Side Tent Side Tent Install Problem?...

Discussion in 'Camp-Inn Options & Accessories' started by Ken & Peggy, May 22, 2010.

  1. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    We've used our side tent a few times now, and are very happy with it. I think I'm not installing it quite right, though, because I can't get the strap(s) on the fender side of the door to adjust properly. #1 - There's always a gap between the side of the trailer and the tent, which really gets noisy when it's windy. And #2 - the strap over the roof never wants to stay put - it slides forward causing a gap in the flap that lays over the top of the camper. Water leaks under the flap and into the tent. I should have taken pictures, but it was raining... The strap(s) on the right (front)side of the door are just fine - no gap between it and the side of the trailer and no slippage of the tent causing gaps.

    Before I resort to double-sided tape, I was wondering if anybody has had a similar problem and dealt with it successfully?
  2. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    I've only set mine up twice, but I know it's important to have some kind of weight on the floor on either side of the door.

    (When we camped overnight in Camp-Inn's shop, I went and borrowed the weights out of their display model.)
  3. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    I have had limited success with a good fit. I have begun to stake the wheel side corner under the the profile of the camper, biased somewhat behind the wheel. This gave a good fit and the door closed without interference. I have found you need to stake this corner down first. There are some other side tents out there. Next time I stumble in to one, I will post it. I never anticipated the side tent to be rain tight. A good blow and rain will find its way in.
    I hope some postings will enlighten us all.
  4. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    That's a good idea - I will definitely try that change the next time out.
  5. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    We carry 4 empty 1 gallon water bottles when we set up the side tent we fill them with water and put 1 in each corner, the 2 closest to the tear drop get pushed under the tear drop a little bit to hold the tent close to the tear drop and it works very well ,i dont think you can keep all the rain water out.

    550 Classic #269 :)
  6. ddgraven

    ddgraven Newbie

    Side tents haven't been a problem for us. We put up two side tents, laying canvas under each tent. We carry approx. 20"x48" sheets of 3/4" plywood to lay on the inside of each tent floor (two to a tent). Light (and cheap) carpeting goes over the plywood. We've not had a problem with uneven or blacktopped sites which we run into a lot and so far have never had to stake the tents.
  7. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    It's nice to hear the different setups being used - I'm anxious to get back out and give them a try.
  8. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff


    Not sure but it may be just a strap adjustment thing. Is the roof flap sitting completely on the roof or is it somewhat pulled down the side? Sounds like the internal adjustment is pulled too tight an the roof flap is pulled down the side, that is about the only way water will come in under it. That roof flap needs to be completely on the roof.

  9. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    It's probably a strap adjustment. I do have the tent flap all the way onto the roof, though. The problem I'm having is the back roof strap always seems to 'slip' forward a bit, causing the gap. I think that staking the fender side of the tent floor a bit further back and slightly under the trailer will help.
    We've camped a couple times during some strong winds, and the left side strap of the tent wall starts 'drumming' pretty loudly against the side of the trailer. [It's not on the roof (because we use your tip of twisting the straps), but on the side of the trailer.] So hopefully this strap adjustment will solve that issue, too.
  10. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff


    Yours is a SUV setup right? On a Camp-Inn with the SUV option you do not install stakes in the stake loops closest to the trailer, you use the two by the pole ends. If you stake at the trailer on the SUV unit it will prevent the straps from properly hooking to the trailer. Their are two large metal hooks that need to grab the bottom of the side wall of the trailer. I have no idea if this has anything to do with this but wanted to make sure.

    For the roof, a little trick is to spread the roof straps outwards some. Move the front one forward and the rear one rearward towards the hatch. That will help the roof flap lay down nicer.

  11. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    We do have the SUV model, and I do use the loops at the pole ends. I will try spreading the roof straps to see if that does the trick.
  12. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member


    After using our tent all weekend in the rain, I agree with what Steve & Ellen said. Make sure the stake near the fender goes back under the trailer fender a bit. This really helps.

    I've got my own problem (very minor) with the tent - it may only apply to the 560.
    No matter how I adjust the poles or stakes, the tent always slants up towards the left. Things that aren't straight just bother me. :eek:

    Here are a couple photos.
    The roof straps are spread out as wide as they will possibly go - right up against the light.

    I don't think you are supposed to do this, but I moved the strap onto the other side of the light.
    For the first time, the tent was going up straight (the angle on the photo makes it look a little crooked still, but it's not)

    Now the strap that goes to the door stopper has too much slack.
    But this doesn't seem to be a problem for the tent.

    Inside, I'm getting a very nice fit around the fender, without the tent getting stuck in the door.

    Comments on this?
  13. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff


    The light block is kind of in the way on the 560. I put the tent on the light block right up against the light fixture. Not behind or in front of it. The edge of the tent should follow the seam on the trailer pretty well. In front of it is way too far forward like you are finding and behind it is just a bit too far back which causes the tent to be a bit crooked.

    The strap on the door stopper should have the stopper going through the hole in the hook, not the hook hooking the stopper.

    Otherwise looking good. Make sure the pull those roof straps good and tight. And also, put a twist in the roof straps. If you don't, a good wind will cause the roof straps to slap against the metal and scuff it.

  14. BobB

    BobB Novice

    Thanks all for this thread. We had our maiden voyage over the weekend and set up the side tent for the first time. We love it! Still working out the best flooring. Overall we seemed to get a good fit - though after reading this thread I think it was due to luck more than anything else. We had the front strap going to the front of the storage box (560 model). This seems to work, but Cary's commend on hooking to the door stop makes a lot more sense. It was nice and sunny - looking forward to seeing how it works in bad weather. Can't wait to give these tips a try!
  15. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    So Cary - Are you saying that this is the 'correct' position for the strap on the 560? (right on top of the light?)

    Hey, Bob - if you are wishing for rain I'll happily trade weather with you. :)
  16. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Here is another tip that really helps keep the water out. Buy a bottle of seam sealant to use on the side tent's seams. A bottle of seam sealant is now included when you purchase a tent, but for those of you who bought your side tent previously, you can get some at any camping store, hardware store or most department stores.

    You can also use a silicone spray. Last Spring, I used one called "Atsko Silicone Water-Guard" & sprayed the entire tent - seams & sidewalls, inside (not necessary) & out. It said only one coat was needed. It is scent free when dried & allows the fabric to breathe.

    Since then, we've had the tent in gentle & hard rains & not a drop of water got in. Results may vary, but it has worked well for us.

  17. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff


    Kind of, more to the rear of the light itself. Right on the tail of it.

  18. bherbig

    bherbig Novice

    I too had the strap going to the storage box on our 560 and ours always leaned off sideways too so I am looking forward to trying these tips this weekend. Thanks all for the great input!
  19. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Bruce - I think moving the roof strap onto the rear of the light (I think as shown in my picture) will help with the slanting more than the strap to the front storage box.

    (I never used the front storage box, but because my strap is too long to connect to the door stopper, I'm going to try the front storage box next time.)
  20. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Re: Side Tent install problem?... UPDATE

    Well, after adjusting the stakes so they sit a bit under the trailer, and by spreading the roof straps a bit further apart on the opposite side ot the trailer, the tent flap lays down nicely. We camped this past weekend in Indiana's Brown County SP again and even got some rain during the night Saturday, with no leaks.
    Thanks to all for the suggestions!

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