Update #588 Had It's First Trip & Is Home.

Discussion in 'Announcements & Build Journals' started by JimandSheri, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. JimandSheri

    JimandSheri Newbie

    we pick her up Friday May 31st, spend the first night at Great River Bluff State Park, MN and second night at Forestville Sate Park. It stormed the first night - we woke by the Ranger to be alert to take cover...but didn't have too. I love our TD and looking forward to the many adventures to come!
  2. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Well congrats. It rained on our maiden voyage also. I kinda look at it as a more of a baptism than a storm. Fun listening to the rain on the metal roof... makes me sleepy just thinking about it.


    Think I'll hit the sack. You all have a blast with your new CI and tell us all about your adventures.

    Camp On,

  3. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Congratulations! It's a pretty exciting event to take that TD out for the first time (or second, third, etc. time) We always experience a little thrill when we pull it out of the garage and hit the road. Enjoy!

    Bob and Kathy
  4. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    JimandSheri you will enjoy every trip at least as much as the first it keeps getting better.
  5. JimandSheri

    JimandSheri Newbie

    I made a trip across campus at work today to another building, had one gal ask me about our little camper. As I'm visiting with her walking down the hall I run into a classmate/FB buddy. She all excited to know more about this little camper as well! She got the whole story. I suggested she stop by my desk to pick up a flyer - yup got to have those handy! Her family just expanded with a newborn...I shared the model that has the bunk bed. I have our camper as my background on my desktop! Many stop and inquire if it is visible. Is it July 3rd yet? that's the next adventure. I did lay it in the driveway after making the bed. LOL!

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