyhow, I have yet to see a 560 but I am wondering if it will be comfortable with two adults and two kids for weeks at a time? Kids are 3y and 6 months and we plan to use it for years to come. I'd love to see a pic of the bunks and the big bed in one shot if anyone has one? I've heard they sleep basically right over your head.... Thanks!
  2. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Your family will fit nicely in the 560.

    To create a visual image of the bunks, imagine this at home.

    Your bed has a book case head board, at the level of your mattress is the first shelf, about 2 feet above that shelf is another shelf.

    The shelves are where the kids sleep. How you are going to keep them in their place, well, that story needs to be written. There is a "Nicole catcher", but may not keep a 3 year old in place.

  3. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    Alan says, "manufacturers don't make a camper big enough for 2 adults and 2 kids!!!" I say from the experience of only 23 nites in 6 months, "get something you can stand up in because you need the extra room when you encounter bad weather, somewhere to sit inside to eat or to play games, and more room for dressing and changing the baby's diapers etc." We love our Camp Inn 500 Special Teardrop...but personally, I believe your family needs something bigger than a 560 Raindrop.
    Good Luck and make Good Choices
  4. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    We've traveled with 4 people (two adults, one 14 year old, one 9 year old - three people 5 feet tall & under) in a 5 ft (#000)for 3 weeks. Several nights, the kids stayed in the tear when they didn't pitch their tent.

    Fast forward 8 years...we traveled for 2 weeks, same 4 people (kids now 22 & 17, now only two people 5 feet tall) in a tent (late fall, too cold).

    While I don't recommend this type of travel for everyone, (it really depends on your family dynamics), it worked well for us for the times we needed to do it.

    Now, although the 560 wasn't designed for 4 adults, it was specifically designed for 2 adults & 2 kids (that is how the idea came about). It actually does that pretty well, depending on the size of the kids (5 ft & under) & on how well your kids get along. The intent was that when the kids get old enough to be on their own, they can sleep in a tent.

    And about the "Nichole catcher," that is a story I, as her mother, would like to hear, as well as would Nichole...

  5. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member


    You certainly can sleep 2 adults and 2 children in a 560. We've done it several times. However, I wouldn't want to be cooped up in there for days at a time during bad weather. If they can go out and play during the day, I think this could work just fine.
  6. mariusz

    mariusz Junior Ranger

    with kids that young you would be fine for next 10 years
  7. Miki

    Miki Newbie

    Thanks everyone. That photo is perfect, exactly what I needed to see. We will be usually pitching a tent as well so there will be a bit more room... And as for bad weather, we live on the coast and are used to the instant rain.... I think it will work perfectly. Thanks!

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